[HPforGrownups] [OT] No, (Luke)Harry, *I* am your father...

Denise Roger gypsycaine at yahoo.com
Sun Oct 15 01:57:40 UTC 2000


Sat watching StarWars today, and for some reason, I
kept paralleling it with HP the whole way through.

The parallels?  (This is ONLY about SW, not ESB or

Three main characters:  
Han, Luke, and Leia. 
Harry, Ron, and Hermione

Luke is a "country bumpkin" type who doesn't know the
ways of space very well.  (See Harry in the Wizard

Hans, well just because he's always fighting with Leia
throughout the movie.  

Leia and Hermione mainly due to the strength in the
their characters, both aren't afraid to do what needs
to be done.  Also, the weird hairstyles of each.

One main baddie:  Voldemort and (again, in this movie)
Darth Vader  Both are in the shadows...masked for now.
 Both have a connection to the leader male (Luke and
Harry) that we don't know about as the books open.

Hmm. Should I throw in a comment about Luke and Harry
and flying?  Or about Harry and his father, and Luke
taking after his "father" as he knows him?  At the
end, both Luke and Harry are the ones to save the day.

I can see the parallel of course between Vernon and
Owen.  Also between AD and Ben (like there's not
enough posts in the CASTING FAQs about that?)

I prolly could go on...



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