Animagi, lower-stream schooling, Crooks, etc.
particle at
Tue Oct 17 11:47:34 UTC 2000
> (storm) How do you know? (alarm) - what about his r/ship with Hedwig?
<g> also off on a tangent - all these unreagested Amimagus running around (3
of the mauraders, Rita) how hard can it be?
A few months ago, my pet theory was that there was once a fifth Marauder who
was female, but ended up turning against the others out of jealousy because
even Peter was a rat, and she was just a beetle, so her name (Shiny? Bugeye?
Squishy? Stalks[like antennae - hey, antlers aren't prongs, either]? okay,
okay, will stop now...) wasn't on the Marauder's Map, and...
For obvious reasons, I never really thought about writing a fic for it..^_^.
> of course, this is from the girl who wants to ask what Remus Lupin's
middle name is...
> (storm) you said it.
Hail, fellow Lupin freak.
> (storm) I'm gay/lesbian (goodness, how much self discloure can one list
take?) I don't think its derogartory, OTOH, homosexual sounds like somebodys
*very* uncomfortable but trying hard to be cool parent (IMO)
Oh, okay. I just wanted to check because I have distinct memories of this
guy in my class saying 'You're lesbians!' to these two girls in a lunchroom,
and they replied telling him he was gay, and both terms had clear
'sous-entendus' of 'you're stupid'. Of course, this was in 5th grade, but
then, I haven't been in an American school system since 6th...anyway, I
wanted to make sure.
> (storm) I think she has, maybe Hogwarts has some kind of achedimic (only
related to magic ability) streaming so the Ernie's of the world still go
there but get to learn other (simplier?) things
How come Harry hasn't commented on it? And then, how could they tell who to
put in which stream? Does the Sorting Hat tell the teachers, and then the
teachers give the students their schedules the next morning, when things
have been Sorted out? But that still doesn't explain why Harry hasn't
mentioned a single one of the lower stream students...the only way I find it
plausible is if there's another, second Hogwarts campus (my school has three
different campuses, and might soon have a fourth - it's reasonably feasible)
somewhere, and no one's bothered to tell Harry, or something.
And then, why isn't Neville in the lower stream? Couldn't they arrange it so
he had lower-stream subjects for everything except Herbology, or something?
Personally, I think that maybe the Ernie's of the world learn their trade by
apprenticeship, not schooling...or some combination thereof...
> (firebolt) Addtions:
> - Are there any specific elements (e.g. strength of wizard/witch,
personality, etc.) which determine the Animagus form of a wizard or witch,or
can they choose their form?
> - How old are Remus and Sirius?
> - How old are the Weasleys?
> (storm) yes excellant!And of course, what is Lupin's middle name?
> (firebolt) - Do you ever get tired of fans asking you the same questions
over and over again?
>(storm) lol -
Do we actually dare ask this question? It *would* be funny...
I subscribe that thought :) If I'm not mistaken, almost everywhere there's
an action including that cat, JKR gets it into acting like a human. I can
remember in GoF when Ron and Harry were making their homework and
predicting Harry's death, Crooshkanks looked at them as Hermione would
have... that's very suspect. Unless Hermione was doing the Imperio curse
at the cat :))) I'd say Crooshkanks has too much human-like profile. Any
lost animagi?>
That's too many Animagi. How about some sort of curse, or maybe he's someone
who should by rights be dead but somehow put himself into a feline body so
he could keep an eye on the doings of the world?
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