Sirius don't need no stinkin' remorse

clicketykeys clicketykeys at
Wed Dec 4 22:54:06 UTC 2002

No: HPFGUIDX 47739

--- In HPforGrownups at y..., "erisedstraeh2002" <erisedstraeh2002 at y...> 

> I completely agree.  I think there's far more that we have to learn 
> about the Prank.  It just seems to me that the Prank (from what we 
> know about it to date) wasn't horrible enough to have engendered the 
> level of hatred that exists between Snape and Sirius/Remus, and that 
> once existed between Snape and James.

Hm. Just some ramdomish ponderings, here, but ... well, first off ... 
I'm not sure Remus and Snape hate each other as much as SIRIUS and 
Snape seem to. So, taking that into consideration: what if Snape hates 
Sirius because he holds Sirius responsible for James' death, and more 
importantly (to Snape, perhaps) his failure to repay the life-debt?

Likewise, Sirius thinks of Snape as a sellout of the WORST sort - he 
joined Voldemort, ignored the life-debt to James, and then switched 
sides AGAIN when it was convenient so that he wouldn't get in trouble. 
What a wanker.

Of course, it's entirely possible that someone else has suggested this 


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