Snape on Lupin - DADA/Fleur - Draco - Harry at Ball

Amy Z aiz24 at
Fri Apr 13 18:54:25 UTC 2001

No: HPFGUIDX 16637

Amanda wrote:

>in Lupin's version, it was all Sirius' joke, and he and James
>were not part of it. This means that some of the anger Snape's been
>carrying around for years is unfounded--if Snape accepts what Lupin

FWIW, I believe Lupin's version.  I don't think Remus, even at 16, 
would have found the prospect of killing someone, anyone, remotely 
amusing.  In fact, if he =had= killed or bitten Snape, it would likely 
have been absolutely devastating to his hopes for a normal life (and, 
one hopes, he'd also feel responsible and horribly guilty).  I don't 
know what the MOM does to punish werewolves who deliberately 
arrange to encounter another person during a transformation, but I 
don't imagine it looks kindly on it.

Sirius might think that having a werewolf friend has enormous prank 
potential; Remus understands the stakes much better.  We know that he 
was reckless, because he said there were plenty of close shaves due to 
his running around the grounds and village with only dog-Sirius and 
stag-James to hold him in check, but it's one thing to be reckless and 
quite another to send a particular person to meet you face to face in 
an isolated place like the Shack.

I guess it is too much to expect that Snape might have considered 
these facts before hearing Remus's version--and he's had 18 years to 
brood about it, so he isn't likely to suddenly turn around and say, 
"hmm, Lupin was a victim of that prank same as I was"--but I think it 
will sink in now that he's heard what Lupin has to say.  My view of 
Snape resonates with yours, Amanda:  he's a man who can change his 
mind, but he's unlikely to announce the fact or apologize.  Further 
thoughts, Snapefans?

Re: the promised female DADA professor:  Fleur would be a natural, 
having demonstrated her skill at dealing with dark creatures already 
(Grindylows aren't native to the continent [FB], so I'll cut her some 
slack on not knowing how to handle them--bet she's brushed up on them 
since that experience...).  However, if Lupin was right in feeling 
that he had to resign, what would the response be to hiring another 
dark being (to coin a phrase) as a DADA professor?

We don't know too much about veela, and less about what constitutes 
"dark creatures" or "dark beings," but we do know that when provoked, 
they turn into very dangerous beings indeed.  Of course, Fleur is only 
1/4 veela.  She probably can't turn into a bird of prey at will--but I 
bet she has a mean temper!

Maybe the best DADA teachers are the ones who are intimately 
acquainted with the dark arts/dark side from the inside?:  Lupin, 
Crouch Jr. (say what you like about the man, he was a good teacher 
<g>).  Ed, I do like your thought that we'll get the real Moody.  As 
Dave wrote, in a way he =would= be a new DADA teacher; it would also 
be interesting to see how he differs from his impersonator.  You 
couldn't blame him, though, if he insisted on retiring to Majorca 
after that extremely unrestful year.  

Catherine wrote:

>I think that it would be pretty insulting to Harry if 
>he were to be taught by someone he beat in the tournament. 

and Monika wrote:

>She did very poorly in the Triwizard Tournament

::Amy sees her pet, Peeve, coming and breathes deeply::  We can't 
conclude much from Harry's supposed winning of the tournament.  
=Crouch cheated on his behalf.=  Who knows how things would have 
worked out if not for this huge handicap?  For example, Fleur might 
have gotten to the cup first if she hadn't been Stunned.

Except for being happy that F&G have the money, I wish they hadn't 
awarded the thing at all.  If a Muggle tournament were exposed as 
involving that level of cheating, its results would be disqualified.  
Poor Fleur and Viktor will never get their due.  It's as if Cincinnati 
were forever remembered as the winners of the 1919 World Series (for 
those not acquainted with the scandal, several members of the Chicago 
White Sox lost it on purpose, having been bribed/coerced by gamblers 
hoping to clean up on a long shot).  There was no winner that year; 
the contest was never truly played.  Likewise, Harry will be in the 
record books forever as the winner of the 1994-95 Triwizard 
Tournament, but he knows better, and so do we.  (He only credits 
Cedric with the win, though, when really he should consider that Fleur 
and Krum didn't get fair play.)

Jim Ferer on Draco:

>If anything changes him it won't be something that scares him for his 
>own pale ***

Oh, now that's an image to give me nightmares.  I'd better think of 
something more appealing, the contents of one of Snape's 
jars, say.

Cap'n Kathy wrote:

> >why be nice to Padma when, after all, "she didn't look
> >to enthusiastic about having Ron as a partner....and her dark eyes
> >lingered on the frayed neck and sleeves of his dress robes as she
> >looked him up and down." You can bet Ron didn't miss that look.

Which raises another question: what's Harry's excuse?  He's almost as 
insensitive to Parvati as Ron is to Padma.

Okay, I know the answer to that.  He's 14 years old, he's bummed that 
he has to be at this stupid Ball at all, and he's really bummed that 
his crush is dancing with El Handsome Quidditch Captain Champion Who's 
the Only Seeker Who Ever Beat Him to Boot.  Maybe 14-year-old boys 
shouldn't be allowed on dates at all; they can't be expected to treat 
girls with simple human kindness.

My, I seem to be getting into a snit about Harry, just in time for 
Harry Week.  Don't worry, I do love him!  (Note to self: before 
Monday, reread scene where Harry frees Dobby.)

Oh, here's Amanda to remind me how lovable Harry can be:

>The only condition he puts on Fred and George at the end of GoF, when 
he gives them the prize money, is that they get Ron a
>new set of dress robes.

. . . "and say they're from you."  Now =that's= sensitivity.  I knew 
he could do it.

Mrs. G. Weasley wrote:

>No one here knows me (well, almost nobody - ::waves at Eb and Amy 

Well, I =thought= we were friends, but here you've graduated from 
George_Weasleys_Girlfriend to Mrs. G. Weasley and you didn't even 
invite me to the wedding.  ::pout::

Amy Z

 "Winky is having trouble adjusting, Harry 
 Potter," squeaked Dobby confidentially.
                 -HP and the Goblet of Fire

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