Romance, statistics and gluttony

Simon Branford simon.branford at
Fri Sep 22 19:29:00 UTC 2000


Helena wrote: "Thank you to Carol, Penny, Simon, Neil, Firebolt, Sam and
everyone else who wrote a response to my queries about the pairing. That's
what I love about this group...the healthy and intelligent discussions.
Although I still vote H&H (even after GOF), the Hedgwig and Harry thing got
me thinking. How imaginative! Hedgwig as the animagus, of course!"

This is interesting. When I first posted this idea I suggested that Harry
would become an animagus. He would be an owl with those fantastic emerald
green eyes. Since then a few people have commented and suggested that Hedwig
may be an animagus, and even possibly having some connection to Lily and

Penny wrote: "The first poll asks what pairing people favored *prior* to
reading PoU. This is the one where 43% said R/H.  *I* voted for R/H in that
poll for example.  <g>  Prior to PoU, I was ambivalent about romantic
pairings at best and mildly thinking that Ron sure had the beginnings of a
crush on Hermione."

Maybe I should have read the questions more carefully! I can only see the
Harry / Hermione partnership if Ron was to die but I am becoming
increasingly convinced that this will not happen.

Penny wrote: "I feel certain he'll step in & correct me if I'm wrong."

No you seem to have read my mind. I'll just step in and comment anyway!

Penny wrote: "The purpose of the polls was really to get a general idea how
many people were converted by PoU.  It seems that PoU converted a high
percentage of the poll respondents.  My guess is that people who remain
convinced that H/H is "wrong" in all circumstances haven't responded to the

It is not that clear, due to low turn out, as to which pairing people really
support. If others have misread the question, like I have done, then this
may be the reason why there has been little support for some over others.

Penny wrote: "Silly me!  It just seemed that those favoring the alternative
H/H pairing that Simon proposes might be a rather statistically small
sampling of PoU readers.  <g>"

Well as about 50 people have voted I would only have to find a couple of
people to support me to get greater than 5% support for this partnership. In
statistics 5% is the usual significant level. Now all I need to get is a
couple of people to agree with me.

As everyone I am sure knows, 88.2% of statistics are made up on the spot.
Also there are lies, damn lies and statistics.
You may have guessed by know that statistics is not a favourite of mine.

Peg wrote: "This is spinning out of control, so I'll stop here.  Comments?
Other characters you'd like to discuss re: gluttony?"

Another possibility is Percy. The way he acts when prefect and head boy
could be described as such. He is always looking for ways of using and
getting more power. He is far too officious at times. So maybe I am
stretching this a little.

Simon (8 hours until that Olympic rowing event happens - probably a lot less
by the time I actually send this)

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