Harry's gift giving (was Re: [HPforGrownups] Re: Umm... do they bathe?)

illyana delorean illyana at mindspring.com
Wed Dec 4 23:14:54 UTC 2002

No: HPFGUIDX 47740

Sheryl said:
>There is only so much detail a person can fit into a book. Just like
>presents... We only see what Harry gets for his birthday. We don't see what
>he gives Ron and Hermione for theirs. We assume he does get them birthday
>presents, but it is not mentioned. In fact, I believe there is only one
>instance where we actually see someone get a present from Harry and that is
>GoF with Ron's Chudley Cannon's hat.

At the QWC Harry buys both Ron and Hermione those omnioculars (i 
think that's the correct spelling). He says that they're worth the 
next 10 Christmas presents - so I guess those could count! Although 
Ron does pay him back with that "gold."

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