Scholastic chat---more comments
Mon Oct 16 21:28:16 UTC 2000
Simon wrote:
> I was quite impressed at some of the questions answered, JKR told
us quite a
> bit - I expected to have been kept in the dark about Lily's house
until the
> end.
Me too. I was convinced that would be part of the big denouement of
the series, or at least an important revelation. She did give more
info and comments than I expected.
And Martha-- I would love to beg someone for this (adult chat), but I
wouldn't have any idea how to go about it. Perhaps through her
British publisher? Anyone have any ideas? Maybe just lots of snail
mail pleading our case? I'm willing.
I know I'm being a real post-er child today, but I also want to talk
about one other topic in the chat: wizard ages. Since JKR confirmed
theories of many folks here that they have longer lifespans, what
does this do to our timelines and estimates of ages and so forth?
The Marauders, Lily, Snape, Molly, Arthur, Charlie, Bill---heck every
wizard adult, could be aged differently than we thought. Vold and
Hagrid seem to be the only ones we can be fairly sure of; plus, McG
is not much older than Vold, would she maybe have known him in
school? And, does a longer lifespan mean longer fertility periods
for withches? Lily might've been 50 when she had Harry. Hard to say
now. If Dumble is 150 and getting to look old and tired, then I
guess a 70 yr. old McG is just middle-aged. And a young-looking
Lupin could be 40 or maybe more, right? Molly and Arthur could be 60
or so. Anyone care to comment or theorize? Steve, what will this do
to your timeline? In a roundabout way, does this confirm
your 'different time for wizards' theory?
Kelley--giving you guys a break now
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