[HPforGrownups] Re: CoS Is The Least Favorite HP Book. Why? -- Percy (P.I.N.E.)
Penny & Bryce
pennylin at swbell.net
Wed Oct 10 00:04:54 UTC 2001
No: HPFGUIDX 27409
Hi --
Sorry to be lurking the last few days. Egads ... I have 73 messages in
my HP4GU box, which means there were at least 73 comments I wanted to
make with time. Bleh. Won't be doing *that* to you all but I'll chime
in on a few things.
> justanopinion (Laura) wrote:
> > According to the HP Grownups polls, CoS is unquestionably the
> least
> > > favorite of the four books among people on this list.
> > [snip]
> > What exactly is it that causes so many people
> > > not to like CoS?
> Joywitch wrote:
> > Excellent question, Laura. I, too, count CoS as my least favorite
> > but I'm not exactly sure why. One thing I found interesting --
> > according to the interviews in this month's Nickolodean magazine,
> > Daniel Radcliffe's favorite HP book is CoS. The other two actors
> > interviewed (the ones playing Ron and Hermione) like PoA the best.
Amy Z wrote:
> At the time he was cast, Daniel Radcliffe had only read the first two
> (and I have serious reservations about their having cast any child
> who found the books that unaddictive <g>).
I had the same reservations, Amy. But, my sister read in some
publication that gets sent to elementary school teachers that Radcliffe
is dyslexic. If true, I can certainly forgive him for not having read
them all yet. He's apparently also written or is writing a book about
his experience with dyslexia, HP, etc.
> To Laura's question. I wouldn't conclude from the poll that anyone
> *doesn't like* CoS. I agonized over how to rank 1, 2, and 4 (PoA
> being my clear favorite), and I wouldn't say that I "don't like" the
> one I ranked last (PS/SS). I love them all.
That's what my response would have been. PS/SS is the one I ranked last
also, but I would hardly say that I don't like it. It's what got me
started on HP after all! It was, as someone else noted, a process of
elimination for me. PoA is my favorite on many levels, although if I
were to be marooned on a desert island for the rest of my life & could
only take one book (or one HP book), I'd take GoF for the length (much
more bang for the buck so to speak). It's typically a very tough call
for me to rank PoA and then GoF. I could go back & forth on that, but
PoA typically wins out. CoS was next for me, and again, *that* ranking
is even tough for me to make. :--)
I did enjoy reading all the comments about why people ranked CoS lower
or lowest, and the logic/plot problems that they had with that one.
Lockhart is annoying, but there are so many other wonderful things about
CoS that I can overlook it (Barb mentioned lots of the great things we
take away from CoS, as did Amy IIRC). Funny thing -- I think I recall
that JKR said CoS was *her* favorite of them all (I'd have thought PoA
because of Lupin). Can you imagine how hard it must be for *her* to
rank the books or at least name one of them as her favorite? That
comment might be pre-GoF though -- I can't remember exactly.
PERCY -- I'm not going to make an entirely separate post just to repeat
what I've said many times before so I'll slip it in here. Percy. Is.
Not. Evil. 2 sickles gets you membership to P.I.N.E. (successor to
Percy Lovers Unite!). Percy is a red herring IMO. He will struggle
with a decision, come to terms with the problems inherent in slavish
obedience to rules & authority, and be quite interesting & complex along
the way. I think/hope he'll reach the right decision before someone
gets hurt or killed, but I have no doubt he'll reach the right decision
in the end. Lots of Percy threads in the last few months if anyone
wants to search the message archives. :--)
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