Some observations and inquiries

Lisa Rourke lmrourke at
Wed Oct 11 17:15:10 UTC 2000


Hi.  I've just been catching up on the last few days of posts and I wanted
to comment on one in particular and then just throw out some observations
and inquiries on other HP topics that have been on my mind.
First, on the subject of Cornelius Fudge- I don't think anyone mentioned the
fact that it was he who gave Sirius the paper with the article on the
Weasleys in it containing the picture of Wormtail (setting into motion the
events that lead Wormtail back to Voldemort).  I didn't think about this
until I came to the end of GoF when Fudge refused to believe Harry's account
of what happened and dismissed Dumbledore's advice.  I suspect that he has
some connection to Voldemort but I don't think he is a DE.  I think it is
more likely that he is being controlled.
An aside comment to Amanda: I remember Harry Nilsson's The Point :-)  My
sister had the album.

On to the observation...with Halloween approaching, I was thinking about
that date and the fact that it was the day that Harry's parents were killed
by Voldemort. I'm sure somebody has probably noted this but things always
seem to happen at Hogwarts on this date also.  In PS/SS the mountain troll
attacks Hermione on Halloween.  In CoS the Chamber is opened and Harry hears
the basilisk in the pipes in the wall on Halloween.  In PoA Sirius Black
slashes the portrait of the Fat Lady and in GoF Harry is named the Fourth
Champion after his name is spit out of the Goblet of Fire.  Interesting.

One other thing that has been nagging at me has to do with being a Secret
Keeper.  I know we don't know how this works yet and that we'll hopefully
get more info in later books but if Voldemort can not find Harry's parents
unless the Secret Keeper tells him, then how can Sirius know where to find
them?  He says in PoA (American) chapter 19 pg. 365 after checking Peter's
hiding place and finding him gone...."I set out for your parents' house
straight away.  And when I saw their house, destroyed, and their bodies...."
Can it be that Secret Keeping only blocks out those with evil intentions or
that once the Secret was told everyone would know?  I don't have a good
anwer for this.  Any theories?

The other thing that I have been contemplating has to do with the day
Harry's parents died and who was actually there.  There was some discussion
a while back as to whether someone other that Voldemort, James, Lily and
Harry was there.  It also addressed the issue of Lily possibly being
Slytherin and/or Voldemort's daughter because of what Harry heard him say to
her when the Dementors came to near to him.  That made me reread the chapter
in PoA where Professor Lupin is trying to teach Harry how to produce a
patronus. Chapter 12 pg. 240-241   What stuck in my mind was the part
....."...then came a new voice, a man's voice, shouting, panicking-"Lily,
take Harry and go!  It's Him!  Go! Run!  I'll hold him off-".   And Harry
says "I heard my dad"  "That's the first time I've ever heard him-"   I
always took that at face value.  Harry heard his father.  But how does he
know the voice he heard really belong to his father?  We know the female
voice is that of his mother, she's even referred to by name.  But Harry
assumes the man's voice is his father's because he knows that they were
together when they died.  I think it would be just like JKR to make us
believe this by having Harry state it as fact.  I suppose one could argue
that he actually saw his father and heard him speak in GoF when he came out
of the wand but under the circumstances I don't he had time to compare the
voices he heard.  I just thought this would make an interesting twist and
lend credence to the theory that maybe somebody else was there trying to
protect them or warn them.

Well....just some food for thought.  I'm interested in what you all think

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