[HPforGrownups] Times, and dates, please (was Questions for JKR)

Denise Rogers gypsycaine at yahoo.com
Mon Oct 16 16:54:38 UTC 2000


could you give a list of those interviews with Eastern Times and dates, so those of us who might be able to attend (and Not be at the dentist, grumble grumble...) can....
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Penny & Bryce Linsenmayer 
  To: HPforGrownups 
  Sent: Monday, October 16, 2000 10:27 AM
  Subject: [HPforGrownups] Questions for JKR

  Hi --

  I've taken down the various questions that seem likely to be answerable
  & will submit as many as I can during the Scholastic interview today.
  It appears to be set up so that you can ask questions during the
  interview, but not submit them in advance.  So, I'll probably only get
  one opportunity, if any.  Anyone else who can join in that interview,
  please do so & ask any questions that you want.  I think I'll ask the
  how old were James & Lily when Harry was born question as that's short &
  easy phrasing & can be answered very easily.

  When I submitted to the Today show, I did indicate that the question was
  from the HP for Grownups group (HPforGrownups at egroups.com).  I'd
  encourage everyone who submits a question to do the same -- some
  publicity for our group!  :--)

  The B&N interview on Friday allows you to submit questions in advance
  but only on the day of the interview.  So, I'll submit a few questions
  from the group that morning.  Anyone else should feel free to do so as

  Speaking of ages, someone should ask how old Bill & Charlie Weasley
  are!!  That's another good interview question for simple phrasing & an
  easy answer if she doesn't have to stop & think about it.  The confusing
  aspect is pointing out all the inconsistencies to her.  :--)


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