[HPforGrownups] Re: FF.net Ratings, etc.

Kathleen Kelly MacMillan kathleen at carr.org
Mon Sep 4 16:03:12 UTC 2000


I know a lot of the fanfic over there is dreadful, but what really surprises 
me is how much of it is *really* good.  Maybe I am just getting better at 
wading through it, but it amazes me that with over 5000 items posted, even 
most of the poorly written stuff tends to have a good premise.  But I have 
been finding it encouraging how much of the stuff I have been reading is 
actually well written.


>===== Original Message From HPforGrownups at egroups.com =====
>I agree with Denise... please keep PoU, ASA, and all other stories
>intended for an adult audience rated R.  Most of the content over
>there is G and PG-13, though I find that many authors do not know how
>to rate their work appropriately.  This is how I found PoU in the
>first place, IIRC.
>I've mentioned here before that the NC-17 HP fic that I've read is
>for the most part VERY badly written.  I usually skip over it these
>days.  Rate ASA however you want to, Penny, but the R rating nowadays
>leaves a *lot* of leeway without the stigma.  To me, NC-17 is the PC
>way of rating something X.  <g>
>As for the general quality of HP fic:  I haven't had nearly as much
>time lately to dig over there, but for some reason the quality seems
>to be sinking as more novice writers find the FFnet site and upload
>like crazy.  But quality *is* there.  "Seek and ye shall find, knock
>and the door shall be opened, ask and it shall be given to you."
>I do hope Rita and some of the others here who are toying with the
>idea begin to write fic in earnest, and would like to read more from
>Jim AKA Dadgrid.  Peg, writing short fic will be a good way of
>keeping your skills sharp between MSs... that is, if you can find the
>time.  :)
>My adventures over there during the past six months have convinced me
>of one thing:  the only way to improve the quality of HP fic is to
>write it.  A million thanks to all those fanfic authors here who
>contribute to that.  :)
>Ebony AKA AngieJ (who will NOT write fanfic herself, but is one of
>the best beta readers-boosters-pop reviewers a writer could ever ask
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