[HPforGrownups] Re: Harry Potter Moments & Various Things

voicelady voicelady at mymailstation.com
Fri Sep 1 00:16:55 UTC 2000


Jim,  Actually if you're serious and if I don't have to go alone, it sounds like a plan.  And maybe my "youthful" appearance along with some well-spoken, prepared statements could be a help, not a hindrance.  And two heads are infinitely better than one!  Send me an email (voicelady at mymailstation.com) and maybe we could actually set something up.
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--- In HPforGrownups at egroups.com, voicelady at m... wrote:
> On Thu, 31 August 2000, Penny & Bryce Linsenmayer wrote:
> > And, thanks to Voicelady for her support!!  Now, if I could just  persuade Voicelady & our other NY'ers to go meet face to face with Mr. 
McGrath . .  .
> Actually I would, if there weren't a slight problem with my  appearance.  Not that there's anything wrong with me, but I'm quite  petite and I also look like I'm about half my age.  It's often quite  frustrating, because strangers tend to patronize me and not take me  seriously.  Acting-wise, it's great, because I get all those teenager  parts!  However in real life, well, you get my point... <VBG>
> voicelady
----I'm an hour outside of NYC, I'm older and I'm tall.  We could make 
a team.  Especially if a few others in the area came along.  Actually  I think letter writing is the strongest suit, especially letters  pointing out how ridiculous the Times will look in years to come when  the HP series comes into its own and is recognized for the phenomenon  it is.  But if anyone gets anything together in the way of a  face-to-face I will be happy to add my presence.


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