Let's be fair! (was the H/H kiss and other stuff . . .)

DrMM drmm at fuuko.com
Mon Jan 1 07:30:54 UTC 2001


Rather than respond directly to either Ebony or Penny's posts (as I found 
myself distinctly irritated after reading them) I have instead chosen to 
respond to Elizabeth's post.

 >I tried to say this subtly in a previous post and I don't think I had much
 >effect.  I will therefore say it more bluntly:
 >It is my personal belief that the H/H shippers (however many of them there
 >are) are indeed substantially more vocal than those with other ship
 >preferences, including the non-shippers.  In fact, I believe the H/H ship 
 >been belabored.  Instead of having the apparently desired effect of
 >convincing me of the possibility of an H/H ship, the end result has been, in
 >my case, a fervent desire that neither Ron nor Harry "get stuck with her."
 >I do hope this doesn't make you all mad at me, but lately most of the list
 >has been taken up with this subject and I'm tired of it and starting to feel
 >downright bullied.  New subjects have been introduced and still the ship
 >debate rages ...
 >Everyone is, of course, welcome to whatever dreams or fantasies they 
may >have shipwise ... my personal favorite is Draco/Ginny.  But while I 
accept >that each of us is entitled to their own opinion in this regard, I 
also feel that
 >this horse (meaning the whole *ship* horse, not just the H/H one) is 
dead >and we might as well quit beating it.  I doubt at this point anyone's 
mind is
 >likely to be changed and we certainly will have no effect on the progress of
 >ships in the books. And as cool as everyone on this list is, I would be very
 >saddened if anyone started taking the ship debate personally, which I'm
 >afraid we are perilously close to doing.

I think you have stated this wonderfully.  I am afraid that I was 
distinctly misinterpreted by Ebony.  I was not attempting to belittle those 
of you who choose to become deeply invested in the romance 
debate.  However, I think there is a time at which the debate becomes 
meaningless; when both sides become so invested in their own point of view 
that no one is going to change it.  That's why the debate becomes pointless 
to me.  And I was attempting to state that *I* choose to not fully 
participate in it in order to avoid taking it personally myself and keep 
others from taking it personally.

Anyway, I agree with what Elizabeth said.


* Note - this was my polite response.  I wrote a distinctly irritated 
response (read: rant) which I posted on my personal weblog 
(http://www.fuuko.com/blog/).  If you would like to view it, please do 
so.  Just be aware that it is a rant and if you have any comments (read: 
hate mail) on it, respond to me personally.  And I wonder if I'll regret 
doing this?
DrMM is found at drmm at fuuko.com
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