questions for JKR (long)
joym999 at
Mon Oct 16 19:47:41 UTC 2000
> Penny wrote: "Does anyone want to give me some thoughts on 2 other
> for these other interviews?"
--- In HPforGrownups at, "Simon J. Branford"
<simon.branford at h...> wrote:
> We have to be very careful as to what question we ask. It would be
better to
> ask a lesser question that we are quite sure will get an actual
> rather than asking a harder question which gets deflect with 'you
will have
> to wait and see'.
Simon has a good point. There are a whole list of questions I am
dying to know the answer to that I doubt JKR would answer, like:
Why does Voldemort want to kill Harry?
What was Professor Trewlawny's first accurate prediction?
What house was James Potter in when he went to Hogwarts?
Same question for the other Marauders and Lily.
What did James and Lily do for a living?
Why does Snape hate Harry and James so much?
Was Snape in love with Lily when they were Hogwarts students?
Why do the dementors try to give Harry the kiss of death (in PoA)?
In GoF, why was it necessary to have Harry win the Triwizard
Tournament in order to have him touch a portkey? Why couldn't
Moody/Crouch have just made any old thing into a portkey and thrown
it in Harry's path sometime during the school year, or even hit him
over the head with a spell?
Why, exactly, is everyone so afraid of Voldemort? Is it only because
he killed a lot of wizards/witches? Or was his reign of terror even
more terrible in some way?
But here are some others that she might, possibly, be willing to
answer: (Most of these are taken from a post I wrote a long time ago
about HP Mysteries)
Does Snape really want the Defense against the Dark Arts job or is
that just a rumor that the Hogwarts students have made up?
How many students attend Hogwarts?
Are there any other Gryffindor girls in Harrys year aside from
Hermione, Parvati and Lavender?
In SS/PS, Nearly Headless Nick says he hasn't eaten anything in
nearly 400 years, but in CoS (at the Deathday party) it turns out
he's been dead for 500 years. Which is it?
How did Hagrid get the key to the Potter's Gringotts vault?
How do the Dursleys get back to land from the Hut on the Rock, since
Hagrid and Harry take the boat when they leave? [Not that we really
care about the Dursleys troubles, but JKR might come up with a fun
How do new Hogwarts students who come from muggle families know how
to find Diagon Alley and Platform 9 3/4?
How come Moaning Myrtle is able to flood the bathroom? (Ghosts are
supposed to be able to pass through matter without disturbing it, and
there are numerous references in the book to them doing so, such as
Professor Binns entering the classroom through the blackboard)
How did Fawkes get into the Chamber of Secrets?
Do Harry and Hermione show up twice on the Marauder's Map while
are time traveling?
How come no one except Lupin ever noticed while looking at the
Marauders Map that Ron is always accompanied by Peter Pettigrew?
In PoA, when they are returning to the castle from the Shrieking
Shack, Lupin turns into a werewolf when the clouds part to show the
full moon. But if he only changes when the full moon is visible, why
doesn't he just stay inside?
What's the difference between a wizard and a warlock?
Dumbledore's card (from the Chocolate Frogs) says that one of his
accomplishments is the defeat of the dark wizard Grindelwald in
1945. Is Grindelwald supposed to be Hitler, or one of his
allies/advisors? Does that explain why the Allies won World War II?
[I think that this would be a particularly fun question to ask her; I
intend to submit it myself on the AOL chat.]
Where do kids from wizard families go to school before they are old
enough for Hogwarts? They have to learn to read and write somehow,
but if they went to regular schools wouldn't all the muggle kids
learn more than they should about witches and wizards?
What was in the letter that Dumbledore left with Harry on the
Dursley's doorstep when Harry was a baby?
Is it realistic that Harry, whose major passion in life is Quidditch,
would completely stop playing for an entire year (in GoF)? How come
they don't seem to even have "pickup" Quidditch games at Hogwarts,
they way they do when Harry is visiting the Weasley's house?
-- Joywitch
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