(OT) Purity of Bloodlines
Ebony Elizabeth
ebonyink at hotmail.com
Fri Sep 29 04:00:35 UTC 2000
Hi, everyone!
Alix--heavens no, I wasn't offended. :) To be quite honest, I can't
even recall what you wrote that led to Sis. Mary's reply. I just
thought Sister Mary's observation was apt and posted on it as it is a
subject of interest. It also relates to the way I read and teach
certain aspects of Harry Potter.
Amanda--I followed your reasoning with interest. It was quite
familiar. The points that you raised are what *all* of us learned in
high school and college--categorizations such as Negroid, Mongoloid,
Caucasoid, etc. and the accompanying physical phenotypic features are
what designate "race".
The reason why I *know* (not think) race is a modern psychosocial
construct is because I could see the holes in the textbook definition
even when I was a young child. While seemingly inherent in our
species, the us/them hierarchical tendencies of humanity prior to the
rise of Western civilization were not primarily based upon the
aforementioned characteristics until a number of historical events
occurred, quite a few of them predating the age of European
A very fascinating study is to examine world history (not just
through the usual lens of history with entire continents footnoted)
from the decline of the Roman Empire until 1492. We know a lot about
the Middle Ages in Europe. What was everyone else doing during this
particular millennium? What were the contemporary views on race, and
how did the rise of Christendom influence these? Who was first to
use the term "pure blood"?
(Sidenote: Card thought of some of these questions as he did
background research for *Pastwatch*. He cites Tzvetan Todorov's *The
Conquest of America* (translated from the French by Richard Howard)
as "the book that made me want to do this novel". The inspiration
for the more scholarly bent to my search for "truth" is controversial
anthropologist Ivan Van Sertima. I met him as a college freshman.
He is no pseudoscientist, yet his research articles have to have 10
times the normal amount of citations b/c what he is finding in the
gaps challenges what is in the textbooks.)
I could go on and on--but I won't. E-mail me off list to discuss
further. I don't mind discourse about this topic at all--indeed, it
is welcomed!
When all is said and done, I *still* maintain that the validity of
any pure blood theory in HP and in real life is questionable. I
become very concerned when pure blood theories are justified by
science. After the categorization is over and everyone is neatly
pidgeonholed, then the ranking begins. Remember, we humans tend to
be hierarchical by nature--our Achilles' heel, according to the
Oankali (aliens in Octavia Butler's Xenogenesis sci-fi series).
Which one is best?
This rating system has *very* uncomfortable historical echoes--some
of them very recent, some of which parallel the pureblood/Mudblood
theme in Harry Potter.
The idea of ethnic genocide is no sociological Athena. It did not
spring up fully grown. It, like the modern concept of race, evolved.
Again, I'd love to continue this discussion off list if anyone is
interested. Perhaps this is fairly OT, but as some of this relates
to one of my FAQs, I wanted to address it.
--Ebony (whose classes will begin reading *Number the Stars* and
delving into a unit on World War II and the Holocaust next week)
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