Siblings sorted differently

Anne R Urbanski urbana at
Tue Dec 3 04:48:04 UTC 2002

No: HPFGUIDX 47630

Clicketykeys wrote:
>Note that the Patil sisters 
>DID get split up.

Yes, I noticed that too. My guess is they *asked* the Sorting Hat to put
them in different houses. (Isn't Parvati in Gryffindor and Padma in
Ravenclaw?). This suggests to me that Parvati and Padma are not
particularly close, or sought to establish their separate identities at
Hogwarts early on.  We haven't really seen a lot of Padma yet; we know more
about Parvati because she's apparently best friends with Lavendar Brown and
both she and Lavendar hang on every word uttered by Professor Trelawny
(which makes them both a bit suspect, IMO), but we don't really know a lot
about either of the sisters. On the other hand, Fred and George Weasley
strike me as merely semi-separate physical manifestations of the same, more
than a tad insane spirit <g> I'd say separate but they are apparently
inseparable. And they are Weasleys, and all the Weasleys WANT to be in
Gryffindor. So, there they go.

BTW since I'm very new here (like a week) I'm still catching up on a lot of
the theories etc. I'm especially enjoying the MAGIC DISHWASHER discussions
(and appreciating the cleverness of people who can think up acronyms like
this ...I'm so jealous). I'm learning a lot from everyone. I just hope I
have the stamina to keep up with the digests (since I seem to be neglecting
certain other lists I'm on...)

Anne U
(trying not to become totally sucked into the Potterverse...still at only
29% obsessed... so I still "have a real life" ;-)

"It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our
abilities."  - Albus Dumbledore, in "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets"

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