[HPforGrownups]Magical and Astrological Meaning of Mars(very long) was Mars

Danette Schardt-Cordova captain_debrowe at yahoo.com
Fri Sep 7 16:13:58 UTC 2001

No: HPFGUIDX 25717

Okay I guess I'll stick my two knuts in.  :: hauls out
her big book of Magical, Mystical and Mythological
Knowledge ::  This is very long and as with all New
Age information speculative.


ARIES: Aries is associated with the element of fire,
yang energy, positive polarity, the planet Mars, the
head, Tuesday, the numbers one and nine, diamonds, the
color red, all thorn-bearing trees, iron, sheep, and
rams.   (And for those who are wondering yes Aries is
named for the Greek version of the God Ares)

Mars, in Roman religion and mythology, god of war. In
early Roman times he was a god of agriculture, but in
later religion (when he was identified with the Greek
Ares) he was primarily associated with war. Mars was
the father of Romulus, the founder of the Roman
nation, and, next to Jupiter, he enjoyed the highest
position in Roman religion. The Salii, his priests,
honored him by dancing in full armor in the Campus
Martius, the site of his altar. Chariot races and the
sacrifice of animals were primary features of the
festivals held in his honor in March (named for him)
and October. Mars was represented as an armed warrior.
His attributes include the spear and shield, and the
wolf and woodpecker were sacred to him. He was
frequently associated with Bellona, the Roman goddess
of war.

Mars: Warrior Energy

Mars is the first planet on the far side of the earth
from the sun, and so is known as a 'superior' planet.
It has a very eccentric orbit, and can pass as close
to the Sun as 129 million miles, or as far away as 142
million miles. It circles the Sun every 687 days.

The planet Mars is associated with the Greek God Ares,
fortunate in war but unfortunate in love. Mars was
originally a God of farming; however he is better
known as the God of War to whom Roman soldiers paid
tribute before going off to do battle. The planet's
astrological association is with Aries, which it
rules. Mars is concerned with the masculine side of an
individual's nature, with the muscular system and with
aggression. Strongly sexual, it can make one
aggressive as well as decisive; hasty and rude as well
as positive and energetic.

Mars influences our physical energy levels,
assertiveness, competitiveness and sex drives. Mars
also shows how easily we are roused to anger, and it
governs the flow of adrenaline through our bodies.

Mars Through the Signs

Because Mars' orbit is further from the Sun than that
of the earth, it can fall in any sign of the zodiac,
unlike Mercury and Venus which are always quite near
the Sun's position. 

MARS IN ARIES: Aries is the sign that Mars rules, and
when in this sign, Mars becomes a strong focal point
of the chart. It bestows a powerful physical energy
level which must be positively expressed. If there is
no physical outlet, such as sport or other demanding
activity, then the system will stagnate, leaving this
person to become restless and unfulfilled. The need to
win and to be first is very important, and there is
certainly no lack of drive. However, if Mars makes any
aspect to Saturn or negative aspects to Uranus or
Pluto these will inhibit the flow of energy.

This individual is very much the 'get-up-and-go' type
who will encourage loved ones to take bold, assertive
action. However, there is also a lack of consideration
for other people's feelings. Tact and sensitivity need
to be found elsewhere in the chart, otherwise there
can be problems. The sex drive here is powerful, and
there is strong emotional passion too, but this is
simple and straightforward rather than seething or
smouldering.   This person is usually essentially
uncomplicated - what you see is what you get.
Headaches occur often, as do outbursts of Martian
anger - a rapid loss of temper that is over almost as
soon as it has begun. Resentfulness is not usual, and
this person does not bear a grudge.

MARS IN TAURUS: This placing provides plenty of
passion and an abundant sex drive, expressed with
Taurean warmth. Here is a sensual lover, albeit a
possessive one. Once anger is aroused, this person
does fly into a real rage - the only blessing is that
he doesn't lose his temper without severe provocation.
At is best, this placing adds determination, firmness
and the ability to work hard and tenaciously - both at
the career and at spare time interests. Mars will
definitely increase stubbornness if other areas of the
chart show it. In any chart dominated by earth signs,
the more adventurous side of Mars is toned down, so it
is important to look out for a tendency to get stuck
in a rut. A great deal of energy will be used in
making (and spending!) money.

This is a marvellous placing for those who participate
in heavier team sports or the heavier sports in
general - boxing, wrestling or weight-lifting, for
instance. This is also a good strong placing for a
dancer, since discipline, strength and routine are
essential for that profession. Health-wise, there may
be a tendency towards feverishness and a vulnerability
to throat infections.

MARS IN GEMINI: This placing stimulates the mind,
although it is not physically invigorating. It is
important for this person to exercise the body as well
as the mind, but the willpower to do so is not always
present. Most forms of exercise will be deemed boring
- but without it, restlessness builds up, bringing a
sharp temper and irritability with others and with
self. Energy with this placing may also be wasted
through too many changes of direction, both in life in
general and on a day to day basis. This obviously
leads to feelings of dissatisfaction.

However, a strong element of versatility is a positive
thing, and the key with this placing is to remember
that a change is as good as and often better than a
rest. Arms and hands are vulnerable, and so this
person really should remember to wear protective
clothing whenever carrying out a job or hobby that
might require it. Here is a lively and experimental
sexual partner who is likely to have a rewarding sex
life from an early age right into old age. The
attitude towards sex will be light-hearted - it is
fun, and to be enjoyed. This placing tends to take
some of the steamy passion out of the romance, but
energy and athleticism nevertheless keep a smile on a
lover's face!

MARS IN CANCER: The energy of Mars is expressed
emotionally and passionately in this sign. There will
be physical stress and tension if Mars receives
negative aspects from the Moon, Sun or Uranus. There
is great tenacity, and any project is seen through to
the bitter end. The love and sex lives are powerful,
making a very sensuous and caring lover. However, this
person sometimes creates a rather claustrophobic
atmosphere by working too hard at the relationship.
The temper is short, with some very harsh and cruel
remarks being hurled in moments of anger. Also, Cancer
can be resentful, and finds it hard to erase bad
memories, so this person often bears a grudge. Family
life is of great importance, and usually this person
wants plenty of children. 

The best forms of exercise for someone with this
placing is watersports. It is important for the
subject to learn to talk through problems freely,
especially when upset or annoyed - otherwise, feelings
get bottled up. The worry will not help anyone's
health, and besides, once the subject can take no more
the explosion of anger is often very disturbing to
loved ones.

MARS IN LEO: The fiery enthusiasm, energy and
assertiveness of Mars are well placed in Leo, and this
placing also gives excellent leadership ability and
business flair. However, this person must guard
against becoming too pushy, especially against people
who feel rather more fragile than themselves. The
emotions here are positively increased and there is a
great love of life, with special pleasure gained from
helping others to enjoy themselves. The sex life will
be rewarding and colourful. There is usually a sense
of drama too, and while this can be fun, it must be
controlled, as a tendency to exaggerate and show off
can become bombastic at times. There is also a genuine
hatred of small-mindedness and petty behaviour. A
quick temper is present, but things are forgiven and
forgotten quickly.

A passion for art and creativity is common with this
placing, and there is often an unusual flair for
colour. Health-wise, this placing is marvellously
invigorating, adding a certain robustness to the
health. The spine should be looked after carefully,
and attention paid to posture. Steady exercise is
always good, whatever the age of this individual.
Dancing may be a particularly enjoyable form of

MARS IN VIRGO: This person is primarily a hard and
willing worker. In order to counter tension, Mars
needs positive aspects from the Sun, Moon, Mercury or
Venus, since the Virgo influence on the Martian energy
is inclined to frustrate it somewhat, possibly making
this individual edgy and nervous or restless. Should
Mars receive negative aspects from Uranus or the Sun,
the ability to relax may be non-existent, leading to
headaches and stress related problems. Skin allergies,
either as a result of an unacceptable diet or as a
result of stress may occur.

On the positive side, this individual works hard, and
although I would hesitate to say they are patient,
they are able to work in a detailed and constructive
manner. The passion of Mars is reduced, and whilst
this person may have strong feelings on various
subjects, the Martian influence on the sex life can be
uneasy, because Mars and Virgo are not really happy
bed-fellows. The discrimination of Virgo versus the
sexual needs of  Mars can clash, so help from Venus is
needed if the sex life is to be fully enjoyed. Secret
ambitions are sometimes nurtured in this placing, but
a lack of self-confidence can hinder achievement.
Emotional tension can be relieved by relaxation,
especially yoga. Ingenuity is a great talent of this
placing, but too much attention to detail with a poor
grasp of the overall picture may cramp the style.
Positive aspects from Jupiter can help to lighten the
overall influence of this placing.

MARS IN LIBRA: The need for love, harmony and a good
relationship are spiced by an increased sexuality with
this placing. Even so, the Martian energy is not at
its best in Libra, since although sometimes this
person is energetic, a lot of the time the attitude
may be 'I can't be bothered'.  The willpower is
reduced, and there is less inclination to use physical
energy. However, Mars will certainly stimulate Libran
sexuality, and this will enhance the natural Libran
love of romance. The inclination here is to fall in
love at first sight, and as a result, this individual
may learn the lessons of love the hard way. Help from
the Moon and Saturn to steady the emotions would ease
this situation.

This person has good perception combined with
considerable intuition, and should be encouraged to
develop these qualities. He or she tends to quarrel
very easily, and can overdo things in being verbally
aggressive to loved ones. Slight kidney upsets may
cause frequent headaches. On the other hand, this is a
placing notorious for having headaches as an excuse to
avoid sex! On the whole, exercise is not popular with
this individual, unless there is a strong social
element to it.

MARS IN SCORPIO: This placing will be the focal point
of the natal chart, since Mars was the ruler of
Scorpio before Pluto was discovered. The heavy emotion
of Scorpio is intensified by the passion of Mars, and
it is essential that someone with this placing finds
an outlet for rewarding sexual expression. If this is
not forthcoming, there will be genuine frustration and
resentment and a brooding unhappiness.

There is marvellous potential in this placing, and if
the emotions are allowed to flow freely through all
spheres of life, we find brilliant engineers with this
placing, as well as miners, specialists in the wine
trade and many other 'typical' professions. On the
negative side, jealousy can be a real problem, and
often this person shows vengeful tendencies. There is
a love of good food, and in general just a love of
living it up. This person tends to do nothing by half
measures. However, they can be very secretive, and it
is important that they try to talk through any
problems instead of bottling them up inside. Emotional
involvement in a career is essential, because while
money-making is important to this placing, a sense of
satisfaction is more important. Heavy exercise and
martial arts are ideal outlets for the huge amount of
physical energy that Mars gives this placing. Water
sports are also very popular.

MARS IN SAGITTARIUS: While this is a lively and
exciting placing for Mars, it does increase the
physical energy so much that it is absolutely
essential that some form of exercise is followed.
Restlessness is very likely. Intellectual energy is
also heightened, and this person enjoys challenges of
the mind as much as challenges of the body. There is
huge breadth of vision, with innovative ideas on a
whole host of subjects. Providing staying power and
determination are shown in other areas of the chart,
these ideas will be acted on and more often than not
brought to fruition - but the individual must always
be aware of their tendency to just get bored and to
give up half way. Sometimes this person feels that the
grass is greener elsewhere, and needs to be encouraged
to look at the positive thing in their own life. Risk
taking is enjoyed, as is gambling, especially at
sporting events.

If leanings towards the unconventional are shown in
other areas of the chart, this placing will increase
them, because Mars likes to be noticed. Anything new
and different will attract, and this person may enjoy
deliberately shocking more conservative types.
Versatility is an asset, but needs to be controlled,
else he or she will constantly flit between projects,
never giving full attention to any of them.  The
liking for excitement - even danger - can make this
individual vulnerable to accidents. Extreme sports
attract them, and if all the safety precautions are
followed, the Martian energy burns brightly as it is
expressed in this way. Above all, this person must
take care not to scatter his considerable energies too

MARS IN CAPRICORN: Mars is strongly placed here.
Increased ambitions are indicated, and this person is
well able to achieve their objectives. The powers of
endurance are also increased, allowing this individual
to cope in physically demanding situations. If this
individual has a dangerous profession, the risks are
reduced for him, thanks to the watchful eye of Mars
operating from this position.  As far as exercise is
concerned, the endurance powers lend themselves to
those who want to swim or run long distances, as well
as those who enjoy climbing.

The Martian preoccupation with being first is usually
expressed through the career, especially if ambition
is shown in other areas of the chart too. This
individual is highly motivated for success, and there
is often a liking for power. Here is someone who could
be a self-made business man or woman, or who can
spring from humble beginnings to acclaim and fame.  It
is important for this person to recognise the risks of
being too ambitious, and care must be taken not to
sacrifice family and love relationships in favour of
the career. This is particularly likely if Mars
receives negative aspects from Uranus. This person
takes sex very seriously, giving great consideration
to the choice of partner before making the first move.

MARS IN AQUARIUS: The independence and need for
freedom so often associated with Aquarius is very much
evident again in this placing. There is a decidedly
unconventional streak, and maybe a touch of
'zany-ness'. Although this can be very endearing, it
can also be embarrassing in, say, a professional
situation. There is a lot of stubbornness here, and
the Martian energy is not evenly used - there will be
great bursts of activity, followed by long periods of

If Mars receives negative aspects from Uranus or the
Moon, then considerable nervous strain and tension is
likely, which must be released, preferably through an
activity that harmonises the mind and body, such as
yoga. The pioneering spirit of Mars combines well with
the humanitarian qualities of Aquarius to spur this
person to do much about suffering, including perhaps a
certain amount of direct or field work in places where
help is needed.  There is no very highly charged
emotional level here, and whilst this subject
certainly enjoys sex, the need for freedom usually
delays commitment. Considerable originality, even
brilliance, may be expressed through scientific
experimentation, inventiveness, or simply a deep
interest in 'offbeat' subjects.

MARS IN PISCES: This placing considerably raises the
emotional levels, sometimes to a veritable torrent.
This is a very sensual and passionate lover who will
make great sacrifices for love - sometimes too many
sacrifices. Alternatively, they may sacrifice love
itself, in order to follow a vocations or to look
after an elderly or ill relative. Sexual desires are
considerable, and should be expressed imaginatively.
However, this placing needs help from practical
planets like Saturn, otherwise the individual may well
be rather muddled and confused. There can also be
indecision, and a refusal to face up to reality. Great
care is needed that during stressful times this person
does not turn to drugs or alcohol as an easy fix.

This placing emphasises a very colourful imagination,
which should be used creatively - there is great
potential here. However, neither assertiveness nor
self-confidence are high, and as such the subject may
be reluctant to develop his or her talents without
considerable encouragement from loved ones. The
physical energy of Mars does not come through
particularly powerfully with this placing, and
therefore heavy exercise is not necessarily
beneficial. However, skating, dancing or some other
aesthetically pleasing form of exercise would be.
Gullibility, secretiveness and sometimes
self-deception are also present.


Mars through the Houses

Mars' action is to energise, and it will have that
effect on the affairs of the house it occupies in the
birth chart. The individual will expend considerable
energy on that sphere of life, but in the manner
suggested by the sign in which Mars falls. It is
important to decide whether the energies will be
expressed positively or aggressively, which may be
indicated by the aspects that Mars receives from other

MARS IN 1ST HOUSE: Since this is the Aries house, Mars
here will dominate the chart. The physical energies of
Mars will invigorate the ascendant sign, and this
individual has tremendous will power and a desire to
win at all costs. An air of constant rush surround
this person, who always has to be doing something. He
has little patience for those slower than himself, and
does not suffer fools gladly. There is considerable
competitiveness, and a love of challenge. However, the
self-centeredness of Mars can be a problem in this

Bravery and daring are also common, and going all out
for something in a really pioneering way is typical of
this placing. Good vitality generally accompanies this
individual's considerable energy levels, but undue
haste and carelessness can lead to accidents. This
person can generate much enthusiasm and motivation in
himself and others, but must take care not to burn
himself out through over-activity.

MARS IN 2ND HOUSE: Here the Martian energy is directed
towards the acquisition of possessions and wealth.
However, this person is also a big spender who wants
to enjoy the cash he has earned, and wants others to
enjoy it too. Whether capital is acquired through
sheer hard work, clever investment or careful
financial dealing will depend on the Mars sign. The
emotions are also intensified by this placing, and
will be expressed passionately and sensually.
Determination together with strong physical resources
make this a placing that thrives on opposition. The
temper erupts rarely, but very fiercely.

MARS IN 3RD HOUSE: Very often this individual will
have enjoyed his or her school days, and always has
something of the eternal student about them. Extremely
competitive, especially in sport, this person
nonetheless enjoys mental challenges too. An
argumentative tendency is often present, and heated
debates will bring much pleasure. If this person has a
pet issue, they will do all they can using their
excellent communication skills to inspire others to
join them in taking action. Inquisitiveness is also
common, as is a lack of patience. There is also a
tendency to take a rather warrior like stance in
defence of the family, particularly brothers and

MARS IN 4TH HOUSE: A great deal of Martian energy here
is spent on improving and decorating the home. Some
people with this placing periodically become bored
with their home, and enjoy moving many times. Family
life is full of enthusiasm with this placing, and
parenthood is usually welcomed. The home is seen as a
place of security, and much time will be spent just
enjoying being there. This person is often very
protective of their parents and the older generation.

MARS IN 5TH HOUSE: An extremely active love life is
likely with this placing, with an additional emphasis
on sexual pleasure. This individual is an assertive
lover, and passion is shown in a very positive way.
This subject loves children, whether their own or
other people's, and can be a huge inspiration to them.
An inclination for risk taking may well be evident,
with something of a gambling spirit. A colourful flair
is added to any creativity shown elsewhere in the
chart, but there is not much patience for the finer
points of art. Enthusiasm and energy are poured into
any interest, creative or otherwise. This is also an
excellent placing for sporting activities, as it is
another house which encourages competitiveness.

MARS IN 6TH HOUSE: If there is no indication of
nervous tension anywhere else in the chart, and Mars
is free from negative aspects from the Moon and
Uranus, then this placing can help to invigorate the
nervous system and gives a sharply critical, incisive
attitude. On a more physical level, this person could
suffer from skin complains brought on by stress or
nervous tension. Here is someone who is one of the
world's workers, and whilst there is little patience
with dreary routine, he or she is energetically
disciplined and aims to carry out the daily round of
work with military precision. The assertive side of
Mars is not so noticeable here, but a willingness to
serve and to be helpful will be. There is a tendency
to nag when annoyed.

MARS IN 7TH HOUSE: Much positive energy will be
directed towards this person's partnerships, and there
is a lot of will power to make relationships work.
Sometimes, an individual with this placing pushes and
encourages their partner to prominence but at their
own detriment. If the harsher, more quarrelsome side
of Mars is controlled, then this placing is helpful
not only for couples who live together but also for
those who work together, since their joint objectives
are energised by Mars. The connection between Mars and
sexual activity is so strong that it may seem that sex
will dominate any romantic relationship. There is,
however, room for romance and compassion, which will
keep the relationship warm, alive and thriving.

MARS IN 8TH HOUSE: This is the Scorpio house, and
before Pluto was discovered Mars was the ruler of
Scorpio, so this is a powerful placing. An extremely
strong sex drive will be present, and will be
expressed with intensity. There is a fascination with
investigation, and also with self-knowledge. This
usually works out well, but there can be a tendency
towards obsessive behaviour. The choice of career can
often be influenced by this placing, with many
subjects choosing surgery, psychiatry, police or
detective work. There is a deep and abiding interest
in big business and high finance, with a keen,
positive attitude towards investment. The intuition is
increased by this placing, and will be especially well
tuned when it comes to assessing both love and money.
There can be an above average preoccupation with death
and esoteric matters. Occasionally, this placing my
stimulate psychic ability.

MARS IN 9TH HOUSE: Provided the subject shows good
intellectual potential, then this placing will
encourage involvement in and excitement with
intellectual challenge. Further and adult education
will be especially enjoyable. An adventurous spirit
flows through this individual, who will - or would
like to - travel to the ends of the earth, just to see
what is there. Generally there is a ready acceptance
of all kinds of challenge, and a great deal of
bravery.  Restlessness is common, especially if plans
are thwarted. Relaxation techniques encourage what is
already a very philosophical outlook in life.

MARS IN 10TH HOUSE: This placing makes the subject a
force to be reckoned with in his professional life.
The ability to work hard and to achieve objectives is
extremely important, and the possibility of success is
high. This person seems to have a constant sense of
urgency, and would do well to slow down sometimes and
take in some detail. A tendency to argue and to be
quarrelsome is common, especially if Mars receives
negative aspects from Uranus. A strong desire for
worldly progress inspires this person into taking
action each day and every day.

MARS IN 11TH HOUSE: The pioneering spirit of Mars
placed here makes its influence felt in the subject's
social life. Here is the pack leader amongst a group
of friends, spurring them into action and injecting
them with energy and enthusiasm. Friendship is of high
importance to this person, but the aggressive and
argumentative side of Mars means that many friendships
will go through regular rocky patches. The
humanitarian side of the 11th house is very prominent,
and this person is very easily moved by suffering -
and prompted to do something positive about it. The
emotional level of Mars, so fervently expressed
towards the individual's beliefs and hobbies, could be
a little on the cool side to loved ones. This is
because the need for independence adds a certain
detachment to this person, damping down the warm
expression of feelings that do exist.

MARS IN 12TH HOUSE: This individual is rather
secretive, and it is difficult for him to talk to
sympathetic friends or even counsellors. There is a
colourful fantasy life, and this person's emotional
levels are heightened. An identification with human
suffering is one of the best qualities of this
placing, although a tendency to take on other people's
problems can leave the subject so exhausted that he
has not time for his own. This is an excellent
position for someone involved in the caring
professions, adding sympathy and empathy to the
otherwise somewhat brash Martian qualities.

Fifty points for your House if you endured it all the
way to the end. As seen from the above Mars is indeed
a harbringer of war and conflict.  Therfore I would
venture the opinion that this is a red flag indicative
of the coming conflict with Voldemort.

There is my two knuts (or should it be galleons with
the length of this?)


--- cynthiaanncoe at home.com wrote:
> --- In HPforGrownups at y..., Margaret Dean
> <margdean at e...> wrote:
> > 
> > Mars the planet was named after Mars the Roman god
> of war, who
> > was most definitely a "he," so that's probably
> what Professor
> > Trelawney is alluding to.  My guess is that the
> appearance
> > (and/or brightness)  of the planet Mars indicates
> strife -- which
> > is, after all, overwhelmingly likely under the
> circumstances.  We
> > =know= there's a war coming up!
> > 
> Also, I believe Mars is called the "Red Planet."  So
> we can file this 
> with all of the other discussion of house colors,
> the colors of 
> various spells, and the color of Voldemort's eyes.
> A few random factoids:  In mythology, as previously
> stated, Mars was 
> the Roman god of war, and supposedly enjoyed war,
> conflict and 
> mindless killing.  One of his twin sons was Remus
> (hopefully this 
> means Lupin will be important in future books??). 
> The month of March 
> was named after Mars, and the Romans considered it
> the month of 
> wars.  So, Margaret, I think you're right.
> Cindy
> ------
> "Yeah," said Hagrid, "but have yeh seen anythin',
> Ronan?  Anythin' 
> unusual?"
> "Mars is bright tonight," Ronan repeated, while
> Hagrid watched him 
> impatiently.  "Unusually bright."
> "Yeah, but I was meanin' anythin' unusual a bit
> nearer home,"  said 
> Hagrid.  PS/SS

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