[HPforGrownups] How V got that way (was Future sacrifices?)

LORI llusk at rraz.net
Sun Jan 21 02:18:02 UTC 2001


I teach 7th grade reading and this is a book report I assign every year and it seems to pull in the kids who don't normally do any work at all...they love this. see the attachment.

Different drummer? I'm my own band! 
----- Original Message ----- 
From: Allyson 
To: HPforGrownups at egroups.com 
Sent: Saturday, January 20, 2001 1:55 PM
Subject: Re: [HPforGrownups] How V got that way (was Future sacrifices?)


I have done just that Amy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I didn't want to stir the bucket with my original posting.  I was merely pointing out someone else's opinion of V.  

Our whole class (yes, I am the teacher) has been exploring Harry Potter in our Reading/Literature class each day.  Yesterday, our discussion took us to the level of uncaring and unloving that V possesses.  The children in my class are in a residential treatment facility (an alternative education type of setting) and MANY of them have had somewhat the same type of thing happen to them as V has.  Parents who abandoned them as babies.  We got heavy into that discussion.  The girl in question felt that as pointing out a certain set of situations that *could* have led to V's present state of mind/emotions, was in fact defending his behaviors.  It was pointed out that the question of why V is the way he is was not answered and their weekend homework was a 1 page essay giving their opinion as to how and why V has become so untouched by love.

Thanks!  I would also appreciate ANY other ideas for activities.  We are finishing CoS on Monday and I have to assign a book project for them.  One kid asked me if he could make a 'to-scale' model of Hogwarts.  OH HOW PLEASED I WAS THERE!!!!!!

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Amy 
To: HPforGrownups at egroups.com 
Sent: Saturday, January 20, 2001 1:59 PM
Subject: [HPforGrownups] How V got that way (was Future sacrifices?)

Scott wrote:

>I think that the person who said "Don't be making excuses..." is
>completely off base.

Interesting post, Scott.  And Allyson, I am very jealous that you have 
an excuse to discuss this book at work.

I'd make a distinction between making excuses and trying to understand 
the origins of someone's character and behavior.  I would like very 
much to know how Hitler came to be the way he was.  IMO he was 
probably born a normal child, with certain tendencies but nothing 
written in stone that *required* him to be one of human history's 
worst and bloodiest haters.  Asking how he ended up that way isn't 
making excuses--there is no possible excuse--it's an attempt to know 
how human spirits are shaped and, one hopes, how to keep from growing 
more haters.

You can still believe in demonic possession or in people being born 
evil, but since I don't I am interested in how V got to be the way he 
is.  "He's just evil" begs the question; it doesn't answer it.  You 
could assign it as an essay topic to your students.

Amy Z

Many people said he hadn't noticed he was dead.
                        --Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

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You will be creating a 2 part book report.  There will be a written report that will go along with the visual. (a  quadrarama)  

~Room 1~(setting)
Create one setting from the story.  (remember setting is where and when a story takes place)  If there is more than one setting chose the most important one.

ex.  If your story took place in a castle...you could show just one room...like the dungeon.

Tell what your setting is, and why it is important to the story.  Also, tell why you chose it.

~ROOM 2~(conflict)
Choose one conflict or problem from the story and illustrate it in this room.
Ex. If two characters get into a fight...show the fight  or how it was resolved.   

Your conflict may be a problem....
ex.  let's say your character was talking during soccer practice while the coach was talking...as punishment he had to stand on the side while everyone else ran....show how that might be a problem for him.

What is the conflict you chose to show?  How is it important to the story? How is it resolved in the story?  Was there a better way it could have been solved?

~ROOM 3~(characters)

Show 5 things that represent your characters.  Or you can show the characters themselves.
ex. show things your character likes, dislikes, friends, hobbies, family, boyfriends, etc.

Name your main characters.  Tell what you chose to show about them and why you chose it.

~ROOM 4~(scene)
Show one scene from the story . (preferably your favorite or one you really dislike)

What scene are you showing...set it up.  What is happening?  Why did you chose to show this scene?

Write a summary of your story in no more than 5 sentences.  Include as much information as necessary but don't go into too much detail.

How to make a quadrarama
Quadraramas are four triaramas put together.  Triaramas are made from 9" square construction paper.  Fold diagonally twice. Open. There should be an X fold pattern on the paper.  Cut from one corner to the middle on a fold line. Overlap the bottom triangles and glue or staple.  Background should be drawn on the top two triangles before gluing.  Glue or staple the four triaramas together to make four rooms.  Then decorate like you would make a diorama.

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