[HPforGrownups] Mortal Peril and a few other things

Denise gypsycaine at yahoo.com
Sun Sep 17 03:09:30 UTC 2000


I was the geeky little kid who got beat up by the middle school kids on the way to school.  My parents couldn't understand why I kept breaking my glasses--it really wasn't me!  The other kids did it.  All through school, until I reached Edison (Jr. High), I was picked on horridly.  I was always an outsider--didn't fit in real well with any of the cliques.  I wasn't a true Geek (wasn't in AV, lol, anyone reading Foxtrot?), nor was I preppie or Jock.  I was an outsider completely.  My books and I were good friends.  The teachers couldn't complain about grades, except in Ohio history--got my first D in there!  (A's, one or two B's--no one would play with me, so I studied).  I hated the Snape in there!  He's principal of that school now.....ooooooh!  Mr. Jones.  Educators like him are evil!  Mom came in to butt heads with him.  She came in alot, usually about kids beating me up on the bus, or getting phone calls from the bus drivers about me (too noisy, but hey, it hurts to be beat up, so you make noise!), and the Vp's would call her in for a "conference" about the situation. She ended up with those at least once to six times a year.  It finally stopped in Edison Gym class when I had had enough, and some girl (Tonya, but she changed her name to her middle name, or vice versa in HS) made a comment to me and I slugged her!  Ms. Peoples had to call in mom, of course, and give me detention, but she told me, who later told me, that she really didn't want to have to punish me.  She was glad to see I standing up for myself at last!  That was the last time anyone physical touched me in school.  I also enjoyed that detention--since I never had homework, I used the time to write a story (no novels allowed, sighs), my first.  I was twelve.  A fanfic, actually!  Grins.  It figures.  School just couldn't get the kids to stop--no matter what they did, and it kept happening, so they began to ignore it.  I wonder if that's why Draco's behavior is allowed?  That and the fact of the $$/position of his father?

Just thinking, and sharing.


> the Dursleys, who live in a middle class suburban area, send their
> nephew to school in broken glasses and clothes that dont fit.  All
> the kids in Harrys primary school were so afraid of Dursley that
> they wouldnt even talk to Harry.  Is it likely that this would go
> unnoticed for so many years by all the teachers and administrators 
> in a typical middle class school?  Probably not.  

I say, probably yes. I am prejudiced on the subject because I went to 
a (public) primary school in a very properous, upper-middle-class, 
white suburb, where all the other children hated me and beat up on 
me, and the teachers couldn't think of anything to do about it/me 
except to give me various mild punishments (such as standing in the 
corner) for my offenses such as daydreaming during class and reading 
when I was supposed to be playing with the other kids during recess. 

> Of course it is not likely that a teacher, just about anywhere 
> these days, could get away with treating students as bad as Snape 
> does.  

See above.
sadly 'me too'

Barb wrote:  Having contact with things doesn't necessarily mean that you 
understand them, understand their context in the world, or know how 
to use them. Having worked computer technical support, I can 
certainly state under no uncertain terms that this happens to 
Muggles, too.

hear hear!

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