[HPforGrownups] Re: British Harry more honest? and Hermione's forthrightness

Cynthia J Bradford cyndee51 at juno.com
Wed Jan 3 01:55:22 UTC 2001


  I am new to HPforGrownups and wonder if you could tell me how to obtain
UK editions of the HP series.  I did not realize there was a difference
between the books and am interested in reading the UK books.
  I am a teacher in the heart of the Bible-belt and tomorrow we are going
to begin reading HP the First Year.  I expect some problems due to the
fact this area is big on banning HP from the shelves.  However, I let all
who ask know that there is not a better place for children and young
adults learn about values, morals, strength and courage of youth, and a
place were a "girl" can be on equal footing with a "boy"--sometimes a cut
above the fella.  Sorry guys.
   As I said I am new and want to thank you for any help you provide for
obtaining the UK versions.


On Tue, 02 Jan 2001 22:15:15 -0000 foxmoth at qnet.com writes:
> Amy, you've found another Flint! (an error/inconsistency) 
> 	My UK edition says 
> 'I did think of Voldemort first,' said Harry honestly. 'But then I -
> I 
> remembered those Dementors.'
> The UK version makes more sense. There is an earlier post from Peg
> Kerr 
> about the vagaries of publishing which explains how errors and 
> corrections chase each other through the proofing process, often
> going 
> astray
> . 
> 	What really startled me, in comparing my US and UK sets, was 
> the 
> famous line in CoS about the reason Hermione avoids Moaning Myrtle's 
> bathroom.
> 	My US edition says,
> Chapter 8 "The Deathday Party"
> "...; it's awful trying to have a pee with her wailing at you--"
>  and my UK edition says,
> "...,it's awful trying to go to the loo with her wailing at you--"
> Do any of the British editions have 'pee'? It seems a tad more 
> forthright than the British idiom.
> Pippin
> --- In HPforGrownups at egroups.com, "Amy Z" <aiz24 at h...> wrote:
> > Hello chatters,
> > 
> > I'm reading the U.S. version of PoA, having previously read the
> U.K. 
> > version.  I could swear a line has been changed (significantly, 
> not
> just a 
> > British-to-U.S.-English switch).
> > 
> > It's in "Flight of the Fat Lady," p. 155/U.S. hardcover.  Herewith
> the U.S. 
> > version:
> > 
> > [Lupin said:]  "But I didn't think it a good idea for Lord
> Voldemort to 
> > materialize in the staffroom.  I imagined that people would 
> panic."
> >      "I didn't think of Voldemort," said Harry honestly.  "I -- I
> remembered 
> > those dementors."
> > 
> > If memory serves, the U.K. version went more like this:
> > 
> >      "I did think of Voldemort at first," said Harry honestly. 
> "But then I 
> > remembered those dementors."
> > 
> > The scene to which he refers ("The Boggart in the Wardrobe") is
> unchanged:  
> > he first thinks of a resurrected Voldemort and then remembers the
> Dementors.
> > 
> > Would someone please check and tell me:  (a) did I dream it up? 
> and if not, 
> > (b) why do you think this change was made?
> > 
> > Maybe British kids are just more honest than American kids. (duck)
> Don't 
> > hit!  I'm American!
> > 
> > Amy
> > 
> > - - - - - - - - - -
> > The Whomping Willow was a very violent tree that
> > stood alone in the middle of the grounds.
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