[HPforGrownups] Re: D/G Fire and Ice

Penny & Bryce Linsenmayer pennylin at swbell.net
Sat Jan 20 19:34:42 UTC 2001


Hi --

Amy wrote:

> Ulp--PoU is *not* a good way to convince Ron lovers to go over to H/H.
> If you have to kill Ron to get H & H together, I'm not having any of it.

As Lori mentioned on PoU just yesterday, her fanfic Hermione believes that
she and Ron wouldn't have lasted and that she would have ended up with
Harry anyway.  Lori went on to note that his death may have delayed H&H's
involvement in some ways as well.  This is, of course, all within the PoU
universe.  I maintain that it's perfectly plausible to write a fanfic
where H&H are happily involved that doesn't also require Ron to be dead,
ignored, evil or anything of that nature.  I'd like to take a stab at it
someday.  I think it can be done.

> Now, if H/H is okay with Ron a la Draco Dormiens/Draco Sinister, I can
> live with it.  (But as JKR asks H/Hers, "Do you really think they're
> suited?")

Yes!  I think they're much better suited than R/H.  :--)  And, so might
she.  Answering a question with a question is usually a convenient way of
avoiding a question.


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