[HPforGrownups] Translations for names

rvotaw at i-55.com rvotaw at i-55.com
Mon Aug 12 17:10:42 UTC 2002

No: HPFGUIDX 42525

Clareysage writes:

> topped up.  I don't think she meant them to be totally analysable (eg the
> discussion on Voldemort) by paid-up grammarians.  But if that's what does it
> for you, then rock on!

Oh, I don't know.  Lupin's name gives the whole werewolf thing away.  Though I 
don't think JKR really expected people to go into such great detail as far as 
looking things up in Latin dictionaries, especially when she first came up with 
this whole thing as an unpublished author.  But hey, I've got to do something 
for fun. :)  She'll never get by me that easy again, though! If Book 5 ever 
comes out next century or so, I'll be looking up every new person's name!


Not wanting (as a relatively new member too!) to rain on anyone's parade
here, but I have to say that while it is revealing to look at possible
French and Latin derivations for names, in my opinion, JKR designed them to
give a strong snapshot of the personalities, histories and potentials of
their owners without too much study and heaving great reference books from
the shelf. There are some gorgeous tie ins to Greek and Roman mythology too
I agree but I think this one of the many ways in which JKR keeps the humour
topped up.  I don't think she meant them to be totally analysable (eg the
discussion on Voldemort) by paid-up grammarians.  But if that's what does it
for you, then rock on!

Clareysage - who now sits back and waits for the onslaught from professors
with some trepidation; this is probably my last ever post.


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