Lots of Topics
catlady at wicca.net
Wed Oct 11 07:16:14 UTC 2000
I oopsed when I said Roz and Terry were ENFJ, I meant ENFP -- the being
late to *every* meeting and starting *every* writing assignment ON the
deadline were part of the portrait! I'm INXJ and a Ravenclaw.
Having noticed that Bane is an ill-connoted name, I was distressed to
see that he was the black-furred AND black-skinned centaur.
I think the way that Muggle parents can send mail to their children at
Hogwarts is put the mail into an envelope addressed to a certain "suite
number" upstairs above the record shop next to the Leaky Cauldron and
send it by Muggle mail. Tom from the Leaky Cauldron picks up the mail
from that box, removes the Muggle envelopes, and takes it all to the Owl
Post Office on Diagon Alley. Maybe the senders also enclose some Muggle
money to be converted to wizarding money and used to pay the owl
I think that Snape did not know who were Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and
Prongs: after all, the boys wanted to keep their Animagery and
especially lycanthropy *secret* and publicly using nicknames based on
their animal forms would seem like a good way to let the secret out. I
think that Snape *suspected* Lupin and his old friends of being involved
with the Map because some of the insults that it wrote to Snape were
exactly the same as some of the insults that the boys had regularly
addressed to Severus over seven years, and therefore he was trying to
trick Lupin into confessing.
I think the scene in the graveyard shows that a couple of dozen Death
Eaters had each his (it seems like Mrs. Lestrange was the only female...
except Nagini) own appointed place in the Circle. Voldemort strolled
around the Circle addressing quite a number of them by name. I think
Karkaroff may have been lying about Death Eaters concealing their
identities from each other, when I think really he had not bothered to
learn the names of most of the ones who didn't stand near him in the
Circle or work with him, and he had forgotten many of the names he had
once known due to Dementor influence. If Snape or whoever was
Dumbledore's spy among the Death Eaters wasn't kept informed of Their
Side's plans, he/she couldn't have warned Dumbledore that Their Side
planned to kill the Potters. I think V and the DEs were in it as much
for the drama as for power, wealth, and physical immortality, and they
served as audience for each other's dramas. Being in it for the drama
would explain why V so thoroughly doesn't follow the Rules for Evil
So why did it never occur to ME that Severus must have seen Peter and
not Sirius in the Death Eater circle? Maybe he quit the Death Eaters
(and hid out in the safety of Hogwarts) after alerting Our Side to the
plan to kill the Potters but before the Potters dealt with that news by
use of Fidelius Charm, so he really didn't know who was the Secret
Keeper. In that case, when it comes to Snape resuming double-agenting,
his cover had already been blown long before Voldemort was on the back
of Quirrel's head.
The one I can't figure out is why Snape tried to prevent desperate Harry
from going to Dumbledore's office in GoF. By fourth year, Snape should
have noticed by now that when Harry says he *has* to tell Dumbledore
something, he really *does* have to tell Dumbledore something really
important. So if Snape really is on Dumbledore's side, why would he let
Dumbledore be deprived of important information just because of his
(Snape's) his desire to frustrate Harry?
Meanwhile, just how bad were things "when Voldemort was in power"? We
hear that during the 11 years before That Halloween, Voldemort killed so
many families that everyone was scared all the time, they couldn't even
bear to say his name, no one trusted even their best friends because
"anyone" (not just Slytherins) could have gone over to the Dark Side, or
been put under the Imperius Curse by the Dark Side --- but the Quidditch
World Cup still went on, people still had jobs and got married and sent
their kids to school, the Marauders cared about their mischief making,
and sneaking out of school to have fun, not about protecting their
families from being attacked by the Dark Side....
Eggplant has Harry dying on his 19th birthday because, after Harry
finishes school, he still has to wait one year for Ginny to finish
school so she can marry him and get pregnant before he dies. If Harry
married a girl his own age or older, they could get married as soon as
Harry finished school, and carry out the rest of the plot events in time
to die on his 18th birthday. Eggplant, have you ever considered fixing
Harry up with Cho instead of with Ginny?
/\ /\
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