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Penny & Bryce Linsenmayer pennylin at
Sat Dec 30 00:43:32 UTC 2000


Hi --

Maya Crabtree wrote:

> >My sister & I played the Quidditch game twice yesterday
> I wonder if you could describe it. (I mean, further than what you already
> wrote. ) in general ... I wonder how it's done.

It's a bit complicated but I'll try.  It's a board where you set up 3 plastic
hoop-like things at each end of the field.  Each player (2 players) or team has
7 player pieces -- 2 beaters, 3 chasers, 1 keeper & 1 seeker.  The keeper can
only move amongst certain spaces around his goal posts.  Very boring.  There
are 100 small tokens that get spread out, one in each green space on the
"field."  There are quite a few green spaces left though, once you've placed
the tokens face down randomly.  They are tiny little pieces & it's hard to
avoid seeing the reverse side while you're putting them down or while you're
moving players around.  The board is *too* small!!  Are you listening Hedwig
who works for Warner Bros?  <g>

There is one golden snitch token; numerous "Hogwarts" tokens that have no
effect on play (get removed from the Board as they are turned over); several
"quaffle" tokens (if a chaser lands on one, they get a quaffle shot; if another
player lands on one, he just leaves it there & you try to get a chaser toward
it pronto); several "speed" tokens which allow you to roll both dice on the
next turn; several penalty tokens which remove a player from the game for 1
round of play; several "slow potion" tokens which require a player to sit out
that turn but resume play on the next round -- I think that's it on the tokens.

The first 2 times that a "1" is rolled, the player rolling the "1" gets control
of a bludger.  If you land on or over an opponent's player, you remove that
player from the game for 2 full rounds.  If one of your opponent's beaters
lands in a space next to your bludger, he takes control of the bludger.  We
found that you typically lost control of both bludgers before actually getting
to move them to try & knock out a player.  <g>

If a chaser gets a quaffle token, he gets a shot at the goal not being guarded
by the opponent's keeper -- very tricky to use the launcher.  We didn't score
many quaffle goals.  If you score a quaffle goal, you get to try & shoot again
on the next turn in lieu of moving that chaser.

If the seeker turns over the snitch token, game is over (150 points to that
team).  If another player turns it over, it just stays up & you try to race
your seekers to get it.

There are more rules & such but that's the basic gist of it.

MORE MERCHANDISE -- I got like 4 pewter Dumbledore ornaments & several
duplicate bookmarks, so I took all of it to Hallmark yesterday to exchange for
.. I knew not what.  Turns out -- I'm *so* excited, I was able to get the
glass, handpainted Hermione ornament to go with my handpainted Harry ornament
for all of $.63 after the exchanged items weighed in.  Yay!  Hurrah!  They are
hanging sweetly next to one another on my tree at this moment.

Must decide if I want the Ron one as an investment or if he'd only get in the
way of my H/H ornaments.  <g>


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