TBAY The Missing 24 hours: the untold story
Meg Demeranville
mdemeran at hotmail.com
Tue Aug 27 12:25:59 UTC 2002
No: HPFGUIDX 43221
Whistling lightly, Meg skipped her way down the Theory Bay dock to her Cal 20, emblazoned FIRST MEMORY FRIEND on the stern. For having survived her first week of medical school, she obviously deserved a nice relaxing sail around Theory Bay. Casting off, she headed to the Safe House where she knew she could always pick up Grey Wolf to crew for her.
Arriving at the Safe House, Meg blew on her wolf whistle to call to Grey Wolf. Surprisingly, out of the Safe House what <looked like a human came out It was clearly, in general shape, male, although he was dressed in what appeared to be a toga made out of canvas. He was big, but not in the sense of being fat. He was just built to a scale slightly larger than normal. He was also suffering from a case of superfluous hair that not all the razors in the world could erase. Also, teeth and fingernails were being worn long this season. You'd expect the whole thing to growl, but it spoke in a clear, although definitely low, human voice.> "Who are you?" Meg asked, getting over her shock.
"It's me, Grey Wolf," the man replied. "Cindy upset me this morning the way she treated you, and well, I transformed."
"Treated me? I haven't spoken to her in days. I have been stuck in the anatomy labs since last week. Grey, you know this, have you been in the sun too long?" Meg asked incredulous at the story being told to her.
"But Meg, your boat, it's been sailing all over the bay. And then this morning there was a whole huge confrontation with Cindy on the boat. She told you to go join up with the LOLLIPOPS."
"Perish the thought Grey Wolf, this is my vessel and I am not about to jump ship." Meg was quiet for a second. "Wait a second, I know what was going on. I left my mind here in Theory Bay all week while I was at school. Cindy ran into my good twin, so to speak. Don't worry about it. Let me see what she said"
Grey Wolf opened up a small portable player and handed it to Meg. Meg watched as Cindy confronted and scared her good twin. Grey Wolf watched as Meg gets angrier.
"She doubts my boats BANG? Can she not read? It has lots of Bang. It had Bang before Bang was cool!" Grey Wolf flinched as Meg yelled.
"Calm down now Meg, you haven't seen the rest of it." Grey Wolf started the player again and showed Meg the confrontation between Cindy and himself.
"Ok, thank you Grey Wolf," Meg stated as she began to calm down. "But next time, could you bite first and ask questions later? It really would help matters. But anyway, I think I found another can(n)on for our little boat. Why don't we call over Cindy and let her mess with the evil twin?"
"Meg, are you sure? And where is your good twin, by the way?" Grey Wolf asked.
"Yes I am sure, and she is where all good twins should be. Stuck in the class." Meg replied giggling.
Meg reached into her the pockets of her backpack. Pulling out a scalpel, she pointed it at the Big Bang destroyer. "Meg, I hate to interrupt, but that's not a wand." Grey Wolf stared at Meg as he tried to figure out what she was up to.
"Yes it is Grey, it's just transfigured for class. One less thing I need to carry." Meg pointed the scalpel/wand at the Big Bang destroyer again and steeled her blue eyes on Cindy lounging in her Captain's chair. Muttering something that sounded vaguely like a mnemonic for anatomy, her scalpel emitted a bright blue light from the blade. Apparently satisfied, Meg pocketed the scalpel.
"Now what Meg?"
"Just watch." Grey Wolf watched as Cindy rises from her Captain's chair on the Big Bang destroyer and bounces across the water. Cindy finally landed with a thud onto the Cal 20, dripping wet and obviously angered.
"What is the meaning of this?" Cindy sputtered, still spitting seawater.
"It's time we clarified a few things. I hear you messed with my good twin." Meg stated, glaring down at the Captain.
"Well you see, it was a misunderstanding. And besides, Grey Wolf and I already talked." Cindy looked around nervously. She was clearly uncomfortable with Grey Wolf in such close proximity again.
"No one gets to mess with my good twin. And besides, I thought you might want to be at the unveiling of my new can(n)on. It has plenty of bang to it. Even by your standards, Cindy. I would hate to have you miss such an important event." Meg's voice dripped with sarcasm as she uttered the last sentence. "You see, Cindy, the first time Molly has Harry back in her kitchen she reassumes the mothering role. It's right here in CoS (US Hardback):
"They were starving him, Mum!" said George.
"And you!" said Mrs. Weasley, but it was with a slightly softened expression that she started cutting Harry bread and buttering it for him. (35)
"You see, she immediately assumes a very mothering attitude toward Harry. There are several examples, but I won't quote you an exhaustive list. Besides, I need to get back to studying in a moment. But honestly Cindy, what mother butters an eleven year old's bread? She still remembers him as a toddler, who needed his bread buttered. She remembers that screaming toddler that she took care of in his darkest moment. That is what drives her in GoF. She is having flashbacks, for lack of a better word, of Harry as a small child, one that she comforted by holding and keeping the other children away from, with the minor exception of Ron. You see, this makes the whole situation bangy. Molly has anxiety when Harry is in trouble. Some might speculate that his loss is mirrored in the Weasley family loss of a child. Harry was a chance for her to regain that loss." Meg pulled out her scalpel again and watched as Cindy flinched. "What? Do you think I would risk getting blood on this boat? Power has addled your brain." Meg conjures up a can(n)on that has a scalpel on the top of it. "The scalpel is for the fact that I thought about this while sitting in the anatomy lab. Now do you concede the point, Cindy?"
"Never. I stand by my idea that the Longbottom's took care of him," Cindy spat back, her eyes flashing.
"Now Cindy, sweetheart, darling," Grey Wolf snickered at the sarcasm in Meg's voice, "surely you understand that Frank Longbottom would be a horrible choice to stick Harry with for that day? He was an auror. He was busy trying to round up all of these DEs and handle the Black/Pettigrew incident. And Mrs. Longbottom? She was dealing with Neville. And only Neville. Why would Dumbledore put Harry in the hands of someone who works so closely with people in the dark arts? People who had permission to use the Unforgivable Curses? That would put Harry in horrible danger. The Weasleys were a safe choice. Besides, there were lots of kids there to distract Harry with. You see, it all makes logical sense."
Cindy started to nod her head in agreement. "You might, and I do mean might, have a point."
"Okay, I will accept that. But stay away from my boat" Having said that, Meg pointed her scalpel at Cindy, muttered a few words and sent Cindy back to the Big Bang destroyer with a pop.
"Couldn't you have summoned her like that?" Grey Wolf asked.
"Yeah, but it wouldn't have been nearly as much fun," Meg said with a smirk. "Ok, I need to get back to studying. Will you guard the boat?"
"Sure thing" said Grey Wolf
"Coming about, duck Grey Wolf" Meg yelled into the wind as she pointed the tiller back toward the Theory Bay Marina. Reaching the marina, Meg and Grey Wolf tied up the boat and secured it. Grey Wolf clamored off and watched as Meg lugged her backpack off the boat. Noticing Grey's stare, Meg replied to his unasked question "The books are huge in medical school. And there are a lot of them. Now back to studying." With that, she pulled out a large purple card marked 'med school'. "Instant port-a-key, just tap here. See you soon, Grey Wolf." With that, she tapped the card in the appropriate spot and disappeared back into the labs.
-- Meg (who really must get back to studying)
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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