SHIP: Long Post Re: R/H Yule Ball and JKR
firoza10 at
firoza10 at
Wed Mar 7 05:34:17 UTC 2001
No: HPFGUIDX 13766
Hello all!
I have been induced to delurk to add my voice once more for my Good
Ship R/H, although my fellowshipmates B, Moey and Captain Kathy have
been doing very well so far :-) I have been reading the shipper
debates avidly and so I have a lot to say, so beware, long post
coming up :-)!!
I agree and support everything that B, Moey and Captain Kathy have
said in regards to R/H and the Yule Ball. Ron's remarks were not
personal but Hermione was aware that the sentiments behind the words
Many of the H/H fans see Ron is an open book so it's obvious that he
likes Hermione, but Hermione is not so easy to read therfore doesn't
like Ron back. We R/H fans agree that Hermione is not so easy to read
but the signs she likes Ron back are there, and have been covered in
detail before so I will not reiterate them now. Well, if Hermione is
not so easy to decipher, then how do you H/H fans deduce she likes
Harry instead? Aaahhh, subtext right <vbg>.
I only discovered this wonderful group after Christmas, so I am still
waiting to hear all about this 'subtext' that emphatically shows that
Hermione likes Harry not Ron. Also, for FITD, if Ron likes Hermione,
Hermione likes Harry, and Harry likes Cho/no one/someone outside the
Trio (if I am correct and that is FITD) then how does that support
H/H? I always thought that it took two people to make a relationship
<g> so if Harry doesn't like Hermione back romantically how does FITD
support H/H? Aaaah, subtext right ;-) I think that H/H fans who
believe in FITD are saying then is that Harry may not like Hermione
on the surface, but he loves her in subtext, so eventually he will
like her back? Seems pretty farfetched to me, since all the books are
from Harry's POV. As many people have already mentioned, if Harry
even had an inkling of a romantic notion towards Hermione
subtextually or otherwise we would have known about it by now and as
for the future, well please read on <bg>.
The definition of subtext, implicit and metaphor taken straight from
Merriam Webster dictionary online is:
Main Entry: sub·text
Pronunciation: 's&b-"tekst
Function: noun
Date: 1950
: the implicit or metaphorical meaning (as of a literary text)
- sub·tex·tu·al /"s&b-'teks-ch&-w&l, -ch&l/ adjective
Main Entry: im·plic·it
Pronunciation: im-'pli-s&t
Function: adjective
Etymology: Latin implicitus, past participle of implicare
Date: 1599
1 a : capable of being understood from something else though
unexpressed : IMPLIED <an implicit assumption>.
Main Entry: met·a·phor
Pronunciation: 'me-t&-"for also -f&r
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle French or Latin; Middle French metaphore, from
Latin metaphora, from Greek, from metapherein to transfer, from meta-
+ pherein to bear -- more at BEAR
Date: 1533
1 : a figure of speech in which a word or phrase literally denoting
one kind of object or idea is used in place of another to suggest a
likeness or analogy between them (as in drowning in money); broadly :
figurative language -- compare SIMILE
2 : an object, activity, or idea treated as a metaphor : SYMBOL 2
- met·a·phor·ic /"me-t&-'for-ik, -'fär-/ or met·a·phor·i·cal /-i-k&l/
- met·a·phor·i·cal·ly /-i-k(&-)lE/ adverb
So, if 'subtext' means 'implied' or 'figurative language', where in
Books I to IV is it implied or figuratively written that Hermione
likes Harry and Harry likes Hermione romantically (we all agree that
H and H like each other as friends ;-))?
Book 1: before H and H drink Snapes potion, 'Hermione's lip trembled
and she suddenly dashed at Harry and threw her arms around him'. One
could argue that the 'subtext' for this little demonstration is that
Hermione likes Harry therfore she throws her arms around him. But of
course not, H/H fans hastily say! They are only eleven years old! So,
this is not a good example of subtext <g>.
So how about the infamous Kiss at the end of Book IV, 'she did
something she had never done before, and kissed him on the cheek'.
H/H fans have pointed out the JKR has stressed this kiss by adding
the line 'she did something she had never done before'. Well,
according to the definition of subtext I found, that is not implied,
that is stated outright and we faithful Harry Potter fans know that
she has never kissed Harry on the cheek before. So, what is the
subtext in The Kiss? Aaaahhh, her overwhelming love for Harry
carefully hidden, only implied, burst forth due to the anxiety and
the dire circumstances he faces so that Hermione couldn't help
herself, she KISSED him! I read some posts earlier were I believe H/H
fans polled teenagers to get their take on the KISS and I also
believe that the results of THAT poll were unanimous that Hermione
and Harry liked each other, or at least that Hermione like Harry.
Well, I haven't been a teenager for quite some time (I am thirty and
proud of it ;-)) but I do remember vividly what it felt like to be
fourteen and IMO I would never kiss the boy I liked on the cheek
especially if I wasn't sure if he returned my feelings (I believe we
all, H/H fans included, agree that Harry doesn't like Hermione
romantically, with an added 'yet' for the benefit of H/H fans <g>).
So, once again the kiss can be interpreted in many ways just as all
things shippy can, based on everyones recollections of being a teen :)
The point that I am trying to make of all my rambles is that
EVERYTHING that points to a particular ship can be interpreted
differently by the other ship based on personal experience. What we
R/H fans say is that what we interpret has been bourne out by JKR
herself <vbg>.
I believe it was Penny that mentioned that the 'there's something
going on between Ron and Hermione' comment of JKR's can be
interpreted as Ron liking Hermione, but Hermione not returning the
feelings. Moey pointed that the only thing one can interpret
differently in this statement is the 'something', but the 'between'
most definitely means:
Main Entry: 1be·tween
Pronunciation: bi-'twEn
Function: preposition
Etymology: Middle English betwene, preposition & adverb, from Old
English betwEonum, from be- + -twEonum (dative plural) (akin to
Gothic tweihnai two each); akin to Old English twA two
Date: before 12th century
1 a : by the common action of : jointly engaging <shared the work
between the two of them> <talks between the three -- Time> b : in
common to : shared by <divided between his four grandchildren>
This definition and common sense tells us that between means 'jointly
engaging' and 'shared by'. Since the two people in JKR's statement
are Hermione and Ron (Harry is NOT mentioned, subtext or no subtext
<vbg>) they are 'jointly engaging' and 'sharing' in the 'something
going'. Now as an expert in subtext, I am sure that Penny agrees that
the subtext of 'something going on' is the implication that Hermione
and Ron have romantic feelings. Please do not launch forth an all out
attack on me for clarifying JKR's statement H/H fans, because all I
am pointing out is that there really is no other way to
interpret 'between' if the 'between' being referred to is the one in
the English language <g>! So if H/H fans can follow the logic of my
ramble so far, they will have to agree that JKR is saying that
Hermione DOES have romantic feelings (if we agree that
the 'something' being referred to here is 'romantic feelings' <g>)
for Ron, but Ron, typical boy, is clueless.
Penny wrote:
Well, she made alot of pre-GoF statements that had everyone utterly &
completely convinced that Harry & Cho would date each other in GoF.
She's quite good IMO at making public statements that appear to be
but are, in reality, rather ambiguous. I interpret what she said as
being clear only that Ron doesn't know what's going on yet. There's
more than one spin to be put on virtually everything JKR says --
all I'm saying. :--)
Well if the pre-GoF statements that Penny is referring to are the
ones were JKR stated that the Trio would 'fall in love with the wrong
people' or that they 'would date the wrong person' then that has been
bourne out in GoF since none of us seriously believe that Hermione is
going to actually fall in love with Krum, Ron with Padma/Fleur or
Harry with Parvati/Cho, the obvious 'wrong people' in GoF. I don't
remember any chat/interview, other than the one mentioned above,
where JKR stated or implied that Harry would date Cho, so if you have
a link or the name of this article where this was said, I would
really love to read it please ;-)
JKR may be 'ambiguous' about things such as whether any of the Trio
will die or who will actually die, but most everything else that I
remember she has said in the chats and interviews I have read has
been bourne out in the books so far. JKR said that the hormones would
start to kick in in GoF, and they have (though not to the degree we
shippers hoped for <vbg>), there would deaths in the later books,
starting in Book IV and there have been. She has been straight
forward about H/H so far as well. In an earlier Scholastic interview
(Feb. 3, 2000):
Q: Is Harry Potter ever going to fall in love with Hermione or is he
going to fall in love with Ginny Weasley?
JKR: In Book IV Harry does decide he likes a girl, but it's not
Hermione or Ginny. However, he's only 14, so there's plenty of time
for him to change his mind. ;-)
Now, in Book IV, it has been bourne out that Harry does decide he
likes a girl, and that girl everyone knows is Cho Chang. JKR also
says that he is only fourteen, so there's plenty of time for him to
change his mind, implying that he will fall out of love with Cho and
fall in love with either Hermione or Ginny, the only two girls
mentioned in the question.
In the Barnes and Noble chat, she says that there is 'something going
on between Ron and Hermione' meaning that Hermione DOES return Ron's
feelings (if you agree that the word 'between' means 'jointly
engaging in' <vbg>). In an audio interview prior to the release of
GoF, if you go to the last question, JKR says:
"Oh, I like this one. 'Do Harry and Hermione have a date?' No. Harry
and Hermione are very platonic. But I won't speak for anyone else,
nudge nudge wink wink."
You can hear this interview at:
Now, this inteview was held a short time before GoF, and you have to
agree that JKR was straight forward about Harry and Hermione not
having a date in GoF <vbg>. By saying that Harry and Hermione are
very platonic she does not rule out the possibility of of there
always being platonic, but that would be like putting words in her
mouth, since the only thing open to interpretation is the "but I
won't speak for anyone else, nudge nudge wink wink". That I take to
mean that the 'anyone else' she refers to is Ron and that is again
bourne out by his reactions in GoF (I believe the common consensus is
that Ron DOES like Hermione) and her 'something going on between'
comment later on. The 'anyone else' could refer to Krum, but in all
honesty it doesn't seem likely she would refer to a character that we
haven't met yet, since this interview occured before GoF. These are
the only common sense interpretations of this statement <g>.
Going back to the Feb. 3, 2000 chat, since it is apparent that there
is 'something going on between' Ron AND Hermione as of Book IV, and
Harry and Hermione are very platonic as of Book IV, common sense
indicates that the only one left is Ginny (since Cedric's death rules
out Cho, and JKR has said that Ginny will play more of a role in Book
V <g>). That is unless anyone thinks that Hermione can be in love
with TWO people at the same time or that JKR, the creator of all
things HP who made these statements, is shall we say, less than
truthful <g>? These statements IMO can only be open to only so much
interpretation no matter how one might wish it otherwise (but of
course, I am sure H/H fans will have no difficulty interpreting these
differently *smile*). Not ALL words in the English language can be
interpreted differently. Some words such as 'between' and 'platonic'
really have only one meaning <vbg>.
So, regarding RELATIONSHIPS, JKR has been pretty straight forward and
hasn't really said anything that has not been bourne out in the books
so far, no matter how you interpret it (again there are only so many
ways one can interpret certain words such as 'platonic' or 'between'
<vbg>). R/H is the way JKR is headed IMO, and since none of us REALLY
believe that the canon HP is a soap opera (as much as we enjoy HP
fanfics of this genre ;-)), it serves no purpose for JKR to build up
R/H and then switch to H/H post-Hogwarts, as some H/H fans believe
will happen. Teenagers in real life may not form attachments as
teenagers that last into adulthood, but HP is NOT the real world, so
R/H lasting into adulthood is a real possibility <g>. But despair not
H/H fans, there are always fanfics :-)!
Now, having said all this, I know that I have in no way swayed the
truly dedicated H/H fan who sees subtexts in HP <g>, and my ramble is
NOT meant to sway anyone, it is only meant to (hopefully) clarify why
we R/H fans feel that R/H is the way the books will go EVENTUALLY. HP
is not a romance so none of us expect a declaration of love between
R/H or H/G any time soon (perhaps only a little paragraph in a
summary JKR may write at the end of Book VII, or just hints are good
enough for us, despite the lovely fanfics archived on Sugar Quill
Island <vbg>). Nor do we think that R/H or H/G when they eventually
DO get together will break up and not last. That is not in keeping
with the tone of the HP books, however 'unrealistic' that may be and
despite all the fanfics out there <vbg>.
I am sure only the truly dedicated shipper will even attempt to read
this or have gotten this far ;-). Now I will go back into lurkdom and
good ol' Sugar Quill Island, were the breeze blows only to further
advance the Good Ship R/H with the SS H/G alongside.
P. S. please H/H fans, don't take my words out of context, they are
just my responses to the ongoing debate and meant to be taken in a
light hearted fashion <g>. I feel I have said all I can and have
spent WAY too much time on this post, so any further communications I
will leave to my capable shipmates <vbg>. Real life calls!
Disclaimer: Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, these are
just mine :--)
Bouncer Firoza of the Good Ship R/H :-)
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