SHIP: D/H Ship Chart (using July 16, 1980 as Draco's birthdate)

Celeste Chang celeste_827 at
Fri Feb 16 18:20:31 UTC 2001

No: HPFGUIDX 12427

I used July 16, 1980 for Draco's birthdate and September 19, 1980 for 
Hermione's birthdate. I am of the belief that Draco is a Cancer. 
Though I might have to look at Scorpio for him as well...

Draco's Sun in Cancer and Hermione's Sun in Virgo:

Both of you are inclined to mood changes that, at times, can irritate 
each other. For example, Draco experiences
periods of melancholy, tenderness, concern, worry, nostalgia and 
sentimentality, which Hermione may not
understand or sympathize with. Hermione can suddenly become irritated 
and irascible over minor annoyances, and
at such times, is capable of intense sarcasm and criticism, which can 
be extremely disconcerting to Draco's tender,
sensitive feelings. Hermione must be prudent, and Draco must strive to 
be forgiving when things go a little awry.
However, you are both capable of enormous devotion to one another (and 
to your children if you have them), and
taking care of one another comes naturally to you. 

Draco's Moon in Virgo and Hermione's Moon in Capricorn:

You understand one another very well, for you have very similar 
temperaments, and your responses to people and
to situations are quite similar. Both of you are practical and 
hard-working, with a strong need to be useful and
productive, and to accomplish something concrete. Work, 
responsibilities, or business come before pleasure and
play for both of you, and you may neglect your emotional needs. You 
downplay feelings and desires that seem
childish or unrealistic. 

Both of you have a strong need for material security, and very much 
prefer a safe, logical, and well-defined path,
rather than taking risks. 

You are responsible in your dealings with others. In fact, you share a 
tendency to be overly conscientious, to expect
too much from yourselves, and to be far too harsh with yourselves at 

Faithfulness and constancy in love and friendship are very important 
to you both, and you naturally feel very
comfortable together, knowing you can trust one another to be 

Sometimes your relationship may become dry - all work and no play. You 
both need to relax more, and to pay more
attention to your fun-loving, emotional side. 

Draco's Sun Opposite Hermione's Moon:

The two of you are attracted to each other in a magnetic, almost 
fated, kind of way. If you aren't married yet, there
is a high probability that some day you will be! The two of you are 
drawn to each other even though, in some ways,
you have opposite personalities. 

Draco's Sun Trine Hermione's Uranus:

Playfulness and a zest for newness infuse your relationship. You 
really spark each other's imagination and
creativity. This quality is especially welcome in a long-term 
relationship because you will not fall into a lifeless
routine. You spur each other to explore, take risks, and develop new 
creative outlets. You encourage each other's
independence. There is an electric, spontaneous quality between you , 
and your sexual relationship is lively and
exciting as well. 

Hermione's Sun Conjunct Draco's Moon:

If the two of you are not married, there is a high probability that 
you will marry some day! You have a natural
affinity for each other, feel very comfortable together, and can 
experience a very nourishing and intimate
closeness. Even if your personalities are very different, you 
understand each other very well and you are truly
friends as well as lovers. If you have children, you will work well 
together as parents and Draco, in particular, will
prove (perhaps to a surprising degree) very devoted to the family. 
Draco also helps, supports, and accepts
Hermione, who gains much confidence and energy when the two of you are 
together. There is a deep, mutual
appreciation of each other. 

Hermione's Sun Conjunct Draco's Mars:

Your relationship is a stimulating, energizing, dynamic one. You 
inspire each other to be very active in both work
and play, and to accomplish a great deal. You enjoy challenging each 
other and probably enjoy competing with each
other in games. Sexual attraction to each other is very strong as 
well. The only negative tendency is to possibly
develop a rivalry with each other; this is especially possible if 
Draco comes on too forcefully, directly and
aggressively, hurting Hermione's feelings or pride. 

Hermione's Sun Conjunct Draco's Saturn:

One strong factor that attracted you to each other (perhaps 
unconsciously) is the feeling that you can have a deep,
stable, permanent relationship and settle down together, facing life's 
responsibilities in a mature way, tackling
challenges together such as raising children, becoming financially 
secure, etc. These concerns can gradually cause
your relationship to become too absorbed with "serious" matters, 
causing both of you to feel limited and stifled by
the relationship. Draco has a strong tendency to criticize and judge 
Hermione's actions, sometimes accurately and
sometimes unjustly. Draco should guard against this tendency to dampen 
Hermione's enthusiasm, and Hermione
needs to avoid being overly sensitive to Draco's suggestions and 
criticisms. Draco's tendency to dominate, control,
or even repress Hermione makes Hermione feel resentful at times, and 
Hermione may feel lowered vitality and
self-confidence after being with Draco for a long time. You must make 
room for lightness and play, or you both will
feel burdened by the tone that is set between you. 

Draco's Moon Conjunct Hermione's Jupiter:

You both really enjoy each other's company. You put each other in a 
good mood and an optimistic, friendly, jovial
atmosphere develops when you get together. You may have been friends 
for some time before you became lovers.
You are a very likeable couple and, as a couple, you are very sociable 
, hospitable, and expansive. Your bring out
the generous side of one another, and are very nurturing and 
protective towards each other. 

Draco's Moon Square Hermione's Neptune:

You spark each other's imagination and fantasies, but the tendency to 
deceive each other is also very strong. You
fascinate and intrigue each other, clouding your vision and causing 
you to often misunderstand each other. For
example, you tend to project fantasies and hopes on each other - this 
is not necessarily bad because these fantasies
can become a rich source for imaginative, inspiring works of art or 
music. Do not rush into a serious relationship
too quickly, though, because you need time to make sure that you 
haven't got caught up in a romantic, idealistic
vision of each other, from which you will later wake. If either of you 
has a major problem of a psychological,
alcohol-related, or drug-related nature, this relationship can become 
a partnership in dissolute, self-destructive,
negative habits. 

Hermione's Moon Trine Draco's Saturn:

There is a mature, stable, responsible tone to your relationship that 
makes you feel secure with each other. There
is a great deal of trust and respect for each other. As you spend more 
time together, you will find that your tastes,
priorities, and sense of what is really important in life becomes very 
compatible. If you marry and have children,
you will work together well as parents, especially when difficulties 
and "minor crises" arise. 

Hermione's Mercury Square Draco's Mercury:

You approach problems and solve mental problems in very different 
ways, and this tends to be a source of friction
in your relationship. For example, one of you may feel that the other 
depends too much on intuition rather than
logic, or makes decisions too impulsively, or focuses too narrowly, 
etc. These differences tend to be very irritating
to each other, so try to be very tolerant of each other. Sometimes you 
will simply not be able to work together on a
problem; you will need to sometimes work independently of each other 
to "stay out of each other's hair". 

Draco's Mercury Trine Hermione's Mars:

You inspire each other to refine and clarify your ideas, plans and 
strategies. You are an effective team in research,
writing, or business pursuits. You also help each other to 
successfully implement a plan or follow through on an idea
until it manifests as a successful product or creative work. You also 
have spririted, fiesty debates with one another. 

Hermione's Mercury Trine Draco's Venus:

You love to discuss the arts, literature, culture, or any other area 
that involves a strong aesthetic or emotional
element. You are also likely to work successfully together in 
artistic, literary, or some humanitarian area. Your
strong friendship and admiration for each other fosters a lasting, 
harmonious partnership. 

Hermione's Mercury Conjunct Draco's Pluto:

Your conversations tend to be probing and deep. You enjoy uncovering 
the underlying motivations and causes of a
situation. Frequently what starts out as a light, friendly 
conversation ends up as an in-depth psychoanalysis of each
other! Draco may dominate your conversations and at times tries to 
force Hermione into agreeing or believing
whatever Draco wants! 

Draco's Venus Opposite Hermione's Neptune:

You arouse unusual, perhaps strange, feelings and yearnings in each 
other. You evoke feelings of sympathy,
compassion, a sensitivity to music and poetry, dreamy romanticism, and 
perhaps even religious fervor. The
dreamy, idealistic feelings that you stimulate in each other makes it 
nearly impossible for you to see each other in a
realistic, objective light but this is not likely to bother either of 
you - your idealized dreamy love for each other is
much more fun than realism! Recognize, however, that your partner does 
indeed have clay feet and do not expect
Perfect Love from this relationship, or you will be sadly 

Draco's Venus Trine Hermione's Pluto:

The romantic love and sexual attraction for each other is very 
compelling and deep. You wield a powerful,
charismatic influence on each other and your love affair is a powerful 
one. This could be one of the most fulfilling,
all-consuming relationships of your life! 

Draco's Mars Conjunct Hermione's Jupiter:

You spark each other's ambitions and enterprising spirit, and you 
enjoy planning and designing ventures. You are
able to jointly follow through to successful completion of your goals. 
Hermione gives Draco confidence and
encouragement to charge ahead, while Draco stimulates Hermione to act 
decisively to actualize Hermione's
dreams. You are likely to undertake several joint ventures as well as 
other individual efforts that are greatly
assisted by your partner. Occasionally you take foolhardy risks and 
are overly zealous and unrealistic in your
hopes, but your dynamic blending of energies can also result in 
outstanding accomplishments as well. 

Draco's Mars Conjunct Hermione's Saturn:

The two of you are able to perform detailed tasks together, and really 
buckle down to a task at hand and
successfully complete any task that you collaborate on. However, there 
may be too much caution and restraint
when good opportunities arise. You are hesitant to take risks 
together. Hermione is inclined to doubt Draco's
ability to succeed in any kind of risky or speculative endeavor and 
consequently often suggests a conservative
approach to achieving goals. In some cases, this caution is 
unwarranted and very frustrating to Draco, but at other
times Hermione provides a realistic, clear, focused perspective on how 
Draco can achieve goals. 

On another level, Hermione may suppress Draco's natural desires, 
drives, and physical energy level, which can
leave Draco feeling drained and resentful. Beware of holding in anger 
and irritation with one another for it can
slowly poison your relationship. 

Hermione's Mars Conjunct Draco's Uranus:

You feel energized and get into a dynamic, sometimes impatient and 
reckless mood together. You enjoy engaging in
exciting or daring activities together. You get impatient with each 
other and can easily get into lots of arguments
and feelings of irritation and annoyance with each other. If you find 
each other at all physically attractive, then your
sexual responsiveness to each other is very direct and even aggressive 
at times. 

Hermione's Jupiter Conjunct Draco's Saturn:

Draco is often a damper on Hermione's exuberance, enthusiasm, and need 
to play and explore uncharted territory.
Hermione often experiences Draco as heavy, judgmental, or overly 
cautious, and Draco should be careful not to
become too critical, or Hermione will begin to feel inhibited and 
trapped in the relationship. Positively, the two of
you can complement and work well together, with Hermione providing the 
optimism, vision, ideas and plans, and
Draco lending a steadying hand and adding realism and practicality to 
your combined efforts. Draco has a
stabilizing effect on Hermione's life, and Hermione can inspire and 
help Draco overcome fears, narrowness, and
inner inhibitions. 

Hermione's Jupiter Sextile Draco's Uranus:

You encourage one another to be free, to loosen up and let go, and 
there is a lively, exuberant playfulness between
you. You will have a lot of fun and adventures together! By following 
your intuition and spontaneous impulses, you
are likely to be unusually lucky together also. 

Hermione's Jupiter Square Draco's Neptune:

You stimulate one another's expansive, restless, imaginative, 
idealistic, and impractical sides. You inspire one
another, but there's a fine line between being optimistic and being 
foolhardy, and together you tend to overestimate
what you can really do, to be blinded by an overly hopeful or 
grandiose sense of what is possible. 

Draco, in particular, should avoid exaggerating, misrepresenting, or 
subtly misleading Hermione, or encouraging
Hermione to be irresponsible. 

Traveling, vacationing, gambling and other "escapist" activities are 
things you are inclined to do together. 

If you are inclined toward spirituality or mysticism, this aspect of 
yourselves will be emphasized by being together,
along with a tendency to become rather unbalanced, overly idealistic, 
or ungrounded in your approach. 

Hermione's Saturn Conjunct Draco's Saturn:

You have similar fears, insecurities, or weaknesses and it is 
difficult for you to get an objective perspective on
yourself in this relationship, since you both have the same 
limitations or Achilles heel. 

You are often very uncomfortable when your partner displays weaknesses 
and difficulties for they make you see
your own unresolved problems in the very same area. 

However, you do understand one another's struggles, and can offer one 
another a sense of solidarity and a safe
haven in which to deal with the darker or more problematic aspects of 
your lives. 

Draco's Saturn Sextile Hermione's Uranus:

Draco stabilizes and helps Hermione give concrete form to Hermione's 
original ideas and impulses. Working as a
team, Draco provides the practical experience and caution, and 
Hermione inspires and generates new ideas, often
with very successful results. The two of you strike a good balance 
between order and chaos, the tried-and-true and
the wild-and-crazy. 

Draco's Saturn Square Hermione's Neptune:

Serious confusion and misunderstandings arise in your relationship, 
which both of you contribute to in different
ways. There are conflicts over material versus spiritual values, 
practicality, common sense, and realism versus
idealism or imagination, with Draco being the down-to-earth, 
responsible hard-headed one and Hermione being the
sensitive, idealistic, dreamy partner. Hermione seems frustratingly 
evasive, vague, or irresponsible to Draco, and
Draco's criticism can cause Hermione heavy self-doubt or a desire to 
protect and hide Hermione's sensitivities.
There can be much mutual deception. At best, Draco confronts Hermione 
with Hermione's tendency to avoid or
escape reality and Hermione can open Draco's mind to wider realities, 
emotional or intuitive truth (as opposed to
"hard facts") and a more fluid approach to life. 

Draco's Neptune Sextile Hermione's Pluto:

Your spiritual values and strengths harmonize with one another and 
this is a subtle but positive force in your

Hermione's Neptune Sextile Draco's Pluto:

Your spiritual values and strengths harmonize with one another and 
this is a subtle but positive force in your

Both Draco & Hermione have soft aspects of Neptune & Pluto

You share an interest in paranormal experiences, mysticism, and the 
farther reaches of human consciousness.
Exploring these mysteries together could be quite fruitful for the two 
of you. 

Sun Conjunct Mercury: 

Yours is an intellectual relationship, among other things. Exchanging 
thoughts, studying together, sharing
information, talking and bantering, turning one another on to new 
books or ideas, sparking one another's curiosity
and interest in the world all of these are important aspects of your 
relationship. A certain detachment and the
ability to think about and talk about what is going on between you are 
also highlighted. Put simply, becoming more
conscious or more informed and educated is a significant reason the 
two of you are drawn together. 

Sun Sextile Mars: 

Together you will be inspired to take action and do things that you 
may not have had the courage or confidence to
do as single individuals. You help one another come out into the 
world, to participate more fully and more boldly.
Whatever you do together as a team is infused with a sense of energy 
and vital purpose, and you can get a lot done.
Physical activities, sports or outdoor adventures, for instance, are a 
key part of the health of your relationship. 

Moon Conjunct Uranus: 

You are destined to have an unpredictable, untraditional and rather 
unstable emotional connection. It may seem
odd to many people even to yourselves that you are together. As a 
couple, you seem to break all the rules and
stereotypes of how a twosome should behave. Your living situation may 
be unconventional or atypical in some way,
or you may constantly uproot yourselves, or your plans for a peaceful, 
settled, "normal" life together may never
work out. 

Excitement, experimentation, and a radical departure from old ways of 
life characterize your bond. One of the
purposes of the two of you being together is to challenge all of the 
old patterns and conditioning you both carry.
While disturbing at times, this can also be very liberating. Emotional 
freedom is a lot of what this relationship is

Mercury Semisquare Venus: 

A shared sense of style, elegance, and aesthetics is destined to be a 
focus with the two of you. Discussions about
art, love and romance, or what each of you finds beautiful are 
definitely part of this. 

Also, the two of you are able to tell one another of your affection 
for one another, to express those feelings verbally
or in writing. Small, considerate expressions of caring (as well as 
tactful, somewhat sugarcoated expressions of
disagreement when that is appropriate) add much felicity to your 
relationship. You tend to either avoid "heavy"
subjects, or are able to talk about them in a friendly, amicable 

Venus Sextile Jupiter: 

Many benefits and opportunities will come into your lives via your 
relationship with each other. As a couple, you
are "lucky". That is, you seem to be in the right place at the right 
time to take advantage of the good things that
come your way. Both emotionally and materially, you will be 
comfortable and successful together. A certain
generosity and good will toward one another ameliorates any of the 
more difficult challenges you may confront.
Affectionate play, happiness with friends, and a lot of laughter will 
bring you close and help to keep you together. 

Mars Conjunct Pluto: 

The two of you are an extremely potent force, and together you can 
effect enormous change (for good or ill) in your
own and others' lives. Trying to force change in a willful, dominating 
manner or in a fanatical, intolerant way, can be
very damaging, yet the drive generated between the two of you is so 
strong that this is definitely a potential to
beware of. If either of you wills the other to improve or wishes to 
fundamentally alter the other's nature, furious
battles will be waged between you. 

There is an extremely competitive energy between you, and even if you 
have believed yourselves to be mild,
nonaggressive people, this drive to be first and to triumph will be 
powerfully active with you. If you join forces to
accomplish a task, nothing will stop you. If you compete solely with 
each other, someone is likely to get hurt badly.
These are issues that will inevitably be faced at some time in your 

Jupiter Conjunct Saturn: 

Your growth and development as a couple is destined to happen 
gradually. The longer you are together the greater
the "pay off" for both of you. Time is on your side. 

Any joint business or projects you undertake together will succeed if 
you are steady, patient, and prudent, but
schemes which promise great rewards with little effort will fail. 
Don't anticipate overnight success or instant
gratification; these too will disappoint you. Taking small steps 
toward your shared goals, and keeping at it, is the
only way to success for you at least in practical terms. 

Neptune Sextile Pluto: 

Mysticism, supernatural experiences, psychic communication, or 
interests of an inner or esoteric nature will play a
significant role in your relationship. There may be an unusual shared 
interest in secret things, mysteries,
uncovering things which have been hidden. Your "psychic radar" and esp 
are heightened, too, through your
relationship and the "far out" things you pursue together. 

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