[HPforGrownups] REal life muggles

Peg Kerr pkerr06 at attglobal.net
Sat Nov 4 03:36:02 UTC 2000


Amanda Lewanski wrote:

> HarryPotterJrs at aol.com wrote:
> > Talking about Witchcraft and Wicca, for the record, we have always spoke of
> > non-witchy folks as Mundanes.
> In my medieval recreation group, the Society for Creative Anachronism, we talk of
> non-participants as mundanes (or used to; it's being discouraged by the
> image-conscious). It was founded in 1966; I wonder if the usage bled over from
> Wicca, or vice versa? Hmmm.

Science fiction/fantasy fans use the term, too.  I hear it a lot at conventions.
It's kind of comic, really: a nicely dressed woman, there at the hotel for a
chiropractor's convention, will get on the elevator with a Klingon in full regalia.
She'll give him the once over, raise an eyebrow, and get off at her floor.  And the
Klingon will turn to the Romulan standing beside him and say witheringly: "Those
mundanes just don't understand."


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