Ok. Questions, comment, and altogether musing brought out of SS!
Denise Rohleder
gypsycaine at yahoo.com
Sat Sep 30 01:29:43 UTC 2000
All pages in this page refer to the American version (not certain printing #~!), and the book is always the Sorcerer's Stone!
Here goes! The first few chapters worth (good for a few months discussion! Where are the FAQ's when you need them? Grins, and ducks Simon, Neil, Penny, and the other's pillows!)
Chapter One
pg. 2 *None of them noticed a large, tawny owl flutter past the window.* Could this be a part of the movie scene, with the brown-colored owl? I am not certain what color tawny refers to exactly!
pg. 3 The word through out this chapter is "cloaks" never robes. Are they just wearing cloaks, else why the term? Of course McG mentions not a on changed to Muggle clothing later!
pg. 5 *...hoping he was imagining things, which he had never hoped beforfe, because he didn't approve of imagination.*
Hence his rigidity!
pg. 8 *...as though it(nose) had been broken at least twice.* Why mention this? Is this related to the famous battle during WW2? (Or, lol Mike, could the goat have kicked him?)
pg. 11 *..."I haven't blushed so much since Madam Pomfrey told me she liked my new earmuffs."...* Why this comment? Of course, in the next four years, we haven't even seen him wearing a scarf, let alone earmuffs? Or is this a sexual innuendo?
(Yes, I did allllot of thinking while reading! Hindsight, you know!)
pg. 12 *...dabbed at her eyes beneath her spectacles...* Why is McG upset and in tears, on this page about Lily and James? Is is a clue to the fact that they WERE in her house, hence the closer association? Or is it only the bond of teacher and taught? (Ebony, here's one for you to field, lol!) She commented ..."the Potter's son, Harry"... and that is a bit contrary.
pg. 14 *...Young Sirius...* Young due to ration of Hagrid's age and his, or due to his being only 19 or 20?
pg. 15 *scars...map of underground...* This brings to mind Neverwhere, again. When I opened the book, it had a map of the underground in it, including those now-defunct stops (stations, what are they called, anyway?). If this is what AD has on his leg, then that is a very intricate scar! How did he get it (already discussed! LOL), but mainly why is it so detailed?
ENTIRE CHAPTER> During all the transfiguration/animagi and the apparation, we never see a wand being used once, the whole chapter! Don't you need a wand to apparate?
Chapter Two
pg. 19 *...under the bed...* There must be enough room in that cupboard for a bed, and did they just plop the trunk on top of it in CoS? It never says the bed got moved!
(also on this page, that spider remark--again, I am reminded of Dahl! Not just because of Harry cooking the family's breakfast, and Matilda's helping HER family, but James and HIS spider!)
pg. 20 (description of Harry) Ian was watching Aladdin last night when I read this, and I was drawn by two facts--one the resemble between the drawn Aladdin, and the voice of Jafar. The physical, clothing aside, of course. I couldn't see the parallels, though between Jasmine as a DID and Hermione! I do feel, though, that the soft, drawling sadistic tones of who-ever it was who played Jafar, would make a great voice for Voldie!
pg. 22 *..."Mrs. Figg's broken her leg." (tripping over a cat, we learn later)...* Alright again with the Figg discussion, I know! But if Figg is the Figg at the end of GoF, then couldn't she had used the same spell (or had someone in the "force" of wizards) that Gilderoy tried to do to Harry in CoS? Or, is she a bit of a seerer, and knew Harry needed to meet the snake, hence making a "story" of breaking her leg?
pg. 23 *..."Majorca...* Where is this place? First Neverwhere, and now HP?
pg. 25 *...roof...* Harry self-apparated?
pg. 25 *...MUSTACHE...* (aside to the person who asked!)
Chapter Three
pg. 32 *...Smelting...* I can't help but think of Smeghead with this!
pg. 38 *...kitchen...second bedroom...* Vernon DOES tell Dudley NO at least this first time (unless we count the zoo) in both "get out of the kitchen" and giving Harry the bedroom. HE knew that they were abusing the child, and didn't want to get into trouble with the wizards!
pg. 40 *...got out a hammer and nails and boarded up the cracks around the front..* Does Vernon seem an obsessive compulsive here?
pg. 41 *...letters still slamming into the room, bouncing off the walls and floor...* Besides being my absolute favorite scene of the whole series so far, I have to ask? Are all those letters still there to wade through when the Dursleys return home from the shack?
pg.42 *...Railview Hotel, Cokeworth...* Where is Surrey and Cokeworth in relation to each other?
Chapter Four
pg. 48 *...green icing...* (Along with a few other points from other parts, throughout... Green writing on the envelope, Green smoke when Harry's vault was opened, and of course, Hagrid looked a little green. Three out of four good green things?
(entire chapter, and book in general) Does anyone else here Jim Dale's voice when you are just reading the book, without any noise in the background but your own thoughts? Especially in Hagrid's accent?
pg. 53 *...frog spawn...* Did Lily have a toad at Hogswart?
pg. 54 *...about 20 years ago now...* This was Voldie's official rise to power! :)
pg. 55 *..."Didn't dare try takin' the school, not jus' then, anyway."...* Did Voldie try that we haven't heard about within the time of his Terror Reign?
pg. 56 *..."McKinnons, the Bones, the Prewetts"...* Was there any children there who survived? And, in another thought, could one of these be Molly's parents? (along the lines of my grandparents babysitting theory?)
Chapter Five
pg. 62 *...peppermint humbugs...* What are they?
pg. 63 *...The boat that Uncle Vernon had hired...* THEY TOOK THE ONLY BOAT! That means they left the Dursleys stranded on that piece of rock! LOL How did they get home?
pg. 65 *...knitting...canary-yellow circus tent...* What is it? We don't see it later in the book?
pg. 66 (the letter) *...3 sets of plain work robes...* A throw forward to those hideous dress robes in GoF?
pg. 69 *...Dedalus Diggle...* This is the second time by name, and third time by mention (unless he was the one mentioned as running into Vernon in a violet cloak?) of this man, the first being the pg. 10, chapter one mention of fireworks (shooting stars). Have we heard this man again since?
pg. 71 *...took a year off...* It sounds like Quirrel might have actually been at Hogwarts for more than the one fateful year!
pg. 72 *...Eeylops...* Ok. I will bite, is this Greek to me? (Ducks the pillows) Or is there another meaning that I don't recall with this spelling?
pg. 77 *..."mother's up the street looking at wands"...* How can Draco get a wand when he isn't present for it? Of course, I can assume, his father being who he is, perhaps he already had his wand since toddler-hood, and this was a replacement for his mother?
pg.78 *..."That's you done, my dear."...* Why did Draco's robes take longer than Harry's? Was he more particular, or is it a "associate" thing, were the Madam works faster than her help? Of course, if this is the case, with his "snooty-ness", why didn't Draco (and family) DEMAND the Madam be the only one to wait on the dark darling?
pg. 83 *...his pink umbrella...* How long are English umbrella handles, possibly 16 inches long? Winks...
pg. 84/85 *...holly...yew...* Is there any connection or opposition of these trees in history, or etc? We know the feathers are the same. Just looking for a connection with the wood!
pg. 87 *...Hagrid had gone...* Did Hagrid apparate?
Chapter Six
pg. 90 *..."ruddy tail"...* Why didn't MoM interfere in this, especially now since it appears that a muggle doctor will also be involved? They could have sent a "reversal" person in...
pg. 103 *Hengist of Woodcroft, Alberic Grunnion, ...Paracelsus,...Cliodna...* Who ARE these people? Anyone in real life?
pg. 109 *..."you'll go the same way as your parents..."...Scabbers the rat was hanging...* Moments before the attack, Draco was going off about Harry's parents. We know that Scabbers is Pettigrew. Could Draco have hit a sore point with the comments of Lily and James, and that's what invoked the attack?
pg. 110 *..took off their jackets and pulled on their long black robes...* It makes no mention of clothing, just sneakers. (Muggle or Wizard sneakers? Air Jordans really fly?) Also a comment on pockets... I think I read in the other books about pockets in robes, right? Or are they referring to jeans, sweaters, sweatshirts, etc, pockets?
That's it, so far. I have post-its still in the book, but they aren't written on yet--my appointments are done for this week! Grins. Can't tell when I have doctor's appointments, and laundry days at Mother's can you? Chuckles...
Now, hopefully, I don't just get slack jaws, there are some things in there that I do wonder about! (If there is anything in the half-finished FAQs just tell me! I know a few subjects are in there, such as Hagrid's umbrella, but I am trying for a different angle.
Off to read the 60 emails that have flooded into my account while I wrote this!
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