Party on the Good Ship R/H
Sun Jan 28 08:49:50 UTC 2001
No: HPFGUIDX 11031
--- In HPforGrownups at y..., Kathleen Kelly MacMillan <kathleen at c...>
> The R/Hers are out in force! I could sing! Welcome aboard one and
Heehee, I feel like a Who on a Dust Speck: We are here! We are here!
> Rina wrote:
> >Hermione's constantly pestering them both, but even more with Ron.
> - all those years it came across like she didn't like him much, but
>she was actually just pushing him because she loved him and knew he
could do better than what he was. There's Hermione's reason for the
>Kathy wrote:
> I think this is a brilliant insight. Hermione doesn't let Ron get
away with laziness or lazy thinking. Like when she calls him on his
comments about Percy or about encouraging Harry to sneak into
Hogsemead in PoA. She's disappointed at things like that because she
expects better from him--and knows he can do better. And that, IMO,
is just what Ron needs. Hermione may very well be the one person who
*doesn't* think of Ron as somehow less than Harry (and she's probably
the one who is best capable of making that judgment too). One day
Ron will wake up and realize this.
Fantastic point. I hadn't even considered this. She sees his
potential and wants to help guide him to it?
> Rina again:
> >I guess they're just fun. LOL This sounds totally psycho, but I
see H/R/H kind of like a triangle - Harry at the tip and Ron and
Hermione making the base. R/H kind of connect together, and this
supports both Harry and their three way friendship.
>Kathy wrote:
> I like this analogy. And I agree that R/H is just more fun. (I
know that's not a well-articulated argument, but it's how I feel!)
But then this could be because I'm finding Harry kinds boring lately,
as I said earlier...
Agree again on both counts. I had always thought of Ron and Herm as
a balance for Harry, but the triangle analogy is spot on. And I feel
exactly the same Kathy, R/H has much more 'fun'-potential than H/H to
me. I know, H/H-ers, I know, that doesn't counter 'H/H are more
suited in the real world' etc., but come on, be honest: doesn't H/H
just seem a tad dull?
>Kathy wrote: (menage a trois)
> I love this! Actually, I can see Ron/Harry as more plausible than
H/H for a lot of reasons, which I won't go into now.
Oh, come on, go into them. I'd love to hear it.
> Amy Z:
> >So what's a shipper? Someone who wants to see a particular pair
together (sense A)? Someone who thinks two people *are* a couple in
canon or will be (sense b)? Someone who has a crush on a character
and therefore desperately wishes to see him/her in a romance to flesh
out his/her own fantasies (sense C)?
>Kathy wrote:
> It strikes me that those of us who spend precious hours of our
lives going back and forth over the issues probably fall more into
the A and C categories. (After all, both major ships have admitted
that we will continue to prefer our ships regardless of what JKR
writes. But, OTOH, both ships derive their positions from canon, so
who knows?
I have to say, I was a shipper in the 'b sense', originally. I saw
R/H from canon, before I ever even found this group. When I first
learned of the H/H-ers, and how so many of them felt this way from
canon (before seeing PoU), I could not figure out where they got it
from. Their arguments about Herm's feelings for Harry are somewhat
plausible, but to me, it's still a big stretch. At least evidence
for R/H is much more apparent, if not from Herm's end yet. And, just
to add, I'm a shipper in the 'a sense' now, too.
> Andrea wrote:
> >If I were to guess who might be in Harry's future I would say
Ginny Weasley. Harry's overall arc is concerned with the loss of his
family. The Weasleys, for all intents and purposes, have been his
surrogate family and Ginny will not be a star-struck schoolgirl
forever. Jo might surprise me, but I think that may be where she is
headed. We'll see. I'd like to see the Weasleys as Harry's actual
family someday, and if the Good Ship H/R comes in as we expect,
Hermione will make Harry a wonderful sister in law!
>Kathy wrote:
> I also really like this reasoning. I would really like to see
Harry officially become part of the Weasley family (which of course
involves Ginny becoming more developed,etc--usual disclaimers
apply). Oh, I can just hear Ebony gagging in the background at the
mention of One Big Happy Weasley Family! But, whether it's realistic
or not, I like the idea.
> (Hey, now I know how HH-ers feel!) (just kidding! just kidding!)
Bahahaha! Love that last line, Kathy. And, I too, gagged the H/H-
ers with this subject not too long ago. (Probably a thousand posts
ago by now, if not more.) I'll say again, this is really where I
expect JKR to take this. Whether the ships are explicitly spelled
out or not, I think JKR will go this route for the end of the
series. I had the theory that Harry would end up with Ginny when she
was the surprise 'whodoneit' character in CoS, mainly because she is
a red-head like Lily, she has "The Crush", Harry will be part of a
real family finally, etc. Ron and Herm would be icing on the cake.
It would definitely knock me for a loop if JKR doesn't have Harry,
Hermione, or both becoming part of the Weasley clan.
> Kelley wrote:
> >Here I am, Captain. Sorry, I was cha-chaing on the Lido deck with
>Kathy wrote:
> My husband is now looking at me strangely because I went into an
> uncontrollable fit of giggling upon readin this. I think because
it inspired visions of the Mad-Eye-Moody-dancing-with-a-male-
Professor-Sinistra scenario that was posted here a while back.
Haha, glad you liked it. Moody/Sinistra always reminds me of Neil's
great line: Can you do the two-step with one leg?
>Kathy wrote:
> Anyway, welcome aboard, Yeoman Kelley!
> Lunch will be served on the Promenade deck in 1 hour.
Yay, I'm just in time for lunch.
> Kelley again:
> >I've dabbled a bit, myself, though now I'll start a rigorous
training program. 100% No Fear...
>Kathy wrote:
> Maybe we should start a rigorous calisthenics programs to get all
our recruits in shape? Top Deck 06:00.
Yeah, I can manage that. Online exercise is something I can really
get behind.
> Kelley again:
> >Sadly, H/H-ers won't change due to my beliefs. You just have to
let them go on, then when they WANT help, we offer comfort and solace
and gentle deprogramming.
> ...more uncontrollable giggling...
Suppose we'll have to start our own clinic. Or maybe a home for
wayward shippers. All very peaceful and relaxing. Scented candles,
lots of nice, big pillows, soft music, five bloody marys, and two
hello dollys... (side joke--never mind)
> Kelley:
> >Not to mention the ghost up in the crow's nest, and gnomes
scampering about underdeck...
> LOL! I knew someone more creative than I would get this metaphor
Ha, no, I just love the idea of a Weasley-themed "Ship". >:o} We'll
also have a few picnic tables up on deck for smashing together...
> Kelley:
> >There's always room for one more when you're with the Weasleys.
(And who doesn't want to party with them?)
> Mmmmmm, Weasleys.....oh, sorry, where was I? ;)
Hear, hear!
> DrMM wrote:
> > DrMM (signing up for the position of ship's doctor on the R/H
> and First Mate Mo responded:
> >Great. We will need a doctor when we are rescuing all those H/H
survivors! <vbg>
> Kathy:
> Perhaps we should also advertise for a ship's psychologist to help
out with all that gentle deprogramming of H/H-ers?
I'll volunteer. I've already stocked up on Professor Lupin's
patented "Dementor-Away" brand chocolate. Works equally well on
those chronic symptoms of H/H ship-dom. "Here. Eat it. It'll
help..." (Said in my most Lupinesque voice.)
> DrMM wrote:
> > I suspect half the reason why I don't care for the H/H ship as
much as I do is because I honestly felt the implication that Ron was,
in some way, shape or form, unworthy of Hermione. It may have been
unintentional, but I still got that implication (although not as much
from you (Penny) as others). >And as I've never understood the
problems that people have with Ron, when >he's a Perfectly Normal Boy
(and IMO the most realistic of the three), I found that rather
Hmm, I can't recall if I've gotten this feeling in regards to Ron as
a mate for Herm from the H/H-ers, but I do remember some felt that
Ron just doesn't seem as equal to the other two, in terms of
wizarding strengths and abilities. I do think we haven't seen what
he's capable of yet, but fully expect it in canon by the end of the
series. Thinking about it, I do remember some saying that Herm would
tire or get fed up with Ron. He's so sensitive already to being
outshined by H & H, being with Herm, an outstanding witch, would just
kill his self-esteem. Or, he may tire of her always being right, or
the goody-goody bit, or what have you. I think he's as worthy of her
as she is of he, and when he 'blossoms' magically, and matures (as he
certainly will), this pairing will be even more viable.
> Ebony wrote:
> >Do you realize that we had absolutely no idea that we were
stepping on toes when we implied this? So it was surprising to
certain H/Hers when our posts about our ship were... well, let's just
say not very well received at all. While that doesn't change my
sentiment about Ron, I'll watch how I word my Ron-centered posts in
the future.
For what it's worth, Ebony, as long as I've been in this group, not
one thing anyone has said has ever offended me, or hurt my feelings.
Especially in the ship-debates. All in good fun. I take every post
as being light-hearted, unless it's explicitly not so. (And I can't
recall any like that.) I enjoy all this discussion, which is why I'm
here, I suppose... :)
> Seriously, I think it all goes back to something Ebony have gone
over a bunch of times: R/H-ers and H/H-ers just tend to see the
characters differently. As one R/H-er said to me
recently, "Sometimes I wonder if they're even reading
> the same books we are!" But it keeps things lively anyway!
Ha! Yeah, when I first heard 'Harry and Hermione', I
thought "What??" Didn't see it at all. (Still don't really...)
> DrMM wrote:
> >Plus, I still think Ron and Hermione are better suited. I really
*should* write a comparison between Ron & Arthur and Hermione & Mrs.
Weasley someday, because I see so many parallels between them, it's
> I must chime in with Ebony and say please write this soon, cause I
would also love to read your thoughts on this. (See, Ebony,
something else we agree on! let's hear it for Intership cooperation!)
Yes, DrMM, I would love to see this too. R/H can use all the
strength it can get in the famous FAQ...
>Cap'n Kathy:
> All these new arrivals--this calls for a celebration! Butterbeers
all around!
Fantastic! I'll bring the treacle tarts!
Yeoman Kelley, checking the compass, and seeing we're right on
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