H/H shippers clues

SKTHOMPSON_1 at msn.com SKTHOMPSON_1 at msn.com
Sat Dec 30 07:50:54 UTC 2000


--- In HPforGrownups at egroups.com, Penny & Bryce Linsenmayer >>> 
>>>Ah ... in short: she bought him expensive birthday gifts in CoS, 
PoA &> GoF (granted, we don't even know when Ron's birthday *is* or 
what> Hermione might be buying him); she chose to spend all or the 
vast> majority of her time with Harry rather than Ron during the H/R 

For some reason, I was thinking there were more pre-GoF 'clues'.  
Okay, true about the presents, both the Harry and Ron parts.  I 
always thought she spent her time with Harry because she felt badly 
for him.  If she didn't hang around with him, he'd be alone.  She's 
too nice to let Harry be all by himself.  I know someone mentioned 
Ron was hanging around with a group of guys...

>>it's Harry who is the recipient of Krum's jealousy, not Ron
> ("Herm-own-ninny talks about Harry all the time according to Krum); 
she> kissed Harry at the end of GoF.<<<<<<<<<< 

Well, Harry was the one going through the whole tri-wizard ordeal.  
Plus, he always has Vold trying to kill him.  She's worried about 
him.  What is there to say about Ron?  I don't know what to think 
about the kiss...

>>>It's also just a feeling that I have as> well, much like the R/H 
shippers see a mutual attraction between those> two, I see evidence 
that Hermione likes Harry instead.  I'm very> intrigued by the girl 
that came up with the "Square" theory that Ebony> talked about 
yesterday, before PoA.  I know I wouldn't have picked up on
> it until after PoA.<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Yeah, you know, that site belongs to a girl named Shanna, or Shana, 
don't remember now; she's about fifteen, somewhere in CA.  I posted a 
link to her previous HP site (this other that Ebony posted is 
Shanna's new one, I think), back on hpanon, way back when (or it may 
have been Hogwarts Adult School).  Her's was the first HP site I went 
to and bookmarked.  She has the best rumors.  Would love to know 
where she gets some of that info.  I don't believe I ever saw the 
page with the 'square theory'.  Though I don't really see the 
evidence that Harry likes Herm, I can see the F-I-T-D theory.  Aside 
from the crush on Cho, it doesn't seem like Harry likes anyone.  Not 
quite a square, what would you call it?

                                / \
                           GINNY  HERMIONE

>>I guess I just agree with the instincts & intuition of all these 
teenage> kids who think Hermione likes Harry.  It's a gut feeling, 
combined with> the "evidence" cited above.  I know it won't be strong 
enough to> convince any R/H shipper to change sides, but it's good 
enough for me.> I still put my money on some variation of Farmer in 
the Dell/Square> theory.<<<<<<<<<<<

I wonder though, if the teenage kids are pairing Herm with Harry 
because Herm is such a great character, so she'd _have_ to be with 
the "hero"?  Maybe the teen kids (was it all girls, or did boys feel 
the same?) are thinking that -they'd- go for the "hero" so, that's 
who Herm should be with?  (Projecting how they would feel onto 
Herm.)  You know, the 'hero' -always- gets 'the girl'...  (Geez, did 
that make ~any~ sense?)
>>>There are also people like my sister, who have read each book 
through> once, and are amazed that people would think anything other 
than> Hermione likes Harry but Ron likes Hermione.  Since she has 
accurately> predicted more about each book's surprises & plot twists 
than anyone> else I know, I'll put my money on her instincts as 
well.  <g> <<<<<<<<<<<<

Hmm.  She may be absolutely right.  The first time I read the books, 
and before I knew ANY of you guys <g>, I didn't see any 'Herm likes 
Harry', just Ron likes Herm.  And, of course, this is from someone 
who hasn't made any correct predictions...YET... ;o] 
[[[> > I don't see it like this, either.  I do expect rays of hope 
for the> > surviving good guys (and for us as well), and, as of now, 
I'm still> > putting my money on R/He, Ha/G.  I in no way see the 
ending as> > maudlin or schmaltzy.  By the same token, I don't see 
the end being> > gloomily, depressingly dark, either.  Somber, but 
hopeful...?  More> > like that...]]]]
>>>Yes -- like you, I see the ending as being something somewhere in
> between schmaltzy and dead depressing.  I don't think it will be all
> gloom & doom at the end; there will likely be a ray of sunshine & 
hope> for our surviving characters.  But, I think there will have 
been losses> along the way.<<<<<<<<

Absolutely agreed.

>>>And, I just don't see JKR as the type author who will go> for 
the "tie *everything* up with a neat bow" at the end.<<<<<<<<<

*Everything*?  No.  I don't see that happening.  I CAN see her 
pairing off Ha/G and R/He, though.  (Probably just my latest 
incorrect prediction, right?  Just call me Trelawney...)  I'd be 
surprised if there WEREN'T several loose threads hanging, in case she 
decides she may want to return to HP someday...
[[> > Bet you guys wish I had stayed lurking, right?]]
>>No, not at all.  Great thoughts!
> Penny<<<<<<<<<<<<
Haha.  Why, thank you, Penny.  For the longest time (what two, three 
months?) I felt I had nothing else to say...  Should have known 

Oh, and does anyone know?  Will the owl poster for the movie be 
available for purchase?  I'd love one that says "Philosopher's Stone" 
with green ink.  Think I'll start practicing---  "Accio poster!  
Accio poster!"  I FEEL the POW-ah...


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