
mmarth at mmarth at
Fri Oct 13 19:30:20 UTC 2000


Since I have already mentioned that I like the Snape/vampire theory I 
want to give a few more reasons for my belief's.

Surely, we are going to see vampires sometime in this series.  We 
have seen unicorns, fairies, centaurs, werewolves, giant spiders, 
house-elves, giants, and half-giants.  I must mention here that if it 
is possible for a wizard and a giant to have a child than anything is 
possible, even a half-vampire!  

There are references to Snape's robes.  Bk 2 (Bloomsbury) pg 62  
There, his black robes rippling in a cold breeze, stood Severus 
Snape.  Bk 4 (American)pg 426 "keep walking, then!" Snape snarled, 
and he brushed past them, his long black cloak billowing out behind 
him. I think of the old vampire movies with their capes always 
blowing out!

How about this one:  Hermione and her teeth.  Bk 4 (American) pg 300  
Hermione was showing Snape her teeth.  Snape looked coldly at 
Hermione, then said, "I see no difference."  I just think this would 
be so funny if he were a vampire and was commenting on the size of 
HER teeth.

In book 3 there are other references.  First we have to remember the 
time Snape taught the DADA class when Lupin was ill.  He had them 
learning about werewolves in hopes that someone would catch on about 
Lupin. Of course, when Lupin came back and heard this he wasn't to 
excited about that.  Later the DADA class evidently started studying 
about vampires.  Bk 3 (Bloomsbury) pg 204  Harry and Neville meet in 
the hall.  Harry tells Neville (hoping to get away from him) that he 
was going to go to the library and do that vampire essay for 
Lupin....Neville wants to go to.  Neville replies, " I don't 
understand that thing aobut the garlic at all - do they have to eat 
it, or--Neville broke off with a small gasp, looking over Harry's 
shoulder.  It was Snape.  They were discussing garlic and vampires 
and here comes Snape.  A few pages later (213) Lupin rescues Harry 
and Ron from Snapes office. Lupin folds up the marauder's map and 
then says, "Harry, Ron, come with me, I need a word about my vampire 
essay.  Excuse us, Severus." Again, vampire references when Snape is 

Also, in bk 3 pg 313 Seamus and Dean Thomas are wondering what they 
will get next year for a DADA teacher.  "Maybe a vampire," suggested 
Dean Thomas hopefully.  Just a few paragraphs later Harry says 
Snape's behaviour towards him had been quite alarming:  Harry 
wouldn't have thought it possible that Snape's dislike for him could 
increase, but it certainly had done.  A muscle twitched unpleasantly 
at the corner of Snape's thin mouth every time he looked at Harry, 
and he was constantly flexing his fingers, as though itching to place 
them around Harry's throat.  Hmmmm............

GoF references (B) pg 566 Ron speaking about Snape: "Maybe - hang on -
 how fast d'you reckon he could've gotten down to the forest?  D'you 
reckon he could've beaten you and Dumbledore there?"  Not unless he 
can turn himself into a bat or something," said Harry.

He does spend a lot of time in the dungeons also. 

I know there are many reasons why it would seem he couldn't be one.  
He goes out in the daylight, he appears to eat at the teacher's 
table.  His skin color is yellow and not white.  The only reference 
to Snape ever looking white is in the first book on pg 224 after he 
was the referee at the Quidditch match: he saw Snape land nearby, 
white-faced and tight-lipped (maybe those teeth were trying to come 
out).  Maybe he had been out in the sun too long.  Oh well.....just a 

If Lupin can control his problems somewhat with a potion could not 
Snape, the potion master, do the same thing?

One more thing, in GoF (B) pg 651 Voldemort is talking to the Death 
Eaters and he is telling them some of his plans:  I shall have all my 
devoted servants returned to me, and an army of creatures whom all 
fear....... May I ask, what kind of creatures?  We know Dumbledore 
wants to get the giants on his side.  Maybe Dumbly could use some 
help from creatures such as vampires.....could not Snape help in that 
matter if he were one?

Well, enough for now. These are just some ideas.....



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