Chapter 17 - the Goblet of Fire
Schlobin at
Schlobin at
Wed Nov 1 05:04:04 UTC 2000
The Triwizard tournament has been resurrected at Hogwarts with much fanfare
after more than a century.
Three champions were chosen: Viktor Krum from Durmstrang, Fleur Delacour from
Beauxbatons and Cedric Diggory from Hogwarts (Hufflepuff).Then, at the end of
the preceding chapter Harry’s name emerges from the Goblet, despite the fact
that there was supposed to be only one champion from each school.
The chapter begins with reactions to this event. All are astonished; some
are angry. Madame Maxine and Karkaroff accuse Dumbledoreof duplicity. Snape
immediately blames Harry and McGonagall rushes to both Dumbledore’s and
Harry’s defense. Dumbledore asks Harry point blank if he puthis name in the
goblet and Harry says no.
Bartemius Crouch Senior and Ludo Bagman are appealed to for a decision. Barty
says that rules are rules and that the “rules state clearly that those people
whose names come out of the Goblet of Fire are bound to compete in the
tournament.” Harry
notices that Crouch
looks ill, and that there were “dark shadows beneath his eyes” that had not
been there at the Quidditch world cup.
Karkaroff, who alternates in this chapter between being oily and unctuous,
and ugly and nasty, complains bitterly about his inability to submit younger
students from Durmstrang, and threatens to leave.
Alastor Moody appears and casts scorn on Karkaroff, reminding him that the
champions must all compete, that it is a “binding magical contract”.
Karkaroff taunts Moody as paranoid, and Moody intimidateshim by insinuating
that Karkaroff knows too much about the Dark Arts. Moody has already made
such insinuations about Lucius Malfoy and Severus Snape.
Moody electrifies the group by stating that someone is trying to kill Harry.
Moody says it must be a very powerful wizard, someone with the ability to put
the difficult Confundus Charm on the goblet so that it would forget that only
3 schools compete in the tournament. He suggests that someone submitted
Harry’s name as the only student in a fourth non-existent school and that
was how he was selected.
The champions leave, and Harry returns to the Gryffindor common room in
shock. On the way, Cedric Diggory makes it clear that he does not believe
Harry’s assertion that he didn’t put his name into the Goblet ofFire.
Harry’s mind whirls. He is scared of competing against older students, of
taking on dangerous tasks, and of making a fool of himself in front of
hundreds of people. He wonders if Moody is right,
and asks himself who wants him dead. He remembers his dream in whichVoldemort
and Wormtail had been plotting his murder.
He continues to be in shock, obsessing over what hashappened, while the
Gryffindors celebrate riotously in the common room. Everyone ignores his
repeated statements that he didn’t put his name in the Goblet, and that he’s
hungry and tired. He longs to escape to the security and sanity
of Ron and Hermione. He yearns for the same type of discussions they’ve had
in the past .
He is in for a rude shock. Ron does not believe him. Envy (that deadly sin)
has obviously been simmering below the surface within Ron and it erupts. He
suggests that of course Harry
put his name in, and that Harry wants the money, the fame, and the
opportunity to not have to take his exams. Before going to bed, hetakes a
nasty potshot at Harry stating that Harry will probably have to be upearly
for a photo shoot.
Harry is thunderstruck and desolate. Ron had been one of the few people he
had been sure would believe him.
This is a pivotal chapter. Up until now, life has been asnormal as it gets
for Harry. Okay, his scar hurts, and he’s worried about it,
but he has been hanging out with his friends at Hogwarts. Alastor Moody
haseven turned Draco Malfoy into a ferret. He has the support of his
Then the rug is jerked out from under him. He’s thrust intoa major
competition that he fears
is beyond him. He is understandably of the opinion that Lord Voldemort is
plotting to kill him.And…a key element of his new identity, his new life, ---
his friendship withRon -- is jeopardized.
In the midst of the Dursley desert, yearning for any kind ofvalidation or
even conversation, Harry holds on to his friendships withHermione, Hagrid and
Ron. They send him birthday gifts. The Weasleys rescue himand take him to the
Quidditch World Cup. Harry, Ron and Hermione have
figured out the riddle of the Philosopher’s Stone, all threesurmounting
hurdles. They’ve been through many adventures. And suddenly, Harry’sbest
friend is not there for him.
The Triwizard tournament has been resurrected at Hogwarts withmuch fanfare
after more than a century. Three champions were chosen: Viktor Krum from
Durmstrang,Fleur Delacour from Beauxbatons and Cedric Diggory from Hogwarts
(Hufflepuff).Then, at the end of the preceding chapter Harry’s name emerges
from the Goblet,despite the fact that there was supposed to be only one
champion from each school. The chapter begins with reactions to this event.
All are astonished; some are angry. MadameMaxine and Karkaroff accuse
Dumbledoreof duplicity. Snape immediately blames Harry and McGonagall rushes
to bothDumbledore’s and Harry’s defense. Dumbledore asks Harry point blank
if he puthis name in the goblet and Harry says no. Bartemius Crouch Senior
and Ludo Bagman are appealed to fora decision. Barty says that rules are
rules and that the “rules state clearlythat those people whose names come out
of the Goblet of Fire are bound tocompete in the tournament.” Harrynotices
that Crouch looks ill, and that there were “dark shadows beneath hiseyes”
.that had not been there at the Quidditch world cup. Karkaroff, who
alternates in this chapter between being oily and unctuous, and ugly and
nasty, complains bitterly about his inability to submit younger students
from Durmstrang, and threatens to leave.
Alastor Moody appears and casts scorn on Karkaroff, reminding him that the
champions must all compete, that it is a “binding magical contract”.
Karkaroff taunts Moody as paranoid, and Moody intimidates him by
insinuating that Karkaroff knows too much about the Dark Arts Moody has
already made such insinuations about Lucius Malfoy and Severus Snape.
Moody electrifies the group by stating that someone is trying to kill Harry.
Moody says it must be a very powerful wizard, someone with the ability to put
the difficult Confundus Charm on the goblet so that it wouldforget that only
3 schools compete in the tournament. He suggests that someonesubmitted
Harry’s name as the only student in a fourth non-existent school and that
was how he was selected. The champions leave, and Harry returns to the
Gryffindor common room in shock. On the way, Cedric Diggory makes it clear
that he does not believe Harry who says that he didn’t put his name into the
Goblet of Fire.
Harry’s mind whirls. He is scared of competing against older students, of
taking on dangerous tasks, and of making a fool of himself in front of
hundreds of people. He wonders if Moody is right, and asks himself who wants
him dead. He remembers his dream in which Voldemort and Wormtail had been
plotting his murder.
He continues to be in shock, obsessing over what has happened, while the
Gryffindors celebrate riotously in the common room. Everyone ignores his
repeated statements that he didn’t put his name in the Goblet, and that he’s
hungry and tired. He longs to escape to the security and sanity of Ron and
Hermione. He yearns for the same type of discussions they’ve had in the past
and strategies about what to do in the future.
He is in for a rude shock. Ron does not believe him. Envy ( that deadly sin)
has obviously been simmering below the surface within Ron and it erupts. He
suggests that of course Harry put his name in, and that Harry wants the
money, the fame,and the opportunity to not have to take his exams. Before
going to bed, he takes a nasty potshot to shoot. Harry is thunderstruck
and desolate. Ron had been one of the few people he had been sure would
believe him.
is a pivotal chapter. Up until now, life has been as normal as it gets for
Harry. Okay, his scar hurts, and he’s worried about it,but he has been
hanging out with his friends at Hogwarts. Alastor Moody has even turned Draco
Malfoy into a ferret. Harry has the support of his godfather.
Then the rug is jerked out from under him. He’s thrust intoa major
competition that he fears is beyond him. He is understandably of the opinion
that Lord Voldemort is plotting to kill him. And…a key element of his
new identity, his new life, --- his friendship withRon -- is jeopardized. In
the midst of the Dursley desert, yearning for any kind ofvalidation or even
conversation, Harry holds on to his friendships withHermione, Hagrid and Ron.
They send him birthday gifts. The Weasleys rescue him and take him to the
Quidditch World Cup. Harry, Ron and Hermione have figured out the riddle of
the Philosopher’s Stone, all three surmounting hurdles. They’ve been through
many adventures. And suddenly, Harry’s best friend is not there for him.
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