[HPforGrownups] Re: Canon Draco vs Fanfic Draco

lrcjestes lrcjestes at msn.com
Thu Nov 16 04:09:57 UTC 2000


----- Original Message -----
From: "Flying Ford Anglia" <neilward at dircon.co.uk>

You, Steve, and SML made some really good points in your posts and I just
wanted to comment on a few of them...

>confuse fanfic facts with fic facts.

Say that 3 times fast...couldn't resist...hehehehehehehe

>Harry and his year are still
>barely into adolescence and HP fans are already imagining our hero's
>antics as a strapping adult and writing feverishly about
>the "Marauder" years.  I suspect that JK Rowling has written less
>than 0.001% of the Harry Potter fiction now in existence.

You know there are over 10,000 HP fanfic stories posted on ff.net!!!!  It
boggles the mind!

>Writing fanfic in the middle of a series of books must be
>disheartening at times, because the author can so easily throw a
>spanner in your work.  She has the power to kill off your lead
>character in the opening pages of her next book or contradict the
>premise of your masterpiece with a single comment in an interview.

Yeah, Penny and I were sweating out GoF for fear of Sirius being killed off.
Now he only has to make it through 3 more books.  But then we live in an
alternate universe so even if he is killed,  I'll still fantasize about him!
As I said last night..I'm finding him in other books as well now so who
needs JKR?    :--)

>Also, there's the argument that the best fanfic writers really ought
>to be writing their own stories and becoming famous millionaires in
>their own right, countered by the argument that some truly stunning
>fanfic writers might never have put fingers to keyboard ('pen to
>paper' is so pass) if it hadn't been for Harry Potter.

I know I would not have.  Fanfic has given me enough constraints to try
writing without that feeling of ...good lord where do I start...that an
original story has.  I amy try an original story someday...maybe I'll name
him Sean or Jonathan....hehehehehehe

>When it comes to the deep discussions we have here, the causation is
>the same really.  We *need* some sort of outlet for our enthusiasm.
>If we can't write fanfic, we design a Harry Potter website, or
>collect the books in every known language, or lust after over-priced
>pillowcases or trinkets, or compose comic songs, or just empty out
>our spinning thoughts into the Pensieve we call the HP4GU message

Man that was eloquently put...I like the allusion to the Pensieve!

>Some of us are more obsessed than others, but it is a form of

But I can stop anytime...right?

>But, hey, it's fun, isn't it?

Its preserved my mental health for 8 months now...its a hobby, like
knitting...only you get ideas instead of sweaters in the end.

I know this is kind of a long...me too post, but it was so well said I
couldn't resist...plus our daily message totals were kind of low ...


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