[HPforGrownups] Harry's Out of Body Experience (was: ...Ron's prescience)

Amy alw at wilsonllp.com
Mon Jan 15 14:44:20 UTC 2001


Dee, you're braver than I was...I was going to wait until someone else said something.<G>  

Psychic...no.  At times an eerie sixth sense...yes - and it can be very disturbing.  I was in a car accident about 5 years ago.  Living in Atlanta, car accidents are a dime a dozen, but as I was sitting in traffic waiting to get onto the interstate, I *knew* I was going to get hit.  Unfortunately, traffic prevented me from doing anything about it and I got on the interstate.  I decided to be a good girl for a change and stay in the lane I eventually needed to be in...mile or two later I get rear ended by an SUV going 50 or 60 mph  (I drive a much smaller car).  I escaped remarkably unscathed...just some rotator cuff damage.  However, the whole experience was very unsettling.  On one hand, it could have, like many "predictions", been a self-fulfilling prophecy.  I typically would get over a couple lanes and then got back into the lane I needed to avoid sitting in traffic.  However, that day, I stayed put.  If I had done what I normally did, would I have still gotten hit?  Who knows - that opens up a whole new can of worms as to whether or not certain events are going to happen regardless of what we do.

Back to Harry and company...I think Ron would have a very hard time coming to terms with his "gift".  He, and just about everyone else he hangs out with, thinks so little of Divination, that I don't know if he could bring himself to accept that *he* had some talent with it.  I would imagine that there are very few people who can successfully deal with *knowing* what's going to happen - especially when you're best friend is Harry Potter...the boy who by the age of 14 had faced Voldemort how many times now?  You see him having to face Voldemort and getting hurt - as his best friend, I would think you'd want to do everything in your power to stop that from happening.  How would you feel when you couldn't?  

Thinking about it, I have a little more tolerance for Professor Trelawney...no wonder she sticks to herself.  If she has *any* ability, I would imagine that she would get tired of knowing that there's nothing she can do to prevent things from happening, because that does seem to be her stance on things - that the future is already set.  


----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Sister Mary Lunatic 
  To: HPforGrownups at egroups.com 
  Sent: Monday, January 15, 2001 1:40 AM
  Subject: [HPforGrownups] Harry's Out of Body Experience (was: ...Ron's prescience)

  I'm interested in Harry's ability to do astral traveling while he's asleep.
  He witnessed the scene with Voldemort, Wormtail, Nagini, and old Frank in
  his dream.  I wonder if he will have similar dreams in the future.

  Would Ron's natural gift for prediction of future events be harmed if he
  became aware of it?  Would he be so alarmed at developing a
  Trelawney-oriented talent that he would deliberately try to suppress it?
  Would he or Harry or Hermione be inclined to trust in the veracity of Ron's
  predictions, or would they wonder that he was "forcing" his intuition?

  Is there any member out there who does have an uncanny ability to predict
  future events, or at least someone who has premonitions that have turned out
  to be true, more often than not?  How did you come to terms with this
  ability?  How does it affect your actions?  Anyone brave enough to admit to
  psychic powers?


  -----Original Message-----
  From: Susan McGee [mailto:Schlobin at aol.com]
  Sent: Sunday, January 14, 2001 10:30 PM
  To: HPforGrownups at egroups.com
  Subject: [HPforGrownups] Re: yet more evidence of Ron's prescience

  Ron as seer could be the special niche that he is looking for...we
  see glimpses of it as an adolescent, but it could be a talent that
  flowers as he grows older.....


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