H/H and why it's just wrong (or maybe not), the triad and chapter numbers

cassandraclaire73 at yahoo.com cassandraclaire73 at yahoo.com
Wed Sep 27 00:21:24 UTC 2000


-I think this is because that, even though Harry is the star of the 
show,  people identify more closely with and like Ron more (a 
statement that is bound to provoke lots of comments). There always 
seems to be more of a reaction if people suggest Ron will die during 
the series than if it is suggested that Harry will end up kicking the 
bucket (this could be that people do not think that JKR could get
with killing Harry but Ron is a  different issue). Due to this, 
especially when looking at all the things Ron  does not have (no 
money, family pressures for him to succeed at school and  Quidditch 
and I think the list could be even longer), people feel that Ron 
should have Hermione. This is the main reason I am against Harry / 
Hermione. It is that I feel Ron would be really hurt by the other two 
getting together and that again he would have come second to Harry.

I think it depends what angle one is approaching the whole pairings 
thing from. If one identifies with Hermione (as I think a lot of 
female readers do, since, as has been discussed before, there isn't 
anyone else to identify with -- we know next to nothing about Cho 
aside from the fact that she's pretty (yawn) and Ginny is alas, none 
too interesting either), Ron, well....he's not much of a romantic 
hero, like him though we may. (And I, for one, like Harry better. As
a character, not as a possible love interest for Hermione.) And I
the thought "Well, he's got no money, no Quidditch skills, and an 
inferiority complex -- let's give him Hermione to balance it out!" I 
think I may already have said this, so pardon the repetition, but I 
don't think the solution to Ron's problems is Hermione for a 
girlfriend. I think he'd be much better off given some arena to shine 
in, be it chess (he is good at chess)...or some kind of sport...or 
perhaps he will turn out to be fabulous at Arithmancy...or SOMETHING. 
Something that would firmly remove him from the shadows cast by his 
older siblings, which dating Hermione, frankly, wouldn't. Aside from 
the fact that his insecurities and jealousies make him unappealing 
boyfriend material.
I am no die-hard H/H person, but I would venture to say that many of 
them don't see a Harry/Hermione relationship while they're all at 
Hogwarts anyway; they see it many years down the road, when they're 
all grown up a bit and Ron will be much less (if at all) hurt by 
it.Just my 2 knutes...

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