[HPforGrownups] Re: Research Help (medium-long)
Penny & Bryce Linsenmayer
pennylin at swbell.net
Mon Nov 6 03:27:45 UTC 2000
Hi --
Ellimist15 at aol.com wrote:
> Quin said:
> I think that the paralleled couples are Harry-James, Hermione-Sirius,
> Ron-Pettigrew, and Neville-Lupin
> Really? I thought of them as Harry-James, Hermione-Lupin, and
> Ron-Sirius.
I replied to Quinn personally already but I'll chime in a bit here too.
Like Ellie, I agree completely with the Harry-James comparisons. That
one is pretty much a no-brainer in my mind.
Unlike Ellie though, I think the Hermione-Sirius parallel is spot on.
If we think about what we know about Sirius, the one thing we know
indisputably is that James Potter trusted Sirius beyond all his other
friends, and we know that loyalty was of utmost importance to Sirius.
Hermione has been the most loyal of Harry's friends. The strong loyalty
displayed by both characters supports this parallel. But, there's also
the issue of intellect. I don't dispute the notion that Lupin is an
intellectual and very bright. But, Sirius and James are the ones cited
as the brightest students in their class. I think Lupin was a strong
student and is obviously quite bright to go on to be a respected &
effective teacher. But, it may well be that Sirius' intellect was
sharper -- it would seem so from what McGonagall said in the Three
As for making a parallel between Ron & Sirius, yes, alot of fanfic
authors (including Carole & me) have attributed a quick, hot temper to
Sirius. But, really, if you step back & think about it -- Sirius was
hot-tempered in PoA with good reason. We don't see so much of that in
GoF I don't think. He is rash in GoF, but not necessarily hot-tempered.
Moving on to Neville & Lupin -- I had never really thought of this
parallel before. But, there are good arguments to be made I think. They
are both somewhat "behind the scenes" kind of guys. They both have an
inner core of strength that they don't display to just anyone. They can
both draw on their inner strength when needed and they're both good and
loyal friends. I like this particular parallel myself.
Now -- Ron and Pettigrew. I think we don't know enough yet -- not
really. I *can* make arguments to support this parallel but those
arguments are all largely conjectural, not necessarily based on strong
evidence from the canon. Ahem . . . at the risk of re-starting the Ron
debates, I will say that Pettigrew must have been very insecure and
well. . . . we all know what I think about Ron in that regard. But,
OTOH, I don't think Ron has near the problems that Pettigrew seems to
have had from what limited amount we know. He is painted as rather a
tag-along, hanger-on sort of kid. Ron is definitely not that sort of
person. He's an equal member of the Trio. I think the capacity for
betrayal is there but .... it sure remains to be seen whether Ron will
succumb to that sort of pressure.
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