Character Summary: Malfoy Snr.

Snuffles MacGoo msmacgoo at
Thu Jan 11 10:59:49 UTC 2001


Hi everyone, I'm copying Heidi and stealing John's framework, partly because 
it's good and partly because I lack imagination.

Character Summary: Lucius Malfoy aka 'Slimeball'

Name: Lucius - 'Lucifer', also suggests to me light (from Latin, Lux) which 
would seem, if intended, to be ironic

Malfoy - I like the french Mal foi - 'bad faith' derivation though I think 
there are other interpretations about.

Age: hmm, older than the Marauders we suspect, though I do not think there is 
any hard evidence to support this. I don't think (? Corrections anyone?) he 
mentioned in discussions that cover Marauders/Severus' school days which 
suggest that he is not a contemporary. Lucius' involvement (up to his neck) 
with Voldemort suggests to me he is older than MMWP/Severus.

Description: strongly resembles his son (or the other way around) "the same 
pale, pointed face and identical cold grey eyes".

'On screen' time: Less than I imagined. We hear of him in PS when Draco 
indicates that he intends to 'bully' his father into buying him a broom, 
despite the prohibition on first years having brooms (p. 60, all refs brit/aust 

Lucius' first proper appearance is in CoS (p43) where he arrives in Mr Borgin's 
shop to sell what appears to be prohibited Dark items. A few pages later he 
distributes Tom Riddle's diary to Ginny Wesley, under cover of a physical fight 
with Arthur Wesley.

Scattered throughout CoS as school governor, and through PoA as he attempted to 
have Buckbeak murdered in retribution for Draco's stupidity (not that I am 
taking sides <g>), less in GoF, revealed to be a Death Eater (GoF, p564)

Job: Apart from being an all round bad guy (time consuming?) he doesn't appear 
to have one. For a time he was a governor on the Hogwarts Board but this went 
by the way at the end of CoS. Has connections to the Committee for the Disposal 
of Dangerous Creatures (PoA, p162). Rich family, doesn't appear to need to 
work. OTHO does appear to value work, or, more correctly the acquisition of 
wealth and power - but not through 'thieving and plundering' (CoS, p. 44)

Personality: Horrid

What? you want more? Very horrid.

Special Abilities: being slimy, convincing people that he is a good decent 
Wizard, or at least not a Death Eater (ie Hagrid says Lucius claimed to be 
acting under Imperius curse after Voldemort's fall - don't have ref. Believe 
it's PS p60 something. Anyone?) Good at judging the political direction of the 
wind and win influence. Confident in his ability to grease palms (ie Quidditch 
box at the world cup - p.92)

Obsessions: Himself, Money, Power, Influence

Appears to be concerned with the 'purity' of wizard blood, though whether he 
attempts justify his concern in terms of the betterment of the general 
wizarding community or just ordinary self interest is not clear.

Good Qualities - None (I haven't even come across any fan-fiction writers who 
have been able to invent any - maybe I'm not widely enough read <g>)

Bad Qualities - Too many to name

Relationships - Only if he must and only if he's on top.

Married to Narcissa. I think that Cassie's explanation for this marriage is the 
most plausible (an Imperius curse IIRC). Although with a name like Narcissa 
maybe she was more willing that we might want to believe.

Father to Draco - Seems like an abusive, absent kind of parent - parents Draco 
like a toy - come here, now I'm over you, go away, expects Draco to carry out 
his dream, expects Draco to be his puppet. Draco (IMO) has fully identified 
with his abuser and the behaviour he shows is indicative of the treatment he 
receives at home (all this is based on CoS and a few other bits and pieces).

Evil overlord to Dobby (until the end of CoS) and assorted other (assumed) 
bonded servants/slaves.

Fate - Death is too good for him, but he is such a politician I fancy he will 
play both sides of the field and wind up alive at the end of book 7.


1. Does Lucius have any good qualities?

2. What does Lucius want? - to be Voldemort's lieutenant or to be Voldemort?

3. Will he live beyond the end of Book 7?

4. What does Lucius do with his days? Surely plotting to overthrow the world as 
we know it can only fill in so much time. Does he like a good game of 

5. Did Snape and Malfoy ever have a fling? - Is Draco their love child? Who was 
on top?

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