[HPforGrownups] Re: Neville and Snape

Denise Rogers gypsycaine at yahoo.com
Tue Oct 17 07:38:27 UTC 2000


I didn't say that!  Promise!  Not certain why my name's above that phrase, perhaps it was a quote of someone responding to something I responded to that someone responded to......


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Susan McGee 
  To: HPforGrownups at egroups.com 
  Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2000 1:15 AM
  Subject: [HPforGrownups] Re: Neville and Snape

  >   Dee
  >   Snape may be bitter and twisted, but you know what, there's no 
  one I'd
  >   rather have on my side in a fight.  He knows his stuff, he's 
  >   dependable, loyal.  If he's on your side, he stays there and 
  backs you up no
  >   matter what.  And you'd have to let him down in a seriously big 
  way for him
  >   to turn against you.  Also, he holds grudges like no one else, 
  and if you
  >   have a common enemy with him, you are virtually assured he will 
  not betray
  >   you to them.  Which is why AD wants him around.

  Never insult Albus Dumbledore in front of me!
  That said, I am disappointed in my hero AD for tolerating
  Snape's behavior. Snape is not doing "tough love".

  Professor...you have Neville Longbottom in your class. that means 
  disaster. No one learns by being humiliated, and Snape consistently
  picks on Neville. Snape (unlike Harry) MUST know that Neville has 
  lost his parents to the Death Eaters. Was Snape one who tortured 
  Neville's parents? (Perhaps not specifically, but let us remember 
  that Snape did something equivalent or he would not have been a death 

  Obviously, Snape has redeemed himself or he would not be at Hogwarts,
  but let us remember the havor that the DEs wrought. (I am 
  continuously perplexed by those who post and say that Voldemort just 
  killed a bunch of people...what's the big deal....I guess it would
  be a major deal if you came home one day to find the death mark over 
  your house and your partner and children dead?)
  Snape's redemption probably warrants a whole novel by itself.

  Yet, his behavior towards students is inexcusable. He is absolutely 
  and totally unfair towards Harry, Neville and the rest of the 
  Gryffindors. He starts out by targeting Harry, asking him unfair 
  questions, and taking points from G. Why? He doesn't like Harry's 
  father (oooh, that's a good reason). When he threatens Harry with the 
  truth serum, he is scary. And again, what he does to Neville is vile.


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