[HPforGrownups] Re: Questions for JKR

Denise Rogers gypsycaine at yahoo.com
Mon Oct 16 15:55:29 UTC 2000


Could you perhaps use the egroup URL when you ask the question, giving her at least a "chance" to visit (like she would, lol!), or have one of her "people" visit, hence they'll see ALLLLLLLLLLL the FAQ's we have, and perhaps they'll all be addressed in future books???


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: mmarth at peoplepc.com 
  To: HPforGrownups at egroups.com 
  Sent: Monday, October 16, 2000 9:32 AM
  Subject: [HPforGrownups] Re: Questions for JKR

  --- In HPforGrownups at egroups.com, "Simon J. Branford" 
  <simon.branford at h...> wrote:
  > Penny wrote: "I do wonder if all the questions are *given* to her, 
  even if
  > they aren't all posed to her officially.  In other words, I wonder 
  if she
  > might flip across our questions at some point later, even if they 
  don't make
  > the final cut.  Hmmmm...."

  I wouldn't be surprised if she knows the questions beforehand>
  > How about making some reference to the fact that it is a bunch of 
  > asking the questions?
  > Simon

  Yeah, I don't know if Rowling realizes how many adult fans are out 

  How about asking her who was kissing Florence in book 4.  If she 
  won't tell then we know it is important to the story.


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