)OT) R/H resemblence to Anne oGG
Maya Crabtree
mayacrab at netvision.net.il
Mon Jan 1 13:44:45 UTC 2001
>> You are living, walking proof of a theory I presented earlier this
>> week here. I proposed that most avid Annefans (like you and I) lean
>> R/H. At least, the ones I know do. H/H is almost like Anne marrying
>> Roy Gardner... whereas Ron is more Gil-like in that he's the "boy
>> next door" type right now.
> You know, I'd managed not to lean towards any pairing, until that
>paragraph. Plus, I'm in the midst of rereading GoF, just after the ball,
>R/H is really making sense now. Ron doesn't know it, but Hermione is
> And yes, I'm an Anne fan too. Your theory confirmed my growing
>feelings towards R/H. I'd join Kindred Spirits but I'm already drowning in
>e-mail. I had to move this list to my work account so I wouldn't get
>overwhelmed at home. Which means I've spent my spare time today catching up
>on 280 + e-mails because I had the last 4 days off.
Oh, it really is lovely to find people who have come up with the same mental
associations as I have. I don't want to be mailing OT, but I just have to
say on the Anne Subject:
I have redcently been to England, and in Heathrow, on th way back, in the
last 3 mintiues before they closed the HMV shop, I spotten the double
cassette of the third episode in the film adapted Anne trilogy. I have had
the two first ones (each containing 2 tapes) for many years, and had always
wished for a third one. I love the books, and even though these films
(espeially the 2nd episode) extremely LOOSLY based on the books, I like them
just as well, even as a completely new story. However, after watching only
15 mintues of episode three (which Ioriginally was extatic to have found,
and jsut by chance, at that) I was already very disappointed and saw that in
this case, their wanting to make something original and new had made the
film TERRIBLY not Anne-like at all. I mean, not only is it not remotely like
the original books (and after all, after her returning to Avonlea in the end
of the 2nd espiode of the Trilogy - they could have continued it just like
the book, they didn't have to continue the different course) , the third
episode isn't even remotely close to the first two. Okay, Anne, Gilbert and
Diana are the same actors, but they don't really look 5 years older as
claimed but 10 year older, and the lovely old music's different, and all the
settings are not original.
Okay, sorry for being so off-topic. if anyone can comment on this, you could
do it off-list to my address above...;-) I'd love to ehar anyone's thoughts
on this, as the only other frinds I have who read Anne, don't even agree to
watch the film adaptation....
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