[HPforGrownups] Digest Number 467

Flourish slytherinkeeper at yahoo.com
Sun Jan 21 14:48:13 UTC 2001


Hoo boy! A lot to respond to here ~_^

> Neil (appearing as himself at a theatre near you,
> playing "blundering oaf
> who gives people the wrong idea")

It's okay. You may be a blundering oaf who gives
people the wrong idea, but we still love ya, right?

> My point being....that the discussion on list did
> not even take into 
> account that the boys/men might want the choice of
> staying home...or 
> staying home and working caring for kids and the
> home......

Wow, you have a good point there. I rarely read any
"After - the - battle" fanfics where one of the three
has decided to take an unconventional role (now, this
doesn't count Hermione, because I do think that by now
that a female doctor/mediwizard isn't quite
unconventional) such as a man working in the home.
Quite frankly I can see Harry doing something like
this (of course, when he's much older, married, etc):
he's always been more introverted, not liking the
spotlight. While Ron would want to get out there and
have his fifteen minutes, Harry would prefer to stay
at home and lead a quiet life. Perhaps I think this is
more likely because my own father cared for me until I
was five, and my mother worked full-time - but it's
still a possibility.

> There is one piece of merchadise that I want but
> haven't found: stickers! Has anyone seen HP stickers
> and can they tell me where to find them?

I've got one "tattoo" thing from Warner Bros. Store
and the Big Sticker Book from Barnes and Noble's. Hope
it helps ~_^

> It 
> may be that, now the two share the same blood, Harry
> cannot be killed 
> by anyone but Voldemort, without Voldemort dying,
> too.  

At first I found this rather hard to swallow - V
probably would have thought ahead more - but then,
thinking about the fact that he's so secure in his own
powers... you may be on to something! This sounds
eminently plausible. So now V is not only protected by
the countercurse that still lives in Harry's blood
(remember, in that chapter he says something to the
effect of "it will protect me now," and that was why
he wanted *Harry's*) but he's got a great weakness...
if Harry is killed he'll be killed himself... that is,
if your theory is correct <g> What a humongous problem
for the characters! Do you think it might work both
ways - V can't be killed by anyone but Harry,
otherwise Harry will die?

> I've put text file for all of Peg Kerr's essays in
> the FILES section of the
> club:

Thank you!

RE Ariel and the lengthening of the plot: You noticed
that too?!

>But that's the cool thing about fanfic.  It may be
>illegal, but to be 
>honest, the writer can do what he or she wants.  >H/H
may never flow 
>from JKR's pen, but as it flows well from the pens
>of fans, it's a 
>legitimate fandom ship.

Of course! In my mind, at least, that's not just the
cool thing about fanfic - it's the *purpose* of it. I
can go read all the Ginny/Draco I want (or write it;
there seems to be a lack of good Ginny/Draco, apart
from your DD/DS and Alicia's series - and AngieJ's, of
course) and nobody can tell me that it's a bad
thing... well, they can, but I don't have to listen...

>In Cassie's defense, I think that Ron *is* a
>somewhat passionate 
>character.  That aspect of him is very canonical.  A
>laid-back Ron is completely OOC.

Oh, I totally agree! I'm not trying to dis your
writing, Cassie and everyone else <g> because I agree
that he needs to be more of a fighter. I was trying to
point out that you really only see one side of him in
your fic, not that that one side is OOC.

>I do agree with you.  As a teacher, I wish those
>would be banned.  
>Suicide is always among the top 1-2 causes of
>teenage deaths.  I've 
>lost several peers and young friends this way.

See, I'm fine with using a suicide in a fic - but only
if it's plausible, and only if it's not the whole
point of the fic. (Obviously if you're doing a parody
of "Romeo and Juliet" there's going to be a lot of
suicide, but that's beside the issue here!) I simply
think it's completely OOC for our main characters to
commit suicide - think of it, perhaps, but not
actually follow through.

And yes, I've nearly lost one friend to suicide
already. I honestly don't think that in fanfiction it
should be portrayed as a viable way out, especially
not when most of the readers are teens.

>Has anyone ever considered that he *might* step
>aside or 
>tamp those feelings down?

Although it *is* a possibility, remember that Ron is
really, truly stubborn. He might love (platonic,
platonic, platonic!) Harry enough to step aside, but
then again, he might love Hermione more. Who knows?
I'm not sure yet. We'll have to see, and maybe as his
character develops in Book 5 I'll be able to figure it
out for myself <g>

>And?  So, is it all about which boy *chooses*
>Hermione?  Don't her
>feelings count?  :-)

LOL, sorry. What I meant was that there's not really a
strong indication that Harry likes Hermione, which is
a major roadblock in a relationship - unrequited love!
Woo hoo! ::angstfest::


Keeper of the bells on Flourish and Blotts' door
Cho no Seishi and Slytherin no Miko
Hogwarts Code v1.0 S++++++ WHp.Co++ CHFl+++ CHCo++/- CHMi++++ Bpoa++++ L.ca.us++/--

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