[HPforGrownups] Worldwide HP4GU parties (was re: tom riddle's diary)

Sheryll Townsend s_ings at yahoo.com
Thu Jan 11 02:41:35 UTC 2001


--- voicelady at mymailstation.com wrote:
> On Wed, 10 January 2001, "Ebony " wrote:
> > But I'm thinking it would be really fun to have
> annual HP regional get-togethers.  This way, those
> who can't afford the expense of traveling can still
> meet and greet other fans.  For instance, there's
> several regular posters who live in SE Michigan...
> lots in the London area... others in Texas... others
> in Australia, etc.  
> I like this idea, Ebony.  My husband and I wanted to
> take the "tour", but now don't think we'll be able
> to go.  So I'd even been thinking along the regional
> lines myself, and I'd love to get together with
> others in my area (NYC).

I'm still hoping to make the "tour", finances
permitting (I tend to unemployed over the summer
months). I like the idea of regional get togethers,
but I suspect there aren't many of us in my area
(Ottawa, Ontario). I will be at a conference in Rhode
Island at the end of February, and wouldn't mind
sneaking off for a quick bite to eat with any list
members who may be in the area. E-mail me off list if
this is a possibility.
> I have no problem with you setting up a poll.  

Nor do I, I think it's a great idea.


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