Little announcement

zsenya at zsenya at
Sun Dec 31 05:02:47 UTC 2000


Er, I hope this is okay to post, but I wanted to make a little 
announcement about a website that I have been working on with my 
friend Arabella.   Perhaps I should add a warning - it is devoted to 
R/H-dom, so all three or four of you will be very interested...Here is 
the official wording, as posted on

Fanfic has become such fun for me that I've decided to branch out. 
Arabella (another author here - go HQoW!) and I have decided to become 
the Headmistresses of our own HP website! We now invite you to visit, a site for fanfiction writers and 
like-minded Potterites, where you are welcome to submit your stories 
for beta-reading, and also to post your opinions for discussion on 
our boards! 

[Note for HP for Grownups - the main motivation for this site, we have 
to admit, is to have a shrine to Ron/Hermione, Harry/Ginny fan 
fiction, as well as drooling over Sirius and Lupin - we just wanted to 
gather what we could find that supported our theories in one place.  
It's been a great deal of fun to work on and we are really enjoying 

Please be advised: The Sugar Quill DOES NOT OFFICIALLY OPEN UNTIL 
JANUARY THE 5th, 2001. It's still a bit rough! Arabella and I (and the 
other dear Professors at Sugar Quill) are currently on our merry 
holidays and will be quite unable to fulfill our headmistressly duties 
until that time  In the meantime, please come and browse and submit 
stories to us and join in the fray of discussion - just don't expect 
responses to your stories until AFTER JANUARY THE 5th! Thanks again, 
and see you at The Sugar Quill! 


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