Why Hermione isn't in Ravenclaw
Penny & Bryce Linsenmayer
pennylin at swbell.net
Wed Nov 29 21:47:22 UTC 2000
Hi --
Susan McGee wrote:
> We all have wondered why Hermione isn't in Ravenclaw because of her
> focus on scholarship and knowledge (You're the cleverest witch of
> your age I've ever met..said Lupin).
> <snip>
> I think we have all assumed that the sorting hat placed students into
> houses based on their abilities. I would suggest that it places the
> students in part based on their abilities, in part based on their
> characters, but that the final decision is based on what they truly
> want. We have been confused because Hermione -- obviously an
> outstanding student who is bright, is focused and works hard -- is
> not in Ravenclaw. Well, deep down, Hermione values being brave,
> daring and chivalrous over being smart -- hence she is in Gryffindor.
I'll agree with Pam that I think it's very much their choices &
self-identity that largely determines their House at Hogwarts. Hermione
wanted very much to be in Gryffindor -- she said so on the Hogwarts
Express. And, she seemed elated that she'd been sorted into Gryffindor
-- running to the Gryffindor table. I think she values bravery &
chivalry like Susan says and/or I think it's possible that the Sorting
Hat sensed that about her. In other words, it might not always be as it
was with Harry thinking out loud "Not Slytherin, not Slytherin."
Hermione might not have been *asking* for Gryffindor, but it's certainly
possible that the Sorting Hat spotted that her intellect was not the
primary driving force behind her identity, despite outward appearances
to the contrary.
milz wrote:
> I have the tendency to think that Hermione's "smarts" are acquired and
> not inherent. In other words, she isn't "naturally bright". She is
> constantly studying, constantly memorizing. What if Hermione stopped
> studying as hard for once? Will her grades resemble those of the other
> Gryffindors or will they stay constant?
Like Pam, I think you're selling Hermione short (there's a surprise -
Penny leaping to the defense of Hermione!). I just don't think that she
could study hard enough to do everything that she does without some
natural intellectual ability -- in fact, I think she has considerably
more than average intellectual ability. For one thing, alot of the
subjects at Hogwarts require more than just "book-learning" when it
comes time for exams. Knowing the theory behind summoning charms isn't
going to help one bit if you can't put it into application. DADA is
almost entirely practical application it would seem. Potions is
probably alot like chemistry I suppose ... memory work might come more
in handy there and in History of Magic. But, it seems as though the
majority of their subjects involve anywhere from a fair bit to extensive
practical application that can't be solved by book-learning alone.
These aren't subjects like English literature, history, psychology,
classics, etc. where rote memorization & spitting back the right answers
on a written test is going to allow an average student to excel
She's also demonstrated the ability to think on her feet & extract
herself & Harry & Ron from predicaments on several occasions. She
didn't *always* have time to run to the library. I'm thinking in
particular of the logic required to solve the potions obstacle in SS.
In my experience, people who are logical analytical thinkers are
oftentimes exceedingly bright individuals.
I think she demonstrates the practical application of her knowledge
outside the classroom quite often -- often enough to refute any charges
that she simply studies & practices until she gets it right so she can
show off in class the next day. That would also imply sort of a
short-term memory skill, and Hermione definitely seems to retain her
knowledge. Moody (okay, Crouch-as-Moody) also seems to think she has
the right sort of logical thinking and other skills to make her good
Auror material.
Plus, if she's doing as much running around & hanging out with the boys
as it seems, she probably doesn't have time to study as much as if she
were still friendless. <g>
> Or maybe Hermione studies so much because she's a little miffed she wasn't sorted into Ravenclaw
> and is trying to prove the Sorting Hat wrong?
She wanted to be in Gryffindor though. She said so on the Hogwarts
> Until we get a glimpse on the study habits of the average Ravenclaw,
> we can't really answer those questions, imo. And since the Gryffindors
> don't seem to have classes with the Ravenclaws, that might be
> impossible.
Well, we know that Hermione was top of her year in 1st & 2nd years for
sure so.... I guess she's done better than all the Ravenclaws in any
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