How did Voldy know? (Was Mr. Malfoy & the Chamber of Secrets)
Malabud at
Tue Oct 24 02:30:19 UTC 2000
Amanda wrote:
I haven't heard anyone positing a theory as to how the defeated
Voldemort lurking someplace obtained information from a
re-animated memory committed to a separate object (the diary) long
years ago and thinking and acting on its own via life-energy
obtained in the present day. The diary entity clearly knew nothing
of Voldemort's existence or actions past his own sixteenth year.
For Voldemort-of-the-forest to have learned what saved Harry in
their confrontation from Tom-o-the-diary, there *must* have been
some sort of communication, and I don't see how. Tom didn't learn
what he wanted to know until that confrontation scene in the
Chamber, and he "died" shortly thereafter when Harry put the fang
through the diary. The animating energy he'd stolen from Ginny was
returned, and the spell which caused him to "live" in the pages
was destroyed.
I'm on digest, so I'm always a little behind the times on discussions. But,
I do think I may have an answer to this one!
Okay, the problem is that we really don't see a way for the Tom-in-the-diary
to have imparted the info to Vold-in-the-forest that it was Lily's sacrifice
which saved baby Harry. Quite right, there was no way and no time. I agree
with Amanda.
Yet, how did ole Voldy know about it in GoF?
Kelley wrote:
When reading GoF, as you go through the story and learn Vold
wanted Harry's blood specifically, the gleam in Dumble's eye,
Dumble saying Vold's overcome that barrier or whatever, my mind
went to: okay, Vold overcame that protection, how did he know to
do this? from that part in CoS when he learned that it was Lily's
love/protection that saved Harry from him the first time. I never
gave it any more thought. Book 2 was just another instance of Vold
trying to remove his competition, yes? Albeit, not the Vold of
today, but still Vold just the same.
Like Kelley, I just kind of assumed that Voldemort is Voldemort is
Voldemort. If Tom knew something, it followed that Voldy knew it too. The
conflict of Voldemort knowing certain things when no one could have told him
didn't occur to me, at least until it came up as a discussion here. (This
group sure brings out the inner nitpicker in each of us, doesn't it!)
Now, Tom and Voldemort are the same individual, with the same logic skills
and thought processes, just different ages. (It doesn't seem to me that his
personality has changed much over the years, unfortunately.) When confronted
with Harry for the first time (for him) in CoS, young Tom sees the answer
fairly quickly, although with significant help from Harry.
Now, remember that in PS/SS, Harry met Voldemort within Quirrel. Also recall
that Quirrel could not touch Harry without a great deal of pain. After the
events at the end of PS/SS, I am sure Voldemort contemplated just what went
wrong long and hard after he fled to the forest. "Why couldn't I touch the
boy?" he must have wondered. "What is it about Potter that causes me pain if
I just touch him?"
He had plenty of time to consider the situation, and logical and intelligent
as he is, he must have come up with the right answer some time over the next
two years. Knowing magic as he does and being the egotistical tyrant that he
is, he would not have rested until he figured it out. His pride must have
demanded he discover why he couldn't touch Harry, and then also find a way
around it. As shown at the end of GoF, he did both. Now, he can touch (and
kill) Harry easily. Or that's what he thinks...
But now, with the gleam in Dumbledore's eye as a hint for us, we can
postulate that it may just be Voldemort's pride in overcoming Harry's
untouchablity that will be his downfall in the end. Who knows!
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