[HPforGrownups] Vernon knowing Dumbledore and a question
starling823 at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 20 23:27:51 UTC 2001
No: HPFGUIDX 14779
jennifer.k at lycos.com wrote:
> > "Im not paying for some crackpot old fool to teach him magic
> >tricks!"
> >
> >These are Vernons words in the beginning of Philosophers Stone. How
> >much does this tell abut his doings with Dumbledore? That he has, in
> >fact, met him?
I think you might be reading into that too much. Vernon's sitting in the
middle of a hut in a large rock out to sea. He has pretty much flipped at
this point, driving all over Britain to escape *letters*. He's cold, angry,
hungry, and now some huge man with a pink umbrella has just appeared out of
nowhere to tell him his nephew is going to have to go off to learn magic,
only the one thing he hates most.
Vernon doesn't seem to know much about magic other than what Petunia has
told him about her sister. I really doubt that he would have ever willingly
been in any situation where he might have had to interact with
those...those...wizards! ::gasp!:: He's frightened and mad, and he lashes
out. I don't think "crackpot old fool" is a reflection on any single
person, I think that's Vernon's prejudices talking.
A. Green wrote:
**it only makes sense that a witch/wizard or two would be at Petunia's
wedding -- maybe that's when Vernon met Dumbeldore.**
No to poke holes in your theory, but I do ask you to imagine that situation.
Considering the depth and intensity of Petunia's and Vernon's prejudice, I
sincerely doubt that anyone from the wizarding world present at that wedding
would be "out of the closet" (to borrow a term). I always interpreted the
relationship between Petunia and Lily as a complete lack thereof -- Petunia
is most definately the type to cut off a relationship completely.
I really can't see either Dursley having any contact with witches/wizards.
To be honest, I think their minds are too small to handle such things..I
mean, c'mon, if you got a letter from Hogwarts, would you drive halfway
across Britian to avoid it? <vbg>
Question for whoever is involved in the meeting I heard mention of in New
York -- is that city? Could someone let me know what was going on with
that? I'm at school in Binghamton and would get a kick out of meeting some
of you, if I could. thanks...
starling823 at yahoo.com
69% obsessed with HP and loving it
"Ah, music," Dumbledore said, wiping his eyes. "A magic beyond all we do
-HP and the Sorcerer's Stone
----- Original Message -----
From: A. Green <aprilgc at hotmail.com>
To: <HPforGrownups at yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Tuesday, 20 March, 2001 5:40 PM
Subject: Re: [HPforGrownups] Vernon knowing Dumbledore
> >From: jennifer.k at lycos.com
> > "Im not paying for some crackpot old fool to teach him magic
> >tricks!"
> >
> >These are Vernons words in the beginning of Philosophers Stone. How
> >much does this tell abut his doings with Dumbledore? That he has, in
> >fact, met him? How would he know that Dumbledore is, in fact, all
> >this - now, *I* do love Dumbledore... - but if I was a less tolerant
> >person, I might find him being the things mentioned. I hardly think
> >the information in the letter that came along with harry gave away
> >information about Dumbledores characterstics - at least not about his
> >age?
> >
> > Of course, it could be Petunia who has told him - then she would be
> >the one to know quite a lot about the wizarding world. But is it Lily
> >who has talk to her about Dumbledore in terms like
> >these? ..."crackpot old fool"? In a very humourus way, maybe - but
> >no, did the have such a relationship? I have to doubt it a bit...
> >
> >...what do you think?
> >
> >/Jennifer
> Here's me popping in with my Squib theory again (am I spelling that
> I won't bore you with the whole (long) message again (see 14665 if
> interested), but if (great?) Gram/Gramps were of the magical community and
> Mom/Dad Evans was/is (? do we know if they're dead--because the Dursleys'
> are Harry's "only" relatives?) it only makes sense that a witch/wizard or
> two would be at Petunia's wedding -- maybe that's when Vernon met
> Dumbeldore.
> Hehe, maybe Dumbledore gave Vernon socks for a wedding gift (the
> -- the same socks Vernon and Petunia pawned off on Harry for a birthday
> present in PS/SS; that Harry used to muffle the sneakerscope in PA. :)
> a.
> >
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