[HPforGrownups] book 4... something troubles me...

Caius Marcius coriolan at worldnet.att.net
Tue Oct 3 04:54:41 UTC 2000


----- Original Message -----
From: "Odile Alburquerque" <oalburquerque at hotmail.com>
To: <HPforGrownups at egroups.com>
Sent: Sunday, October 01, 2000 11:45 PM
Subject: [HPforGrownups] book 4... something troubles me...

Okay, now there is a piece of the puzzle in book 4 that troubles me.
If you all recall to chapter 36, page 696, 1st paragraph (hardcover),
Harry is back to Hogwarts, back from the conforatation with
Voldemort, and is explaining his experience to Dumbledore.

When Harry mentions  how Voldemort no longer felt pain when he
touched Harry's face. Right there, in the 2nd paragraph, it
says, "For a fleeting instant, Harry thought he saw a gleam of
somewhat like triumph in Dumbledore's eyes. But next second,
Harry was sure he imagined it." what is this supposed to mean?
Are we
going to find out in book 5, 6 or 7 that Dumbledore is actually evil??

If Dumbldore be false, o, then heaven mocks itself

(1) We've learned in Book Three,Chapter 22 about some of the mysterious
bonds that are formed when one Wizard saves another's life - the specific
example was Harry and Peter Pettigrew, but this would also apply to Harry
and Voldy (Harry's blood was needed to restore Voldy to corporeal form)

(2) In Book Four, Chapter One, Wormtail (aka Pettigrew) suggests that the
blood of any Wizard would do to restore Voldy to his body; with typical
bad-guy arrogance, Voldy concedes the point, but insists that it has to be
Harry: "I have my reasons for using the boy....and  I will use no other."

(3) In Book 4, Chap. 32, Voldy has used Harry to restore himself, but fails
to finish him off.  A mere 14-year-old staves off an all-out attack from the
most powerful Dark Wizard since Slytherin. An inextricable link has been
created between Harry and Voldy, and has not Voldy has left himself
vulnerable to a counterattack from Dumbledore & Co?

    - CMC

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