Draco - Snape - Death Eaters - My Fanfic
catlady at wicca.net
Sun Feb 4 00:59:05 UTC 2001
No: HPFGUIDX 11631
"Sister Mary Lunatic" wrote:
> s anyone else seriously bothered by the fact that Draco comes in
> to Harry's train compartment at the end of GoF and actually
> TAUNTS him about the death of Cedric? Draco jerked his head at
> Ron and Hermione. "Too late now, Potter! They'll be the first to go,
> now the Dark Lord's back! Mudbloods and Muggle-lovers first!
> Well - second - Diggory was the f-" (snip)
> WAS Cedric Diggory pureblood or mudblood? How about Barty
> Crouch, Junior and Senior?
I'm bothered by scene because Draco is being SO CHILDISH in it. Gloating
loudly about the Dark Lord being back when his family's is still
pretending, for security reasons, to be against the Dark Lord (which
will do as an explanation for sending Draco back to Hogwarts). Saying
'first' and then correcting himself -- I don't spend much time with
children, but that strikes me as more 10 year old than 14 year old, and
doesn't omen well for him maturing enough to make his own decision which
side to be on.
Amos Diggory is a wizard who works for the Ministry of Magic -- we saw
him sticking his head up out of the Weasley fireplace, and at the World
Cup. There's no reason to assume that his wife is Muggle, so Cedric
would have been pureblood. Someone (I think Dumbledore) described Barty
Jr as the last member of a proud old wizarding family but look what he
chose to do with his life (i.e. pureblood).
Someone else asked whether the Death Eaters knew that their Dark Lord
was a Halfblood. I guess they did, as Barty Junior said that he and the
Dark Lord had in common having had very unsatisfactory fathers, being
named after them, and having killed them. I wonder how the ones whose
motive was that they cared about pedigrees rationalized that?
Charmian sashibuya at h... wrote:
> Does Snape really like being a teacher? Or does he not and that's
> one of the reasons he's so embittered (Why is Snape so bitter anyway,
> if one doesn't buy the Lily theory? ) He seems to enjoy potions, but
> hate the students. (snip) But if he dislikes the actual teaching
> so much, why doesn't he find another job
In my universe, Snape was already bitter before he started first year at
Hogwarts. I imagine that his parents didn't really want children, but
felt they needed a son to carry on the family name or to use in a
special spell, so they had one but avoided him as much as possible,
leaving him to be raised by servants... and fired any of the servants
who were nice to him, on the grounds that 'coddling will make you soft".
(Altho' I admit that the Snape-loved-Lily theory ties up an AWFUL lot of
loose ends. It's just not something I can write fanfic about.)
If other Death Eaters know that Snape not only testified against them,
but was spying against them BEFORE the Dark Lord fell, some of them who
are still on the loose may be serious enough about wanting revenge that
Hogwarts is the only safe place for him to be. In that regard, have we
ever seen him go even to Hogmeade?
However, I need to think of another explanation of why Snape stays at
Hogwarts (loyalty to Dumbledore? belief that he can turn his Slytherins
away from the Dark Side?) because in my fic, Lucius and Draco still
think that Snape is on their side, and only testified against Death
Eaters for the perfectly reasonable (from their point of view) purpose
of saving his own skin after the Dark Lord fell.
Monika Zaboklicka wrote:
> >I think that if anyone who Draco "cares about" was to be hurt by
> >Voldemort, it would be Snape.
> I'm not sure Malfoy cares for him. The only thing we know for certain
> is that Snape favours Draco almost beyond common sense. I guess
> Draco likes it, but I'm not sure what he thinks of Snape. I have an
> impression that he finds Snape more "useful" than respect-worthy
> I'm not sure Severus can lie convincingly. He certainly cannot control
> his face too well.
> >What does Snape think of Draco?
> I wonder myself. I tend to think that he likes Draco and finds him
> amusing (they have very similar sense of humour).
> The Snape/Lucius Malfoy relationship is deep mistery to me. They
> never mentioned each other, never had been seen together.
Snape sure does a terrible job of controlling his face in canon, but he
must have been able to do so back when he was spying on the Dark Side.
I believe that Draco feels both affection and respect for Snape, and
Snape feels affection for Draco. (I mean, feelings they had long before
any sexual feelings started, in my fic.) Draco admires Snape's high
intelligence, high talent for Potions, vicious and witty tongue, and
'command voice': ability to extract obedience from students. Snape is
Draco's favorite teacher, House Master, and more of a father figure than
his own heartless father is. Snape likes Draco because he is a bright
kid, good at Potions, with a Snape-style sense of humor. (There is
argument whether Draco is a clever or stupid student. I say, if his
father can't find anything worse to blame him for than getting worse
grades than *Hermione*, he must get *good* grades.)
I had already outlined the third episode of BAD DREAMS (while struggling
to write the second episode in which Draco and Severus discover that
they are on opposite sides and start trying to convert each other), in
which Draco's effort to save Severus from a slowly deadly curse brings
him reluctantly over to the Light Side, whereupon he feels the need to
convert his friends with him: Crabbe, Goyle, Parkinson, Nott[, and
Lestrange -- see below].
As for the Severus/Lucius relationship: read my fic. Severus's
inclination is to hero-worship Lucius, for his good looks, elegance,
wealth, charm, social standing (all things Severus lacks), intelligence,
and interest (faked?) in Severus's Potions research. Lucius's
inclination is to keep Severus hooked (by talking nice to him and
providing research grants) because Severus's talent at Potions can be
useful. Severus believed that Lucius's Death Eating was caused by being
bewitched, which is why he reacted so strongly to Harry's mention of
Lucius's name among the current Death Eaters. Lucius believes that
Severus is still a Death Eater at heart, faking conversion the same as
Teek <purdymango1 at y...> wrote:
> 3 - At some point, I also need to make a post about the number of
> death eater's children who are in Harry's year... for a group of 30
> or so members in the graveyard, does it strike anyone else as weird
> that *five* of them had kids (or kids with suspiciously similiar last
> names that just happened to be put in Slytherin) born in 1980?
I put in my fic that Voldemort told his Death Eaters that there was a
prophecy about a boy with a special destiny who would be conceived
around Halloween and born around Lammas, and that he wanted this boy to
be raised up on his side, and therefore ordered them all to go out and
spawn. Co-incidentally, Lily threw a Halloween party (for her Light
Side friends) jolly enough that by the end of the evening, no one was in
condition to remember about Contraceptive Charms. Thus, Harry Potter and
Susan Bones and Draco Malfoy and Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle and
[Regina] Nott [and Amanita Lestrange] were all born in the same month,
from Draco on June 24, a little early, to Harry on July 31, a little
late. Who is the 5th kid?
Kelley wrote:
> Remind me, when was Snape exposed as Dumble's 'valuable spy', at
> least to anyone who's not a good guy? I'm thinking that no DEs know
> that Snape was working for Dumble.
One of the trial scenes shown in the Pensieve -- IIRC the one where
Karkaroff tried to buy his release from Azkaban by turning in his
friends -- shows Snape being accused and Dumbledore rising in open court
to vouch for Snape, that he had turned against the Dark Side and been a
useful spy to the Light Side while the Dark Lord was still in power.
Everyone in the courtroom heard, which may have included Rita Skeeter
(Harry saw her in at least one Pensieve trial scene) or some other
journalist. Even if no journalist published that information, people
gossip and word gets around: how could the escaped Death Eaters NOT know
that Snape was the spy against them?
bob.mornington at w... wrote:
> Whilst we're on the subject, does anyone agree with me that
> "Death-Eaters" was rather a silly name for JKR to have chosen for
> Voldemort's supporters?
Sister Mary Lunatic wrote:
> Death Eaters -- perhaps Voldemort retains the loyalty of his
supporters by
> promising them that one day they, too, will be immortal like him (they
> "eat" death). They'd sell their souls for eternal life and power over
> weaker beings...
My fanfic says:
... his friends clustered around him, cheerfully congratulating him on
having joined their fellowship, and Lucius Malfoy told him: "A wizard of
your talent will be an invaluable asset to the Dark Lord," while the
others praised the advantages of the Dark Side. It's a great career
move, said Cassius Avery, and it can get you laid, said Evan Rozier, and
agents in the Ministry will cause DMLE to lose all evidence against you,
said Danoto Wilkes, and of course it is logical that the people with the
most wizarding power should rule, said Casper Lestrange, while those
with no magic at all must be kept under control, especially since they
had a long history of enviously trying to kill wizards. "And
immortality!" Damiana Lestrange exclaimed: "The conquest of death!"
And Damiana explained that their master was named Vol-de-mort because he
meant to steal life from death. A very great wizard, he had invented the
most powerful spells for becoming immortal, and was directing skilled
followers to refine the spells to be used upon lesser wizards without
killing them. "And then he will reward his loyal disciples with
immortality! We're called Death Eaters because we eat death and spit it
As Wilkes, who had always been a vulgar type, cheerfully mocked Damiana
for having said P when she meant H, Severus reflected that this wouldn't
be so bad after all. What a research project!
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