On the nature of theories/MAGIC DISHWASHER

clicketykeys clicketykeys at yahoo.com
Wed Dec 4 12:45:35 UTC 2002

No: HPFGUIDX 47699

I find it curious that we're not supposed to use metathinking in 
dealing with Pip's MD theory, when waaay back in post 39662 the first 
point made after the claim that the Voldemort-Potter war is a modern 
war fought undercover style:

> Non-British readers may be largely unaware that the 'United' Kingdom  
> was embroiled in a low-scale civil war for over 20 years of my and  > JKR's life (1970's to 1990's). It's not surprising that her 
> fictional  civil war resembles the one she will have seen on the 
> news every day.

Now, unless someone is going to claim that Voldemort has been keeping 
an eye on mundane politics for the past however long and is basing his 
actions on what he learned there, this is an example of outside 
information being used to support MD, back at the very beginning. I am 
not claiming that this is a central pillar of support or anything, 
merely citing it as an example.


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